Chapter 227 The Virtual Game Engine Comes Out

Chapter 227 The Virtual Game Engine Comes Out

But Xiao Jun doesn't have time to study this electrochemistry right now, because he has too many other things to be busy with.

"Report Master, Galaxy Virtual Game Engine 1.0 has been successfully developed!"

The next day, Xiao Jun received the good news from the Steward of the Galaxy!

"Let me see!" Xiao Jun, who was correcting documents in the office, was overjoyed when he heard the good news. Immediately check it on the computer at his desk.

Opened the Galaxy virtual game engine, checked it out, and conducted some detailed tests...

"Huh... It took almost 3 years to finally develop you!" Xiao Jun sighed with emotion.

The Galaxy virtual game engine has been developed by himself since he was in high school. Since this game engine requires a lot of writing various programs, etc., it is very time-consuming.

The entire Galaxy virtual game engine is produced by imitating Halliday's Oasis virtual game engine.

70 of this engine was written by him, and the rest was developed with the help of Galaxy Steward. If it wasn't for Galaxy Steward's day and night development, if he continued to rely on him alone, it would probably take another one to two years!

Fortunately, the steward of the galaxy appeared later!

"Now that the virtual game engine has been developed, it's time for me to develop a virtual game!" Xiao Jun was extremely determined in his heart. To develop a virtual game, a virtual game engine is very critical.

Without this virtual game engine, you cannot develop a super virtual game like Halliday Oasis!

Because whether it is an online game now or a virtual game in the future. The production of a game is all produced on the game engine.

Therefore, virtual games are the core and soul of a game!

A good virtual game can determine what kind of quality game you make!

In other words, the better your game engine, the better your game will be! Of course, it also has a lot to do with the game development team.

However, even if you have a top-level game development team and don't have a good game engine to develop games for you, you are still a smart woman who can't cook without rice!

Now that Xiao Jun has money and a virtual game engine, how long will it take to start developing virtual games?

"Su Ci, come in!" Xiao Jun picked up the landline and called Su Ci.

Soon, Su Ci walked in from the outside.

"Boss, what's the matter?" Su Ci hurried in and asked.

"Now I have three things for you to do. First, register a game company now. Second, three days later, my Galaxy Technology company will hold a media conference. I have important things to announce! Third, find an office location for my new game company. The place needs to be large, at least a company address of more than 2,000 square meters! Also, find a headhunting company, I want to hire some high-end game development teams or employees! People with real materials!" Xiao Jun made so many decisions in one go.

"Good boss!" After following Xiao Jun for so long, Su Ci knew not to ask, since her boss was going to enter the game industry, she was shocked, but didn't say much. Just do your job!

"Okay, let's go!"

Recruiting game development employees is a must, and it is estimated that hundreds of people will be recruited.

After all, the development of a game is huge, and it is comparable to developing a game engine. It is impossible for Xiao Jun to develop it by himself.

The steps of developing the game are divided into: planning, design, coding, testing and release!

In terms of planning, Xiao Jun didn't need those employees to do it. He directly discussed with Halliday the planning of this virtual game, including the game background, its free gameplay, and so on.

What Xiao Jun wants these employees to do is to design this virtual game, such as the development of character modeling, numerical functions, scene art... and so on!

Anyway, now that we have the Galaxy virtual game engine, these employees only need to develop according to the game plan thrown out by Xiao Jun, according to his design requirements, and according to his ideas.

It is enough for him to supervise it as a whole. If he is not satisfied, it is called improvement!

Xiao Jun is very clear that the development of this virtual game is not the core of the virtual game, there are only three cores of the virtual game, first: the virtual game engine. Second, fault-tolerant server matrix and cloud engine. Third: the hardware device of the virtual game.

The technology of these three things is all in Xiao Jun's hands!

Just like his Galaxy special effects company, those employees would not be able to produce those perfect and realistic movie special effects without his semi-finished virtual game engine!

Everything is built on the game engine.

Similarly, even if these teams of Xiao Jun's future game company resign collectively and change jobs, or sell commercial secrets. Other companies do not have Xiao Jun's virtual game engine, his fault-tolerant server matrix and cloud computing, and the core technology of those hardware devices. They can't make virtual games either!

"When my game company is established, the development of the game will be on the right track, and the hardware of my virtual game can be produced ahead of schedule!" Xiao Jun thought to himself. He had already kept these techniques in his mind, and they were all provided to him by Halliday.

Three days later.

The scene of the press conference of Galaxy Technology Company.

In the hall, hundreds of media reporters and some people who came to participate gathered here.

To be honest, these media don't know what important news Xiao Jun will announce next!

Now Galaxy Technology Company can be regarded as a prestigious company in China. After all, the Galaxy T1 chip was developed before.

Many media and people from all walks of life still pay close attention to the company's dynamics.

"Could it be that Galaxy Technology has developed a new chip technology this time?"

"Probably not, how long is it from Galaxy T1?"

"Could it be that Yinhe Technology previously announced that it would develop a new type of communication technology, and now it has a breakthrough?"

"Hehe... you can believe the bragging!"

"Maybe it's an expansion of a new project? After all, Galaxy Technology Company doesn't seem to be very keen on making chips, and Qualcomm is holding down the patent fee. Mr. Xiao doesn't seem to be interested in Qualcomm, and he would rather not make money than make chips..."

On stage, Xiao Jun came on stage.

"Gentlemen and ladies, hello friends from the media, I am Xiao Jun, chairman of Yinhe Technology Company! I am very glad that you can come to the company's media conference. This time, I have something important to announce to you!" Xiao Jun said with a smile.