Chapter 290 Global Panic

Chapter 290 Global Panic

Because no one thought that neutrino communication technology would be manufactured so soon. The most important thing is that the technology that Xiao Jun has brought out has reached the level of voice communication, that is to say, it has surpassed the initial stage of spreading letters. As long as the research and development continues, it may only take 2.3 years to produce mature communication technology, and then it can be commercialized!

All the domestic mobile phone companies, communication giants, network information companies... When people saw this news, they were all shocked!

"The communication industry is about to change! But fortunately, this technology is manufactured by our Huaxia company, and finally we don't have to be cheated by crooked nuts in the future. Even being cheated by Xiao Lun for patent fees is better than being cheated by crooked nuts." ."

"So it doesn't take long for the 5G radio communication to be commercialized, and it will be replaced by this neutrino communication?"

"It seems that radio communication technology is going to be eliminated, but neutrino communication is just starting now, and it is estimated that it will take a few years of buffer before it can dominate the market! And when it is commercialized, let's see if its cost is high, If the cost is good and the patents are high, there is still room for wireless communication, after all, the operating cost of radio is currently low, and it is a mature technology~"

"I estimate that the radio market will be completely eliminated for at least 10 years!"

"But I have to say that the neutrino communication was actually developed by Yinhe Technology, which is really surprising~"

This news was discussed by people from all walks of life. Among them, the bigwigs from all walks of life in the country were shocked.

Everyone understands that neutrino communication is much more powerful than radio communication. No matter which communication field it is used in, it is the most ideal communication method. It is definitely a killer strategic communication technology when it is used in the military field.

Everyone knows that neutrinos can travel in a straight line at nearly the speed of light, and can easily penetrate steel, seawater, and even the entire earth, with very little energy loss.

So neutrinos are superior to using electromagnetic waves (radio) for communication. Because, in the face of the obstacles of mountains and oceans, electromagnetic waves will appear weak and weak, but neutrinos don't care. At present, there are still some areas where radio cannot visit due to natural conditions. These areas where there is no radio or TV programs are known as "blind areas". The practical application of neutrino communication will bring good news to these areas.

Obviously, Galaxy Technology has brought this gospel to mankind now!

Huaxia Third Institute of Science.

"Hahaha... I didn't expect Xiao Jun to actually do it and develop the neutrino communication technology. I thought it would take him 5 or 10 years. An important step has been taken in the past six months! I never thought that I would see neutrino communication technology in my lifetime..." Dean Zhou Jiangmin was so excited that he almost had high blood pressure.

Over the years, communication technology has always been dominated by Westerners. Although Huawei is also very powerful now, Qualcomm is still the dominant position!

This has caused the communication patent fee to be given to the other party all the time.

It's different now. Huaxia has developed a new type of communication base, and they will be the ones who will charge the patent fees in the future. It's really a turn of wind and water, 30 years in the east of the river and 30 years in the west of the river.

The most important thing is that this kind of neutrino communication is used in the military, it will definitely have a huge effect!

"Yes, teacher. I never thought that Mr. Xiao and the R&D team behind him are really admirable. They have made great inventions that we can't do. It seems that Mr. Xiao should be able to win the Nobel Prize this time." Tang Jiansheng He said enviously, for a scientist, being able to achieve the Nobel Prize is a manifestation and affirmation of his strength!

"Hmph, what is the Nobel Prize for? What we are most happy about is that this technology was invented in China, and our future communication technology can dominate the world!" Zhou Jianmin is not very interested in the Nobel Prize.

"That's that..." Tang Jiansheng wiped the sweat from his forehead~

"It seems that I have to report this matter to the higher authorities. We Huaxia must fully support such a strategic level of technological development! I believe Xiao Jun will be happy to cooperate with Huaxia." Zhou Jiangmin said solemnly. If a private enterprise wants to grow big and reach a world-class level, it cannot do without the support of the state, and everyone will unite in the development!

For example, Huawei, although it is a private enterprise, must have China's support for its development secretly!

Take Qualcomm as an example, do you believe me that it does not have the support of the US emperor?

"Of course, I believe the above also has this meaning~" Tang Jiansheng nodded.

At the same time, that night, news of the successful development of neutrino communication spread throughout the world!

The city is full of trouble! Even the powers and communication giants around the world became terrified.

After all, in the field of communication, electromagnetic waves (radio) are still the mainstream, and the development of radio has not yet reached its peak. After all, now is the 5g era, and there will definitely be a 6g7g8g era in the future, but at this point in time, a company in Huaxia has developed neutrino communication technology. The sun is setting!

This situation is very bad for them.

US News Weekly: A few days ago, Yinhe Technology, a private company in Huaxia, developed neutrino communication technology, which can carry out voice communication at a distance of 50 kilometers. Is the era of radio coming to an end?

Moreover, this kind of neutrino communication technology was originally only in the stage of fantasy theory, but now it has been developed by the Chinese people... The development of China in the past few years has become more and more frightening!

According to experts' assertion, after 3 years, perhaps the truly mature neutrino communication technology will mature and even enter commercialization, which will be a disaster for companies such as Qualcomm! In the future, we will have to pay patent fees to this Galaxy Technology company all over the world!

Western News Express: Just when Qualcomm and other companies are proudly earning 5G patent fees, Galaxy Technology has already put a knife on their necks~

Why is Galaxy Corporation so strong? Is it really just a startup?

It has only been 4 years, and it has developed so rapidly!

Hehe, looking at many companies around the world, there are also many companies that have become world-class companies in just a few years! Don't be too surprised!

It can only be said that now is the era of eating brains, and science makes the richest man! I believe this Xiao Jun will be a strong contender for the richest man in the world in the future!

Anyway, the communication giants and major forces in the West are terrified now.