Chapter 291 The Threshold Has Been Broken

Chapter 291 The Threshold Has Been Broken

Such as Qualcomm, Ericsson, Samsung and other companies! They are all beneficiaries of 5G.

Of course there is also Huawei, but Huawei is currently cooperating with Galaxy Technology, and everyone is also a Chinese company, so I feel a little better.

But for companies such as Qualcomm, it is very painful.

Because the neutrino communication technology threatens the cake in their communication field!

If neutrino communication is commercialized, it will be a devastating blow to their market share!

Think about it, Qualcomm used to earn global patent fees, but due to the advent of neutrino communication, the radio they are proud of will be eliminated. Instead, their company will have to pay neutrino communication patent fees to Xiao Jun . I have to say that the transition from boss to wage earner is very uncomfortable.

Their profitable 5G technology is also facing elimination, and they will have to accept neutrino communication technology in the future.

Qualcomm headquarters.

In Nuo Da's conference room, a board meeting is in progress.

"The Yinhe technology company in Huaxia has developed the real neutrino communication technology, and it is now able to make voice calls. I don't think it will be 3 years from its long-distance calls and networking! Not to mention three years later, it will be Saying that the other party has brought this technology out now, it proves that the field of wireless communication will be eliminated in the near future!"

"This will cause a devastating blow to our company! You should know that 60% of our company's income comes from radio patent fees. Once our business is lost, it will be a devastating blow to our company! But our company The research on neutrino communication is zero! That is to say, it is too late for us to catch up with technology!" Qualcomm Chairman said sternly.

"The chairman is right, so what should we do now?" Another director asked.

"We can't catch up because of technology, but I should definitely invest in research on neutrino communication! We can't let this distance get bigger and bigger."

"Well said!"

"In addition, I remember that this Yinhe Technology company is a new company. It has only been established for a few years. It must have insufficient funds for development. It will definitely need several rounds of financing. I think we can contact this company to see if we can raise funds!"

"This can be possible. It's good that this company has developed this strategic communication technology. I guess many forces will take action to raise funds. I think our chances are very slim! Also, I think Huaxia will definitely not let this technology Let outsiders to raise funds! It is estimated that Huaxia fully supports it." The president analyzed.

"The analysis makes sense, but we are not reconciled if we haven't tried it. Even if there is a 0.01 chance, we will try it!"

"Okay, then let's send a team to visit Galaxy Technology Corporation!"

"That's how it was decided."

Apart from Qualcomm, there are many other giants in the communication industry who sent people to China immediately.

Outside of this field, many large investment companies, banks, large consortiums, etc. have sent people to Huaxia. That's right, they are all fancy that Yinhe Technology is a private enterprise, and it is also a new company. Maybe when the funds are insufficient and they need financing, they can get a share of the pie.

Ever since, in the past few days, Xiao Jun's Yinhe company has been visited by people one after another, even seven or eight people a day.

Karba and the five colleagues he brought over were sitting in the temporary reception room of the Galaxy Company, and he was a little impatient to wait!

Because he has been chilled for an hour. He was sent by Qualcomm. He was not happy that a big company like him had been left out for so long when he came here.

"Miss, when will the boss of your company, Mr. Xiao Jun, be free to meet with me?" Karba walked to the door and asked a lady at the front desk next to him.

"Sorry, I don't know. The people in the chairman's office haven't told me clearly. You should stop waiting or come back tomorrow, because you are the fifth wave of people who came here today. Maybe Mr. Xiao is now Get busy talking to those people." The front desk lady smiled.

"What? We are the fifth wave of people today?" Kalba was stunned at this moment, he did not expect so many people to come to Galaxy Company. Seeing this, he didn't feel any resentment, but was very worried that Yinhe Company agreed to cooperate with other companies. If it cooperated with other companies, it would be a big loss.

"Yes, sir!"

"Then how long do we have to wait?" Karba asked.

"Hard to say..."

Now Karba lost his temper! Because people are indeed a sweet pastry.

Now, Karba and the others waited until 5 o'clock in the afternoon before Xiao Jun received them.

Originally, Xiao Jun was too lazy to meet with so many companies, but now that he met this Qualcomm company, Xiao Jun wanted to disgust the other party. He was originally not interested in this company, so it can be said that he hates it!

If it weren't for the company's patent trap, his mobile phone would have been on the market long ago!

Instead of developing a new communication technology for yourself first. But that's good too, Xiao Jun thinks the new communication technology is more profitable!

Inside the conference room.

"Mr. Xiao, nice to meet you. I'm Barba from Qualcomm! I'm here this time to find out if your company has any intentions to raise funds? Or sell shares..." Karl Barbara Barbara Barbara said.

After Xiao Jun listened, he smiled lightly. He had heard this kind of words no less than 30 times in the past few days! The threshold of his company was almost broken!

"I can only say this. It depends on what price you give. I don't think about financing. I have that intention in selling shares!" Xiao Jun smiled lightly.

"Ah? Really?" Kalba was overjoyed. He didn't expect the other party to be so stupid as to sell the shares?

"We are willing to buy your shares at a high price. Your neutrino communication technology is currently the world's number one. Our bid is definitely not low. I wonder what price you are willing to give?" Karba asked excitedly.

"I want to sell 49 shares!" Xiao Jun said.

"Okay, okay! Our company has strong financial resources and can afford it!" Karba became even more excited, because he didn't expect the other party to sell so many shares!

"Very good, I sold the 49 shares for 1 trillion dollars!" Xiao Jun said.

It was really a surprise in the first half, but I wanted to curse in the second half! 1 trillion US dollars, are you a fool!

Although this technology is awesome, 49 shares are not worth that much money! The other party is obviously happy with him!

"Mr. Xiao, are you joking?"

"No, I'm serious. My technology is number one in the world and unique! It's worth it!"