Chapter 297 Sales

Chapter 297 Sales

Global Technology Weekly: Shocked, one month after Galaxy Technology Corporation announced the advent of neutrino communication technology, the company announced that it has completely conquered remote communication technology and network communication technology.

You only need to reward a large relay station and signal transmitting and receiving tower, and the signal can cover the entire province!

And it is advertised that neutrino communication can be commercialized by the end of next year! Is it possible that radio communication has been ruled for more than a hundred years and will be eliminated?

Where should companies like Qualcomm go from here? Should we continue to study 6G? 7G?

The company also announced that it has also launched the second-generation Galaxy mobile phone chip, and the single-core running score can reach a terrifying 7000 points! And also developed a brand new mobile phone, which will be launched next year together with neutrino communication technology... also developed a brand new mobile phone operating system. Specific news will be announced in the first half of next year...


Information explosion.

Now people all over the world know that neutrino communication is going to be commercialized, and Yinhe Technology has also conquered most of the technology.

And the first-generation technology has completely abused the 5G network speed. The most important thing is that the neutrino communication signal is super strong, and it can easily penetrate the earth, which means that the earth does not have any signal blind spots!

In the future, there will no longer be situations where the number you dial is not in the service area!

"No, Yinhe Technology has really commercialized the neutrino communication technology?"

"However, according to the characteristics of neutrinos, its infrastructure is indeed not a big project. It does not need to build a large number of relay stations and signal towers like radio. And its penetrability is very strong, and there is no weak signal. The situation arises."

"As expected of neutrino communication, it is indeed one of the best communication methods in the future galaxy century."

"In this case, I am looking forward to this neutrino communication technology. There are still too many shortcomings in radio communication."

"I checked, and it seems that Galaxy Technology Company has not conducted any financing or share sales. Could it be that Galaxy Technology Company has the full support of Huaxia?"

"Hey, that's for sure! It is said that the boss of this company is also involved in this research. The boss of this company has been reported by the media a few years ago that he is a genius!"

"Amazing my brother!"

The information of this neutrino communication has indeed sparked heated discussions around the world.

Galaxy Technology Company is also the best in the world and has become a well-known company!

Its market value estimate has suddenly broken through from 10 billion to more than 100 billion.

Of course, this is just its market value, not that the company has so much money.

The reason why the market value is so high is because it holds this neutrino communication technology, which is unique in the world!

For this situation, the first is the reaction and worry of the major forces.

The bigwigs of the world's major forces are very panicked by the emergence of this mature neutrino communication technology in China.

After all, this is a brand new communication method, which is infinitely more perfect than radio communication.

The first thought is to use it in the field of government affairs, as well as in information warfare.

In today's era, information security is a very important thing.

When the two sides are fighting, it is very important that information can be safely and quickly delivered to the combat troops.

If there is no signal in some places, or where the signal is weak, people use neutrino communication without any communication pressure, so they come out without breaking the gap.

Therefore, the forces of all parties are very eager and greedy for this neutrino communication technology, and they are also worried. Can't wait for this strategic technology to be in their hands.

In addition to the forces of all parties, it is Qualcomm and other communication companies.

They know that with the advent of neutrino communication technology, once it is commercialized next year, it will be a devastating blow to their companies.

The 5G technology they are proud of and even the 6G technology under research will be eliminated by neutrino communication technology.

Communication giants like them will face the risk of bankruptcy!

Qualcomm headquarters.

"Chairman, we have already sent someone to ask for financing from Galaxy Technology, but the other party obviously won't want to raise money. And other companies and consortiums also want to raise money for the company or acquire shares. But they were all rejected. It seems that this Yinhe technology company must have received the full support of Huaxia. Originally, there was only one Huawei, which gave us a headache. Now there is another Yinhe technology company, and the other party also announced that the neutrino communication technology may be commercialized next year. Transformation! So what should we do now?" A senior executive asked the chairman.

"For now, we have no effective way. Although we have invested in the research of neutrino communication, we don't have enough time and we don't have any research ideas. Facing the opponent's epoch-making technology , we can only take one step at a time! While there is still more than a year left, we can earn as much as we can. It will take at least three years for the other party's neutrino communication technology to be commercialized globally."

"In this case, we can only see how the higher-ups deal with it, whether to accept this technology into our US emperor, or to keep it out!" the chairman said in a deep voice.

"Okay." Everyone was silent.

Galaxy Technology Corporation.

Xiao Jun took a sip of coffee, his mind was full of thoughts, the market can't just focus on Huaxia, since the technology has no problem, it's time to open up the market.

"Looks like it's time to go abroad for a business trip!" Xiao Jun thought to himself. The mobile phone system, which he asked Galaxy Steward to develop more than half a year ago, was based on the mobile phone system of Comet Takishima.

The chips, screens, cameras, and various components inside are all developed and designed with reference to Takishima Comet's latest mobile phone.

Because he was too lazy to design it himself, he directly copied Takishima Comet's mobile phone.

Because the mobile phone invented by Comet Takishima is also very advanced, at least more advanced than Apple X!

Coupled with Xiao Jun's Galaxy T2 chip, I believe it will be able to beat everything when it is launched.

What he needs to be busy now is to sell his neutrino communication technology!

The market cake he wants must be global!

So it is definitely necessary to go to foreign countries for sales promotion.

It is better to hit the sun than to choose a date. He plans to go to the United States first in a week, the next stop is Europe, the next stop is er Ross, and the next stop is...

Xiao Jun knew that the road to sales would probably be a bit difficult this time. After all, radio has now reached its peak. He suddenly created a neutrino communication technology, which offended many people and touched the interests of many people, so he did not Know how many countries will replace his technology. Or even if you are willing to accept this technology, you don't know what unreasonable demands you will make!