Chapter 308 Bumar's Surprise for Xiao Jun

Chapter 308 Bumar's Surprise for Xiao Jun

A week later, the neutrino communication baseband was finally designed by Xiao Jun. As a result, the Galaxy phone will be delivered to foundries around the world to produce various parts after a week. Finally, all parts will be handed over to Foxconn for assembly!

There is no need for him to go out and deal with these matters, just let the company's senior management handle them.

This day is the long-lost group reward distribution day.

After waking up and having breakfast, Xiao Jun went to the company and went inside to argue with the group of friends.

"Hahaha... I'm finally a billionaire now! Thank you, boss, and everyone for helping me..." Sheldon cheered loudly in the group. In fact, he is also very emotional. If there is no such group, he is probably still an otaku university teacher. But since he joined this group, he started to make a fortune step by step.

"Yo, how much is the total assets?" Tony asked with a curled lip.

"Hey, around $10 billion."

"It's only 10 billion US dollars. My company earns more than that in a month." Tony said very shamelessly.

"I didn't compete with you!" Sheldon didn't bother to compare with Tony. He knew that this guy's family was rich.

"Same joy, same joy, I have become a superhero where I am now, hehe." Comet Takishima did not forget to share his recent achievements.

"Hey, are you really so lazy to become a superhero?" Sheldon asked.

"Of course!"

"Seeing that you have so many happy events to announce, let me announce one too. After I used the super soldier serum, I became younger. Now my girlfriend is also pregnant!" Halliday smiled honestly.

The reason why Halliday obtained the super soldier serum was of course obtained through a private exchange of some technology with Dr. Erskine. Speaking of which, Halliday is also an old man, but since joining this group, many thoughts have gradually changed. Unwilling to regret his whole life like this, he chose to give himself a chance to live again.

She even got out of the emotional predicament, not only found a girlfriend but also became pregnant, which really surprised many people.

"Congratulations!" Xiao Jun popped up to congratulate. He was very relieved to see Halliday become the happy look he is now. After all, the other party also helped him a lot.

I have to say that because of this, many of the group of friends are developing in the direction of happiness, so why not him?

"Brother group leader, you are finally bubbling. I have good news for you!" At this time, Bulma was also bubbling.

"Oh Bulma girl, do you have any surprises for me?" Xiao Jun still has a good impression of this Bulma, who belongs to the pistachio in the group, because if there is a disagreement, the photo will explode. Those photos are very attractive to the comments of the livestock.

"Didn't you ask me last time to see if I can invent a mine detection radar? It took me half a year to finally develop it!" Boomer said softly.

"Mine detection radar?" Xiao Jun listened with surprise on his face. He mentioned before that he didn't expect Bulma to actually manufacture it. He didn't expect that the other party would actually manufacture it after so long. I have to say that he was very surprised.

Bulma invented the Dragon Ball radar at a young age, which can detect the approximate location of the Dragon Ball. In addition, the technology in the world of "Dragon Ball" is very advanced, and even has spaceships. So it is not surprising that Bulma can develop an advanced radar for detecting mines.

She was originally a genius scientist girl!

"Yes, this radar is called mineral vein radar. Its detection range is 50 square kilometers, and its detection depth can reach 10,000 meters! Using particle magnetic field radar technology... not only on land, but also in the ocean... "Bulma Balabala said.

"Damn it, it sounds awesome. The detection range can reach 50 kilometers in radius, and the depth can reach 10,000 meters deep!" Xiao Jun opened his mouth wide, a little shocked. Because of the earth he is currently on, humans have also invented various mineral detection instruments. But it is really unheard of that the detection range can cover a radius of 50 square kilometers. Not to mention that it can detect to the depth of 10,000 meters! At 10,000 meters underground, there is nothing to hide from any mineral lode!

"Wow, our Bulma girl is really amazing. She can even invent such a high-tech radar." Comet Takishima praised.

"Admiration, admiration, I am willing to bow down." Sheldon also gave a thumbs up.

"I think Boomer will definitely be a super female scientist in the future!" Tony said with a smile at this time.

Boomer doesn't care about compliments from a bunch of people, she is not interested in such compliments, if someone praises her big breasts, she is quite happy. Because she felt that she was not big enough there.

"Brother group owner, last time you said that I invented this detector for you, you would tell me the future man, is it true? I wonder if you are satisfied with my detector?" Boomer Asked with a look of anticipation.

"Of course I'm satisfied. I'll master you now, who will be your future partner!" Xiao Jun pretended to be mysterious.

"Your future husband is called Vegeta. He is a tall and handsome man who definitely meets your aesthetic standards. He is very strong and can protect you for the rest of his life! By the way, you will have a son and a daughter in the future. The first child is Son." Xiao Jun didn't hide anything, and told this cute girl the truth.

"Vegeta? So my future husband is not Yamcha?" Bumar asked. She has flirted with Yamcha now.

"Yes, at most he can only be regarded as your ex-boyfriend who is very caring." Xiao Jun smiled.

"Then I'll go find Vegeta now! Do you know where he is, Brother Master?" Bumar asked.

"You can't find it now. He is an alien and is not on the earth. But you will meet in the future. He and Monkey King are of the same race."

"Ah? He's not from Earth? Sun Wukong isn't from Earth either?" Bulma was shocked now.

"Boss, you said this Vegeta is an alien, very strong? How strong is it?" Tony asked with a look of disdain.

"Yes, we are also very curious. Sister Bulma actually took advantage of this person!" Sheldon was also indignant.

"Hey, Tony, put on the steel suit, you can barely let him punch you! One punch will be smashed into pieces!" Xiao Jun laughed. What he said is indeed true, the force value in the Dragon Ball world is very terrifying. In the middle and late stages, it is very common to blow up a planet with one punch!