Chapter 307 Neutrino Communication Baseband

Chapter 307 Neutrino Communication Baseband

In the end, there was still a situation of grabbing the head!

After all, the "Galaxy" virtual game is too good, and it has already become popular in China. If they don't seize the opportunity, there will be no chance in the future.

Although the agency fee this time is a bit expensive, and the dividends received are pitifully small. But they know they can be profitable if they do well.

So most of them started to compete vigorously one by one.

Take the United States as an example. The EA game company and BLIZZARD game company of the United States both want to obtain the agency rights of the "Galaxy" virtual game. But the United States will only have one agent.

So these two world-renowned game companies started to rob each other!

"Director Zheng, I am willing to pay an agency fee of 130 million US dollars. I really want to get the agency rights of "Galaxy"!" Bilson asked Zheng Tianhao.

" have the money? Mr. Zheng, our EA company is willing to pay an agency fee of 150 million US dollars. And our company is mainly engaged in the development, publishing and sales of various electronic games. Leaving aside the development of games, I think our company The publishing and sales business is definitely the best among many game companies. Our promotion channels and sales channels are absolutely the most complete. If the "Galaxy" virtual game appears in our hands, we believe that everyone in the United States can enjoy it. I know this game. And there is absolutely no problem in selling virtual game equipment offline and online..." Bartley Barbara of EA Game Company said.

"You..." Bilson gritted his teeth when he saw that Bartley had mentioned an agency fee of 150 million US dollars. He felt that the price could not be raised any further. After all, the original agency fee of 100 million US dollars is very expensive. If it is more than 150 million US dollars, the board of directors will definitely not agree.

"Hey" Bartley smiled slightly when he saw Bilson's deflated look. Over the years, their EA game company has a tendency to shrink in the game business. Of course, they rarely represent other people's games. But this time it was different, it was a brand new virtual game, so they made a move. They hope this game will bring steady income to their company...

"Okay, both of you are great, but after our company's careful consideration, we decided to choose EA game company! Congratulations, Mr. Bartley." In the end, Zheng Tianhao still chose EA game company.

After all, this game company is not only old, but its sales channels are indeed very complete. It has its own sales channels in Midea, which will be a huge help for the future sales of virtual game equipment.

"Hey..." Bilson was a little disappointed when he saw that his company was not selected. But he wasn't too entangled. Because it is still an agency fee, it is too expensive.

However, after a few years, it is estimated that Pilsen's company will regret it. Even a high-level executive sighed: Even if the agency fee of 300 million US dollars was required at that time, they should have won the agency right of the "Galaxy" virtual game! Of course, this is for another day.

At this moment, 36 companies are competing fiercely, and finally 11 companies are determined!

The next day, after finalizing the detailed contract content, the contracts were signed one after another.

Each of the 11 companies contributed at least US$100 million in agency fees, and some companies even increased their prices automatically due to competition. So in the end, Xiao Jun's game company got an agency fee of 1.5 billion US dollars from these 11 companies!

This is just signing the contract and earning 1.5 billion U.S. dollars in vain. Converted into RMB, it is more than 10.3 billion dollars.

When the game goes online there, it will be the time to really start making money, because not only will there be countless players in the game who will continue to consume, but the game equipment sold will also be a steady stream of money.

Soon, after these game companies went back, they all announced that they had obtained the agency rights of the "Galaxy" virtual game. Also began to announce plans for future games to come to market.

Of course, there is also the hardware equipment for the supporting virtual game that has started to sell the "Galaxy" virtual game.

Official website of EA game company: Recently, the company has obtained the agency right of the "Galaxy" virtual game, and will start selling virtual game hardware equipment next month. The game will be tested in two months, and the game will be launched in three months!

As soon as this news came out, it caused a sensation in the US imperialist land.

Because the "Galaxy" virtual game has already attracted the love of many local people. They were pitiful in the first half of the year and could only be watched but not played. Now, there is a domestic company representing this game, and they can finally play it soon. !

However, after seeing the price, many people are still surprised that these devices are too expensive.

"Yeah, the "Galaxy" virtual game will be released in three months. I will definitely play it when the time comes. Recently, I watch Huaxia's game videos every day. I can only watch but not play. I almost want to fly to Huaxia to buy game equipment. ."

"I'm looking forward to this game! A real virtual reality game."

"I've seen the game video of this game, it's like watching a sci-fi movie, you can play a movie in it! No, it's more realistic than a sci-fi movie."

"It's a pity that these devices are too expensive. It takes more than 4,000 US dollars..."

"It's a little expensive, but I heard that EA will open a virtual game Internet cafe at that time, and you can go to the Internet cafe to play!"

"More than $4,000 is not very expensive, it's just my monthly salary."

"I'm a student party..."

Indeed, RMB 29,000, converted into US dollars, is more than 4,000, which is not very high in terms of the income of American people. At least it's much better than Huaxia.

So the US emperor's market is estimated to be very good at the beginning!

At the same time, netizens who have introduced this game in many European and American countries are looking forward to it.

In the next few days, Xiao Jun was not idle. Because his Galaxy mobile phone is going to be produced in three months. So he is currently busy with the design of the communication baseband.

Most of the entire Galaxy mobile phone is based on the technology of Comet Takishima.

But the communication baseband in the mobile phone chip is not, because Xiao Jun's mobile phone will use neutrino communication technology, so the communication baseband inside must be neutrino communication baseband, and it is not the current radio communication baseband of the earth.

Fortunately, the neutrino communication technology obtained contains a lot of knowledge and technology about mobile communication basebands. Xiao Jun intends to select some good technologies from them to design a neutrino communication baseband himself!

He estimated that it could be designed in a week!

After all, there are technical comparisons, and of course it is very easy to design.