Chapter 443 The Qualitative Change of the Crisis

Chapter 443 The Qualitative Change of the Crisis

"3 million unemployed people?" Xiao Jun looked at the news and smiled slightly.

"In the future, there will be more."

At this time, not only the 3 million unemployed in the United States, but also the unemployed in other developed countries in Europe and America are also increasing frequently.

Xiao Jun clearly knows that the traditional distribution of the three pillar industries of the U.S. economy is real estate, steel, and automobiles.

It stands to reason that there is still a piece of cake in real estate, steel, and Xiao Jun didn't touch it. After all, Xiao Jun is not currently engaged in these two fields on a large scale. But in the field of automobiles, the Meidi automobile industry is indeed crying by Xiao Jun!

However, a large type of industry does not refer to only one industry. Take the steel industry as an example, it is closely related to industries in many fields. For example, downstream enterprises in the steel industry include construction, automobiles, machinery manufacturing, energy, containers, Household appliances, etc.

Now, the downstream enterprises in the steel industry of the United States, such as the automobile industry and the energy industry, have been severely attacked by Xiao Jun, which has also affected the steel industry of the United States. Although it is not as bleak as the auto industry, the impact is not small.

One and a half of the three traditional industries of the United States, real estate, steel, and automobiles, have been strongly targeted by Xiao Jun (well, the steel industry has been half affected.)

There are countless downstream industrial chains involved.

Besides, the three traditional pillars of the economy and industries are the same as before the US imperialism.

Over the past decade or so, the U.S. economy has not relied solely on these three pillars of industry.

For example, it also relies on oil, heavy industry (machinery manufacturing), aviation, high-tech products (such as computers, mobile phones, software), financial industry (banking, financial derivatives such as stock futures), agriculture (exporter of various crops), etc. .

In fact, over the years, the positions occupied by petroleum, heavy industry, and high-tech products have far surpassed the traditional three major economic pillar industries.

Take the oil companies as an example, the major oil companies in the United States, heavy industries such as automobiles, shipbuilding, and other industrial machinery manufacturing. There are also high-tech products!

High-tech products have been a very prominent industry for Meidi in the past ten years!

Take companies such as Apple, Qualcomm, Intel, Microsoft, etc. as examples. They are all ranked among the top 500 in the world.

Especially Apple and Microsoft, the existence of the top five!

At the beginning, Apple's market value valuation reached more than 900 billion US dollars, which was almost close to the trillion-dollar market valuation!

Which real estate company, automobile company or steel company in the United States has such a valuation?

Can their annual turnover compare with Apple's?

However, among these new pillar industries of US imperialism, petroleum energy, heavy industry (automobiles), and high-tech products (mobile phones, computers, software, semiconductors) have all been hammered by the Galaxy Group, and dozens of companies have been beaten to bankruptcy. Bankruptcies, layoffs of layoffs.

Also, financial companies!

In terms of finance, whether it is the previous gold crisis or the current oil financial crisis, it has caused big cracks in the U.S. economy!

This series of chain reactions, the accumulation of these series of crises, coupled with the increasing number of unemployed people, have led to the current stagnation of the US real estate industry.


There are also more and more unemployed people, the economic downturn, and a large number of companies going bankrupt.

The pressure on the bank is too great!

Think about it, many companies have gone bankrupt, and 99% of the companies have borrowed from banks to do business, and even many companies are operating on loans. But one day the company went bankrupt and the loan was not repaid.

It will also drag down the company together with the cooperative company, everyone will go bankrupt together, and everyone will repay the loan together!

Don't talk about companies, just talk about ordinary people. An ordinary person fails to invest in stocks, or loses his job, causing him to repay all kinds of loans. Doesn't this finally cause pressure on the bank?

Every big company and big industry has a bunch of downstream companies. If this big company has a problem, the small and medium-sized companies that live with its thighs have encountered it one after another.

For General Motors.

Once this car company goes bankrupt, dozens or even hundreds of others will go bankrupt following it!

The production, processing, and even the design of some parts in the car cannot all be done by General Motors, and some parts are outsourced to other small and medium-sized companies.

Therefore, once these small and medium-sized companies have no orders, they have to GG.

To put it bluntly, let's talk about the 4S stores of General Motors. If General Motors closed down, all 4S stores of General Motors in the world will have to close down. What else can they do if they don't have a car to sell?

Therefore, the bankruptcy of a large company will implicate dozens of small and medium-sized companies in bankruptcy or layoffs.

If a large industry fails, it will lead to dozens of companies and the entire economic downturn!

This is the chain reaction!

Let's say that the two big companies such as Qualcomm and Intel went bankrupt at the beginning, and there were dozens if not a hundred of them that went bankrupt together with them.

This is also the reason why the number of unemployed people in the United States has soared to 3 million in just half a year.

These 3 million unemployed people are involved in many fields such as semiconductors, mobile phone computer software, petroleum automobiles, communications, and so on.

Finally, under the influence and accumulation of many factors, a crisis finally broke out!

The United States, a certain building.

A group of bigwigs are having a meeting.

"Now, inflation is getting higher and higher! The semiconductor industry is in a slump and has been completely monopolized by the Galaxy Group. The same is true for the mobile phone and computer industry, and Apple is also in trouble now. Also, we don't have to think about the communication industry. 2 years ago People's Galaxy Group is a monopoly. There is also the current new energy industry, which has a huge impact on our oil industry, automobile industry, and heavy machinery industry..."

"We have more and more unemployed people, and hundreds of large and small companies are going bankrupt every day... there is no way to stop!"

"Banks are getting stressed! It's almost breaking point."

"Stock market turmoil..."

"If this goes on like this, the economic department said that it may trigger an economic crisis at any time! What do you think?" a big man said in a deep voice.

"What can we do? We have been working hard for two years, but the Galaxy Group is too terrifying. It is almost a company that is fighting against our entire US economy! It's unbelievable!"

"We just watched it suppress us step by step, and now it has pushed us to the cliff!"

"Could it be... that the global economy is going to be reshuffled?" Another boss asked with a panicked expression.

The last economic crisis allowed many countries to take off economically, catching up with developed countries like them.

The biggest beneficiary is Huaxia!

If another economic crisis is triggered this time, Huaxia will probably surpass them!

Reshuffle the cards!

Some will fall down, some will pop up, and some will survive, it depends on which one you are!