Chapter 444 The Economic Crisis Breaks Out

Chapter 444 The Economic Crisis Breaks Out

Another month passed.

This morning, the oil stock market, automobile stock market, semiconductor stock market, high-tech product stock market, etc., which had lasted for another month, finally couldn't stand it, and the whole line fell to the freezing point!

The economic crisis finally broke out.

The money in the hands of many financial companies and retail investors has been locked up, and they are selling everywhere, but no one can sell it.

As for people's spending power has dropped to a historical freezing point!

On Wall Street, countless financial company bosses and giants are crying.

The economy was stagnant months ago, and now finally the economic crisis has hit, and the economy has started to decline...

The oil stock market has completely collapsed, and the auto stock market is like mud that cannot support the wall.

Also indirectly affected the real estate industry!

This time the economic crisis first occurred from the US empire, and within half a day, it swept across the entire Europe and the United States in an instant, and swept away to other regions at the same time. On this day, countless large and small companies went bankrupt instantly.

Unemployment has skyrocketed again.

Meidi TV: Today, the economic crisis broke out. In the downstream industrial chain of the oil industry, production, various raw materials or semi-finished products (including agriculture), terminal consumer goods (such as certain home appliance transportation, pipeline transportation, vehicles, gas stations... …) Wait, thousands of businesses have failed!

In addition to the petroleum industry, there is also the automobile industry. There are more than 150 upstream and downstream related industries in the automobile industry. Upstream: steel (cold-rolled steel plate, medium plate, cast iron, forged steel, aluminum, non-ferrous metals, etc.); Glass; oil; fabric, etc. Downstream: all basic construction (industry, mining, agriculture, oil, water, iron, highway, etc.); passenger and cargo transportation; military; tourism; services; personal consumption, etc. Horizontal: spare parts matching (special parts, valves, pumps, motors, instruments, wires, etc.); special vehicle modification, passenger car modification, etc. Vertical: bank credit; vehicle sales; vehicle insurance; fuel supply; vehicle maintenance; used car recycling, etc.

The companies involved have been affected by the automobile industry. Today, more than 2,000 large and small companies have closed down... Countless people have become unemployed!

On this day, there are endless news of this kind around the world. The main ones are that the economic crisis has broken out, and it also involves the real estate industry...

We all know that upstream enterprises and downstream enterprises are interdependent. Without the raw materials provided by upstream enterprises, downstream enterprises are like a clever woman who cannot cook without rice; if there are no products produced by downstream enterprises to enter the market, the materials of upstream enterprises will be useless. Therefore, upstream enterprises and downstream enterprises in various industries should share weal and woe, help each other, and survive and develop together.

Take the automobile industry as an example, it involves too many upstream and downstream industries, almost involving 80% of industrial manufacturing.

There is a data before: It means that the output value of automobiles increases by one percentage point, so the upstream and downstream output value of automobiles seems to increase by 17 points or several percentage points, which shows the contribution of the automobile industry to a country's industry. This is also one of the reasons why every big country is trying its best to develop the automobile industry, because this is a signal to move towards an industrial power!

So now the stock market of the auto industry in Europe and the United States has fallen to freezing point, and those cars cannot be sold, so the industrial chain involved is also extremely extensive.

There are many reasons for the outbreak of economic crisis. Economic crisis refers to the continuous contraction of one or more national economies or the entire world economy for a relatively long period of time (negative economic growth rate).

For more than a year, the semiconductor industry and the communication industry of the United States have been hindered, from stagnation a year ago to negative growth in the past half a year. There is a reason for that.

One is: caused by the imbalance of the economic structure, the so-called structural crisis. The imbalance of the industrial structure is a concentrated expression. The industrial structure directly leads to the contradictions in the employment structure and product structure, resulting in economic chaos and crisis outbreaks. Large-scale adjustments to the economic structure , if it is not handled well, it may also cause an economic crisis of overproduction.

The second is: caused by the contradiction between production and consumption. In particular, the long-term backlog of important production materials is seriously excessive. Once it spreads to other fields, it may trigger a crisis.

The third is: caused by mistakes in government regulation and control policies and measures. Monetary policy, fiscal policy, industrial policy, and income policy used by zf to regulate and control, if used improperly, can also induce economic crisis.

The fourth is: when the world economy is in a downturn or a serious problem occurs in a certain field in a certain country, it may trigger a regional economic crisis or even a global economic crisis.

For the above four reasons, American emperors are more or less involved.

First, the semiconductor, communication industry, and computer and mobile phone software industry chains that have been attacked by the Galaxy Group are all out of balance.

Second, the semiconductor and communication industries are overproduced and cannot be sold. Directly lose the global market!

Third, the gold system crisis that broke out last time caused a sharp drop in gold and a depreciation of the dollar, which directly affected the monetary system and could not be adjusted back. Later, there were new energy attacks, which caused the stock market of the oil industry system to fall to freezing point and could not be rescued.

Fourth, the least stained, but also has a chain reaction.

Based on the above, the United States still couldn't bear it this time and finally the economic crisis broke out, as did many companies in Europe, which caused a chain reaction in an instant. The crisis covers Europe and America.

U.S. Economic Weekly: This time the economic crisis is triggered, and the culprit is Galaxy Group! It is the Galaxy Group that monopolizes the world in many fields, and has forced many companies to go bankrupt... It is also stirring up wind and rain in the gold industry and the oil industry like a crap stick, leading to an economic crisis! It's all about the damn Galactic Group. We are now appealing to all major forces to find a way to deal with this Galaxy Group!

Global Daily: Yesterday, the economic crisis broke out, and the number of unemployed people in the world reached 15 million! At present, this number is still increasing... 2 trillion US dollars are evaporated in the world every day!

We should find a way to stabilize the stock market now, try to provide a large number of jobs, and let Europe and the United States get out of the shadow of the economic crisis as soon as possible!

European Economic News: The outbreak of the economic crisis has seriously affected the real estate industry. Now the real estate industry is stagnant, and the inflation is severe... We must find a way to control it...

AsiaNews: The economic crisis this time did not come so suddenly. Many experts predicted it a few months ago. After this economic crisis, will there be economic regression in those developed countries? And which countries can rise rapidly after this economic crisis?

All of this, please wait and see!