Chapter 445 Rescuing China’s Economic Crisis Alone

Chapter 445 Rescuing China's Economic Crisis Alone

Overseas, those major forces have already gritted their teeth with hatred for Xiao Jun, and the Galaxy Group is even more painful. They also never imagined that the Galaxy Group's operation would actually cause an economic crisis. This is something they couldn't think of!

Although the economic crisis this time is not as big as the one in the past ten years, it is still enough! It made the developed regions in Europe and America miserable.

After this happened, Wu Yiping immediately asked Xiao Jun to fly to the capital to discuss matters with him.

Xiao Jun didn't even need to think about it, it must be about this crisis.

After all, Huaxia was also affected by the economic crisis, but it was not as big as that of the US emperor.

First of all, take the semiconductor industry as an example. Xiao Jun defeated the semiconductor industry in Europe and the United States, but the semiconductor industry in China has risen. Therefore, China's semiconductor industry has not only risen, but also provided many entrepreneurial opportunities and employment opportunities for the upstream and downstream enterprise chains.

There is also the communication industry. In the past, Huaxia needed overseas patented technologies and products in the communication industry. Now Galaxy Group is the overlord of the communication industry, and it also provides many business opportunities and jobs for Huaxia's upstream and downstream industrial chains.

For example, in China's mobile phone industry, computer industry, software industry, communication companies, etc., the technology and products provided to them are only replaced by the Galaxy Group.

The ones that are really affected are the oil industry and the automobile industry!

The oil industry was mainly affected by the introduction of new energy sources by Yinhe Group, which led to a downturn in the oil industry. However, Galaxy Group's launch of new energy is in China, so it means that China's oil industry is affected, but the rise of the new energy industry is equivalent to filling this gap.

In addition, in the automotive industry, although BYD new energy vehicles have also caused a huge blow to domestic traditional vehicles, many parts of BYD are still purchased locally, and there is still demand for upstream and downstream affiliated companies. So there are not many companies that go bankrupt.

Many parts companies can survive.

Besides, how many new companies the Galaxy Group has opened in the past year has also continuously provided jobs.

Based on the above, Huaxia has been less affected by this economic crisis than Europe and the United States, and the pressure is not very great.

In the capital, a certain building.

In the meeting room.

"Xiao Jun, Xiao Jun, I didn't expect that you, a company, would bring out the economic crisis! You can do it. Now China is also affected." Wu Yiping said angrily.

"Boss, don't say that. Although we are affected, we are not very affected. Besides, our automobile and new energy industries, as well as the semiconductor industry and communication industry are already dominating the world? You forgot , last time our Galaxy Reactor made 1.5 trillion yuan with 15 reactors! This is a complete stealing of money!" Xiao Jun said with a smile.

His meaning is obvious, this 1.5 trillion, excluding costs, Huaxia also has 40% of the profit!

"Well, what you said makes sense." Wu Yiping nodded undeniably. In fact, although the economic crisis has been affected. But China's semiconductor industry no longer needs to be controlled by others. The communication industry dominates the world, and there is no need to pay patent fees to overseas companies. The automotive industry becomes the leader! The future of the new energy industry is bright...

It can be said that from now on, Huaxia will not be afraid to fight easily with anyone!

Because of many high-tech technologies, we Huaxia can not only develop them, but also manufacture them, and we don't even need to import them.

What am I afraid of you?

What else do you use to restrain me?

On the other hand, Laozi can not only restrict you in the communication industry, but also restrict you in the semiconductor industry, abuse you in the automobile industry, and eliminate you in the oil and energy industry in the new energy industry.

What do you use to fight me?

Take the steel industry? Take the shipbuilding industry? Take the aircraft industry?

Except for the steel industry, these industries are comparable to the above industries, but the shipbuilding and aircraft industries are not at all. After all, this is only a niche industry!

How many ships can be sold a year? How many planes can be sold a year?

"However, although the impact is not very serious, our unemployed people have reached 8 million! We must deal with it now, otherwise, the impact will be great." Wu Yiping said in a deep voice.

The population of China is too large, more than one billion, 8 million unemployed people. According to the proportion of more than one billion people, it is not too much, but when you look at the 8 million unemployed people, it is not a lot.

"I also attach great importance to this issue, so my Galaxy Group intends to provide a large number of jobs this month! My Galaxy Pharmaceutical Company estimates that a total of 100,000 employees will be recruited in these three months. In addition to Galaxy Pharmaceutical Company, Many of the dozens of companies under my Galaxy Group need to expand, and they need to recruit 300,000 people."

"Oh, by the way, I also plan to continue to expand the desert control project. I plan to invest another 300 billion yuan and recruit another 1 million employees to carry out desert control and afforestation projects. I will strive to green the Tengger Desert as soon as possible! In this way, alone My Galaxy Group can provide jobs for 1.4 million people!" Xiao Jun said with great wealth.

After Wu Yiping heard this, his face twitched, and he wanted to try to green the entire Tengger Desert as soon as possible. Xiao Jun is probably the only person in the world who dares to say it! This is not bragging! People all over the world know it, because everyone knows that Xiao Jun has invested hundreds of billions in less than two years. Now, in order to save the unemployed, another 300 billion yuan is invested to provide 1 million jobs, which is really inhumane!

"Xiao Jun, you are really... very good! We Huaxia, no, the title of the No. 18 youth in the universe should be awarded to you!" Wu Yiping made a rare joke and turned to Xiao Jun Thumbs up.

It is truly unprecedented for charity to do this!

"Okay, as for the remaining 6 million unemployed people, our government will try our best to arrange them. We must ensure that this economic crisis will not have any impact on our Huaxia!" Wu Yiping said flatly.

In the past few years, Huaxia and the Galaxy Group have cooperated a lot, and the economy has taken off tremendously!

Lots and lots of money.

"Boss, now that the economic crisis has occurred, I think this is an opportunity for China's rise. Maybe in the future, China will become the world's largest economic power!" At this time, Xiao Jun said seriously.

"Well, you're right. Our side is already making preparations. When the time comes, what should be acquired, what should be done, what should be changed..." Wu Yiping nodded.