Chapter 473 You Do the First Grade and I Do the Fifteenth

Chapter 473 You Do the First Grade and I Do the Fifteenth

If it weren't for the European and American regions to raise import tariffs on cars, Xiao Jun would still be able to make it difficult to sell Tesla's cars!

American Emperor Economic Daily: With Tesla launching this advanced new energy vehicle, it is believed that it will be launched in three months, and the European and American auto markets will slowly recover. This Tesla new energy vehicle will also become the favored object of many consumers.

Since the price of BYD cars is now twice as expensive as before, most consumers will definitely not choose it again. Not only new energy vehicles, but also gasoline vehicles. In the past few months, under the protection of import tariffs, the sales of General Motors' cars have begun to pick up slowly. Although there is still a big gap from the peak era, but In the case of the car market before the downturn, now is a good sign.

What's more, General Motors is also vigorously developing new energy vehicles. Maybe next year, General Motors will launch a brand new new energy vehicle to...

Not only the auto industry, but because the U.S. government raised tariffs on imported mobile phones, the price of Galaxy phones sold to the U.S. is also much higher.

In addition, now that the Apple mobile phone has just launched a low-end mobile phone, which only sells for 2,000 soft sister coins, this has led to the fact that Apple's mobile phones are selling well in the US market.

The reason is that Apple's new generation of mobile phones is originally positioned in the low-end market, and the price is cheap.

Second, now that Galaxy mobile phones are more expensive due to higher tariffs, fewer people buy them, even though they are very useful.

To be honest, Xiao Jun is also very angry that the US Emperor is so arrogant and targets Xiao Jun so much.

For example, increasing tariffs on automobiles, such as increasing tariffs on imported mobile phones. For the Galaxy Group, it has lost a large part of the European and American markets. The reason is that tariffs have increased, and cars and mobile phones are much more expensive. Not every consumer is so rich and doesn't care about money. That kind of ordinary family will definitely choose economical and applicable products to buy.

"Boss, what's the matter? When are we going to fight back?" On this day, Xiao Jun deliberately called Wu Yiping.

That's right, since Europe and the United States are so arrogant, it's impossible not to extinguish the opponent's arrogance! Otherwise they are still unscrupulous.

"'s almost there, next week, our correct policy will be announced! Don't worry, the American emperors will probably be very distressed by then." Wu Yiping said with a flat smile. Now Huaxia is not afraid of Europe and the United States in most industries. Don't be afraid that they will join forces to start a trade war!

Because you have more technologies and products than ours in China!

For example, semiconductor technology and communication technology, these two fields alone can get stuck in your throat.

"Okay, wait for the good news then." Xiao Jun grinned.

Sure enough, a week later, Huaxia announced a shocking news.

That is, raise import tariffs!

What about raising import tariffs in those two areas?

Huaxia Daily: This morning, Huaxia officially announced that it will raise tariffs on imported soybeans from the United States by 15! In addition to increasing tariffs on imported soybeans, import tariffs on medicines in Europe and the United States will also be increased by 20%!

This positive policy will take effect from next month!

As soon as this news came out, it shocked the world instantly!

"Hahaha... It should have been done like this a long time ago. They do the first grade in Europe and the United States, and we do the fifteenth, what the hell."

"Applause, applause, support! Let Europe and the United States increase tariffs on imported cars, and let the US emperor increase import tariffs on mobile phones? Haha, we are also retaliating with tit for tat now..."

"Good job!"

"Finally let out my breath."

"Let's pinch each other, hey, we Huaxia are still afraid of you? Today is different from the past."

"That is to say, to increase import tariffs on soybeans to the US emperor, and to increase import tariffs on medicines to Europe and the United States. This is only for Europe and the United States."

"It's necessary, I told them to jump like that before? How could we hurt the innocent?"

When the news spread to Europe and the United States, the agricultural staff of the US Emperor instantly became confused and distressed.

In addition to agriculture, there are also those large and small pharmaceutical companies in Europe and America.

You know, the Galaxy Group has launched thousands of drugs. In the past, China needed to import more than 6,000 drugs every year, and the amount involved reached more than 100 billion U.S. dollars.

Now Yinhe Group has nearly 3,000 kinds of medicines that do not need to be imported.

You are now offering a 20% tariff on imported drugs, so the blow to the drug companies in Europe and the United States will not be ordinary. It is very big!

You should know that the current drug import tariffs are only aimed at your European and American regions, and there are still many large pharmaceutical companies in other regions.

There are still more than 2,000 kinds of medicines that need to be imported in Huaxia, which can be imported in other regions.

Another thing is that the remaining 2,000 kinds of medicines in Huaxia in the second half of the year can all be listed again.

At that time, the world's top ten pharmaceutical companies will lose the entire pharmaceutical market in China!

But it's not lost yet, and it's worse.

Not only that, Galaxy Group will also grab international market share...

"It's over, it's over, Huaxia really fought back this time."

"The pharmaceutical industry is cold."

"It's not just the pharmaceutical industry, the soybean market on the American side is definitely going to be cold. Without the Chinese buying American soybeans, who will the American soybeans be sold to? It is estimated that there will be many American soybean farms this time." Major is bankrupt!"

"U.S. agriculture will suffer a severe blow!"

"Now Huaxia has clearly stated that since you and Europe have prevented our Galaxy Group's cars from being sold in your market and Galaxy mobile phones from being sold in the United States, then well, I will let your European and American medicines not be sold in our Huaxia Let the American soybeans rot in your land!"

Because China currently needs about 100 million tons of soybeans every year. Soybean imports were more than 84 million tons, and self-production was 13 million tons. That is to say, more than 84 million tons need to be imported every year!

For a long time, China has mainly imported soybeans from the United States, Brazil and other countries. The current annual soybean output of the United States is 125 million tons, and Brazil's current annual soybean output is 110.8 million tons. The two major soybean producing areas in the northern and southern half of the world supply China.

That is to say, once Huaxia doesn't buy your American emperor's potatoes, your tens of millions of tons of potatoes will all rot in the ground!

Which country has such a large demand for potatoes? It will be Huaxia!

If you are the first grader and Laozi is the fifteenth grader, your agricultural industry will be severely hit in an instant.

Hehe, call you arrogant!

Now Huaxia's meaning is obvious, I don't buy soybeans from you, I can still buy soybeans in Brazil.

On the other hand, you American Emperor, Huaxia doesn't buy your potatoes, you probably don't want half of your potatoes!

This is called being confident!