Chapter 489 Dead but not Rigid

Chapter 489 Dead but not Rigid

In fact, the second-generation neutrino communication right is actually the right to purchase the neutrino communication mobile phone communication baseband!

Once you can get this, your mobile phone will be the first mobile phone in the world to produce the second-generation neutrino communication.

This time, Huawei finally got the rights to the second-generation neutrino communication technology!

In other words, after more than a year, Huawei's mobile phones and Galaxy mobile phones will be released globally at the same time, and they will be the first batch of mobile phones with the second-generation neutrino communication technology.

"A few days ago, Yinhe Technology held a bidding meeting for the second-generation neutrino communication technology. This meeting not only announced the specific situation of the second-generation neutrino communication technology... but also announced that it will be held in the second half of next year. The new generation of neutrino communication technology will be launched globally. According to Mr. Xiao Jun, the charging standards for all patents have not changed much from the first generation..."

"This time, Huawei won the second-generation neutrino communication rights and the procurement rights for communication basebands! It is said that the second batch of quotas may be delayed for more than half a year! This time, Huawei stands out among many mobile phone companies..."

"According to Mr. Xiao Jun's announcement, the second-generation neutrino communication technology has a total of more than 11,000 patented technologies, of which Yinhe Technology Company occupies more than 99 patented technologies. It has become the standard maker of this generation of communication. Companies in other regions only have a few dozens of patented technologies, and they are still marginalized technologies that are not core technologies. There is really a huge gap..."

The United States, a ZF building.

"Damn it, why does our Meidi Communications Company have 30 patented technologies? There are too few, and they are not core technologies, but marginal technologies!" a big guy roared.

"No way, the core technology of neutrino communication is still in the hands of Galaxy Technology Corporation. Not to mention the second generation, the first generation of neutrino communication technology we haven't got a lot of core technology to study, how can we What are the achievements of the second generation?"

"In terms of neutrino communication technology, if we want to be able to compete with Huaxia, at least it is estimated that we will not have that confidence until the fourth or even fifth generation. This is estimated by our experts."

"Now in the field of communications, the Galaxy Group is completely monopolized!"


They are all very clear at this moment, they are American emperors, no, for Europe and the United States, their communication field is currently only at the third-rate level, and it is estimated that they are not even third-rate.

In the field of the Internet, there is a saying that first-rate companies make standards, second-rate companies make brands, and third-rate companies make products. That is to say, whoever formulates industry standards has absolute control. This interest belongs to a single enterprise on the surface, but actually belongs to the entire country.

Indeed, the current standard of neutrino communication technology is customized by Galaxy Group. The rest of the companies are all rubbish, not even qualified to order. Do you have the technology? No!

For example, back then, in the era of radio communications, in the 2G era, Huaxia's technical capabilities were scumbag, and it could only use the 2G standard formulated by Qualcomm, and it had to pay Qualcomm a large amount of patent fees every year.

In the 3G era, through the unremitting efforts of a generation of Chinese software engineers, relying on the support of the brothers (pin) brother (qiong) such as Yafeila, it barely became one of the three major standards and was hoisted to the rear of the car. In the 4G era, Chinese companies headed by Huawei have spent countless research and development expenses. The research and development expenses of Huawei alone during the 10-year period of hard work have spent more than 240 billion yuan. After great efforts, it has finally become the world's advanced technology. Relying on the huge amount of research and development expenses burned, this has the confidence to compete with Qualcomm for 5G standards in 2016.

Now, it is obvious that the communication companies all over the world have become younger brothers, and the Galaxy Group is the only overlord, the overlord who monopolizes technology.

"We can't continue to let Huaxia develop rapidly like this! Now Huaxia's Galaxy Group is a monopoly in the three areas of communications, semiconductors, and new energy! In other fields, it is either at the same level as us or surpasses us. If this continues, the gap between us and the other side will definitely become wider and wider!"

"Yes, don't forget that a year ago, the Galaxy Group put us all out of the economic crisis!"

"While we still have the background, I think we should fight back!"

"Although the economic crisis is not over yet, the situation has improved significantly. We cannot delay it any longer."

"Yes, our traditional economic pillars - real estate, the steel industry have not received too much damage. We have been damaged in the knowledge high-tech field, the oil industry, the automotive field, and other small fields. We still have World War I Power!"

"We have been in a trade war with Huaxia for the past six months, but this trade war is only a superficial trade war, and no one has seriously carried it out. So I think we can seriously play with Huaxia this time. It's time for a real trade war!"

"That's right, the gold currency market system has recovered a lot, and our steel industry is leading again. We can definitely launch a powerful trade war. Even if we can't bring down Huaxia, we must limit the opponent's rapid development momentum!"

Now after 2 years, the price of gold has slowly rebounded a lot.

From the original drop to about 100 yuan, it has now risen to about 220 yuan per gram.

Although there is still a certain gap from the original peak of 290 soft sister coins per gram, at least there is no collapse anymore.

According to expert guesses, it is estimated that in another 1 or 2 years, the price will return to the original level.

The rebound in gold prices is mainly due to the fact that Xiao Jun's mining company no longer sells gold to the world gold market.

At the beginning, 2 trillion gold was sold all at once, which immediately caused great turmoil in the price of gold.

"Well, I agree! It's time to give the Galaxy Group a general attack!"

"Only by vigorously suppressing China, our economy will slowly recover, and our automobiles, petroleum, semiconductors and other high-tech products will regain some market share."

Ever since, the US emperor began to plan and act.

If Xiao Jun knew the plan and idea of ​​the Meidi people, he would probably laugh, it is really a centipede, dead but not stiff!

Still the same sentence, the US imperialism has a deep foundation. Although it has experienced a blow from the Galaxy Group and the economic crisis, there are three nails in a bad ship. Back then, the number one economic power would not be GG so easily.

Isn't it dead but not stiff now?