Chapter 490 Joint Sanctions

Chapter 490 Joint Sanctions


In a certain building, representatives from more than a dozen regions including Europe, America, island countries, and Bangzi countries gathered.

Frank, the American imperialist, looked at the crowd and said in a deep voice: "Everyone, we have always been advancing and retreating together. We are allies on the same front. We raised tariffs on imported cars together before, and we did it very successfully!"

"Now, Huaxia's Galaxy Group is becoming stronger and stronger, to the point where we are faintly unable to compete. This group is a leader in any industry. I think we should continue to work closely together to fight against the Galaxy Group. What do you say? Woolen cloth?"

"That's right, if we hadn't joined forces to raise tariffs on imported cars, all our car companies would have gone bankrupt." German Wolfgang sighed. Take their Volkswagen company as an example, the Huaxia auto market accounts for half of their annual sales. At the beginning, the public directly lost the Chinese market, and later they were also severely challenged in the international market. Volkswagen nearly collapsed.

Now more than half of the staff has been laid off, and only the German local auto market and a small part of the European market share have been retained.

As for many companies like Siemens, SAP (software), Merck Pharmaceuticals, etc., not to mention, many of them have closed down, and even some of them are still in a half-dead state.

You know, Germany is different from island countries, 95% of the country is small and medium-sized enterprises.

"That's right, the Galaxy Group is too domineering in the fields of automobiles, semiconductors, communications, new energy and many other fields. We should unite to resist!" Kojiro Kimura, an islander, said with a grim face.

What are the three traditional economic pillars of their island nation?

That's right, cars, machine tools, robots.

The robot here refers to the kind of factory automation equipment. It's an industrial robot!

Island countries are not like others, they have little land and can only develop this kind of industry.

Take the automobile industry as an example, the three major automobile companies in the island country are among the top ten automobile companies in the world, such as Toyota, Honda, and Nissan!

Not to mention that there are Mitsubishi, Mazda (original), Suzuki, Hino, Isuzu, etc. Although they cannot enter the top ten automobile companies in the world, these automobile brands were also well-known at the beginning.

When the Galaxy Group's new energy vehicle was born, it really hit many car companies in the island country and made me want to cry!

Anyway, car companies such as Mitsubishi, Mazda (the original), Suzuki, Hino, and Isuzu have all gone bankrupt.

Toyota laid off 70 employees, Honda laid off 80 employees, Nissan is even more painful, and is now on the verge of bankruptcy.

Only Toyota and Honda are left struggling.

It can be said that Daoguo Motors now hates Byd Motors, a subsidiary of the Galaxy Group.

"We have already united and resisted in the automotive field, so where will we unite and resist again?" one person asked.

"In the semiconductor industry, we really have no way to take Huaxia at present. So we have to start from other industries."

"What is our greatest advantage at present? That's right, the steel industry! We should sanction Huaxia in the steel industry!"

"I agree!"

"That's right, China's iron and steel industry now, although it is said that the production of low-end steel is still at the forefront of the world, but the production of high-end steel is not enough. At present, many high-end steel, technology and so on are dependent on imports. Even A lot of high-end steel, they can't produce it."

"That's right, as long as we unite, Huaxia will definitely feel the pressure. If they can't hold on at that time, we can counterattack. We can make a fuss in the semiconductor industry." Everyone has eyes shine.

Now their semiconductor and communication industries, and the new energy industry are overwhelmed, it is very painful!

So they now want to regain a victory.

"If we launch steel sanctions, then I will see how the Galaxy Group can save it! The steel industry of the Galaxy Group has not yet developed."

"Hey, we, Europe, America and your island countries, Bangzi Country have always been at the forefront of the world in the field of steel. If we all target China together, then China will definitely suffer unbearably."

In fact, at present, island countries should be the most advanced in steel refining technology, and then there are countries in Europe, America and Bangzi.

As long as these guys unite, it will indeed make one's scalp tingle.

Because most of the world's advanced steel technology is in their hands, and if the high-end steel is not sold to Huaxia, then Huaxia will fall into a situation where there is no high-end steel available.

Domestically produced, the quality cannot keep up, and imported, there is no need to import, what should I do?

At that time, industry, shipbuilding, and various machinery manufacturing industries will need batches of high-end steel products. Without these, they will fall into infinite passivity. Many machining companies have to stop working, or they can only use inferior steel.

I have to say that this time the Americans are very insidious.

Unite with Europe, island countries, Bangzi countries, etc. to start doing things together!

"Okay, since the discussion has come to this point, if everyone has no objection, let's sign the agreement." Frank, the American imperialist, smiled.

"Everyone, this time we are fighting with our backs. If this encirclement fails, then we will face a crazy counterattack from the Galaxy Group. At that time, we will fall into infinite passiveness. You know, our semiconductors, communications and other fields are also It is in the hands of the Galaxy Group!"

"Hmph, if we fight one out of a dozen, will we still lose? You are overthinking. Not to mention that the Galaxy Group has not yet developed high-end steel technology!"

Some people disagree.

Simply put, the steel output of a country is a symbol of the country's strength. The world's great powers are all big and powerful countries with steel.

Soon, these guys signed a related agreement.

One month later, Europe, America, island countries, Bangzi countries, etc. all announced this conspiracy!

That's right, it's a conspiracy!

Meidi Daily: This afternoon, Meidi announced an important decision to ban the export of high-end steel products to China! At the same time, an anti-dumping tax of 300 yuan was imposed on China's steel exports to the United States. This is a counterattack, counterattacking China's increase in taxes on imported drugs! Oppose Huaxia not to buy our soybeans...

France: Starting today, domestic steel companies will refuse to export high-end steel products to China...

Island country: Our four major steel companies will ban the sale of high-end steel products to China...