Chapter 560 Building a Secret Base

Chapter 560 Building a Secret Base

"Another one is that we now need to manufacture a large number of high-tech products and weapons, so some scarce mineral resources are a little tight now, and we also need some brand new mineral resources. So can space mining companies expand production? No We alone, even other people need it very much. Our metal is still far inferior to that of aliens. We urgently need to develop stronger metals and materials. So we also hope to get more Mineral resources that the earth does not have." Wu Yiping said in a deep voice.

"I'm also considering this matter, so I launched a new plan a few days ago to expand mining. Our space mining spacecraft is also expanding production." Xiao Jun said lightly. These resources are actually what he needs!

"At that time, I will give priority to supplying you." Xiao Jun gave Wu Yiping a reassurance.

"That's really a big thank you."

"Alas~ To be honest, I don't know if our earth will be destroyed by the hands of our generation. The aliens still put too much pressure on us." Wu Yiping began to sigh when he thought of this.

"It depends on human effort. As long as we work hard, if we can't beat the aliens in the end, we have nothing to do." Xiao Jun said.

"This is true!"

The two chatted for a while before he left here.

In the next few days, Xiao Jun almost completely acted as a hands-off shopkeeper, handing over all the affairs of the Galaxy Group to Su Resign's management. Fortunately, Su Ci used gene serum. She can go almost a month without sleep without a problem. So she can basically handle most things. If it were an ordinary person, he would probably be exhausted long ago.

What is Xiao Jun doing these days?

Almost all of them stayed in the laboratory to do experiments, while studying with the geniuses inside how to develop the No. 7 gene serum!

At night, on the roof of the Experimental University, Xiao Jun was smoking a cigarette while drinking beer, slumped on a chair and quietly looking at the stars above his head.

"Well, it's rare to see stars tonight!" Looking at the twinkling stars in the sky, this is a very rare sight in a big city.

"If aliens attack on a large scale next time, it will be really troublesome." At that time, the earth will become the main battlefield, and it is estimated that many places will be destroyed by then.

So this is what he doesn't want to see!

"At that time, try to transfer the battlefield to outer space as much as possible! Well, I should also build a secret base outside the earth." Xiao Jun thought to himself.

No matter what happens in the future, he thinks it will be beneficial to build a secret base outside the earth!

"If this is the case, then after I have more spaceships, I will build a secret underground base on the moon."

The next month was spent in peaceful days.

Nothing major has happened this month!

I also didn't see the second wave of Hongwan Stars appearing, nor did I see the appearance of Dark Stars. It is estimated that the Dark Star people are hiding. As for the Benimu people, maybe they won't be able to come to Earth so soon?

Anyway, Xiao Jun has been living a good life for the past month, devoting himself to research every day.

Of course, the research on the No. 7 gene medicine in the past month is still in the preliminary stage, and there has been no major progress.

It's hard to say what you're studying. Sometimes if you're lucky, you can make a major breakthrough soon. If you're unlucky, it might take a year, ten years, or even decades.

On this day, Xiao Jun did not stay in the laboratory, but came to a secret military base.

That's right, today he is going to visit the newest fighters with Wu Yiping!

They are not ordinary fighters, they are all fighters who have used super soldier serum.

That's right, Xiao Jun and Wu Yiping cooperated in depth a few months ago, and he provided the other party with the formula of the super soldier serum.

He started to do this when he investigated the clues of those alien servants before.

First of all, Xiao Jun basically doesn't care about super soldier serum now. He has researched gene No. 7 serum.

The super casual serum is better than the No. 1 serum. The existence of garbage.

He did this to improve the combat effectiveness of ordinary soldiers, so that he would have more self-protection power when confronting aliens.

In the square.

Tens of thousands of super fighters lined up here.

Each of them is now very strong.

All of them are very imposing!

Ten thousand Captain America!

Ha ha ha ha!


"How is it, are these fighters still doing well?" Xiao Jun asked.

"They have basically adapted to the current new abilities. Not to mention, their strength, speed, endurance, and system have been improved several times. Their learning ability is also very explosive. Now their marksmanship, fighting skills, and Response ability, learning ability, etc. have all been greatly improved. It can be said that every soldier is now the world's soldier king. No, it is much better than the world's soldier king!" Wu Yiping said excitedly.

"However, in the face of powerful aliens, our strength is still very weak. So we have been thinking about equipping these fighters with some powerful individual weapons these days. Preferably laser weapons or something! In this way, Their combat effectiveness will be greatly improved. Another is their defensive ability. Their physical strength has improved now, and we can try to make some new types of heavy body armor for them, the kind of bulletproof that will be fine even if the bomb blows up Clothes!"

"Yes, yes." Xiao Jun nodded.

Although these people are weak chickens in his eyes, but if they can be used well, they are still very powerful.

"I think if we can, we can also develop more powerful serums based on this super soldier serum, so that we can slowly catch up with the aliens." Xiao Jun said lightly.

"Of course! But in general, this time I am very grateful to Xiao Jun for his great contribution and support." Wu Yiping said gratefully.

The current Huaxia, whether it is economy, strength, weapons, etc., is definitely the number one in the world!

no doubt!

So Wu Yiping is extremely grateful to Xiao Jun!

"Haha... I'm also from Huaxia." Xiao Jun waved his hands and smiled.

After the visit, Xiao Jun and Wu Yiping had a meal and talked a lot.

Anyway, everyone is discussing things about the Hongwan stars. Talking about this matter, everyone's faces were more dignified, and the atmosphere was a little dull.

After all, the pressure from the aliens is still too great!