Chapter 561: Various forces come to the door

Chapter 561: Various forces come to the door

After the meal, these bigwigs talked to Xiao Jun again.

This time it is about the procurement of high-tech weapons!

As we all know, since the appearance of the Hongwan Stars and the Dark Stars, the opponents have powerful and advanced weapons, which are very backward things and shortcomings of the Earth people.

Now everyone in Wu Yiping knows that Galaxy Group, apart from all kinds of technology in the past, is also awesome in terms of weapons. So they're going to buy a lot of stuff.

Inside the conference room.

"Xiao Jun, tell me honestly, do you have effective weapons that can deal with aliens? You also know that our current Dragon Soul Fighter has no major power problems. However, there are indeed huge flaws in weapons. ." Wu Yiping looked at Xiao Jun expectantly.

"Yes! In fact, next week I will also prepare a weapons exhibition, which will be dedicated to the sale of advanced technological weapons." Xiao Jun laughed.

"Oh, what kind of weapon is there?" Wu Yiping and the bosses all had hopes on their faces.

Now they can ask Xiao Jun to make a small fuss and sell them weapons in advance.

Don't wait until a few days later for that!

Besides, they can buy the best core weapons that are not for sale by starting a small business now. Only they have such a small advantage to get the benefits of this.

"This time, my Galaxy Group has a total of 40 kinds of various weapons and advanced weapon technologies. Of course, there are three core weapon technologies that will not be sold to others, but only to you. These four Among the ten advanced weapons. A total of ten are heavyweight."

"Kinetic laser cannons, signal magnetic field anti-interference technology, quantum energy cannons, particle tracking kinetic energy missiles, X-type aircraft energy shield technology, fighter jet intelligent safety control system..." Xiao Jun put all the moderately heavyweight weapons and technologies in one breath. It is said.

"Among them, Type 1 signal magnetic field anti-interference technology, quantum energy cannon, and X-type aircraft energy shield technology are the three core technologies. I only sell them to you, and will not sell them to other forces." Xiao Jun laughed.

"Can this type 1 signal magnetic field anti-interference technology defend against the signal interference from Hongwan Star last time?" Wu Yiping asked.

"Absolutely. In fact, you saw the Iron Man fighting the alien spaceship before. Many parts of that Iron Man came from the hands of our Galaxy Group." Xiao Jun might as well release a shocking news to everyone.


" mean that the Iron Man who saved the world has a huge relationship with your bank group or is your person?"

Everyone stared at Xiao Jun in a daze, their mouths could hold two duck eggs!

It was so shocking!

At present, the whole world is guessing when the people on earth will have such powerful technology, but they did not expect to have an affair with the Galaxy Group!

"Hehe...I can only reveal so much at the moment, and I have nothing else to say." Xiao Jun said.

"Okay." Wu Yiping rubbed his forehead, and didn't ask any further questions. Since the Milky Way Group took out the strengthening agent of super soldier serum before. They knew that the technological level of the Galaxy Group was estimated to be number one in the world.

Even with strong colors, maybe the level of technology can catch up with aliens!

But after seeing Xiao Jun admit that the iron man who saved the world has a mysterious relationship with the Galaxy Group, they all know that it seems that the Galaxy Group will bear the brunt of dealing with aliens in the future!

Now Yinhe Group has produced so many advanced technologies, which proves that Yinhe Group is a good company that cares about human beings!

"Xiao Jun, how powerful is this quantum energy cannon missile? Can it break an alien spaceship?" A big guy asked.

"Accordingly, yes! In fact, many of the weapons on Iron Man last time were also from our company."


Everyone was shocked again!

"This X-type aircraft energy shield sounds very vivid, just like the outer shell energy shield of the alien spaceship. Is it the same?"

"Well, the principle is similar, but the technology is different! Although our energy shield may not be comparable to the energy shield of the spaceship of the Benimu Stars, it will definitely not be weaker. I believe that most attacks can be resisted. Come down. Even ICBMs!" Xiao Jun laughed.


"so smart?"

"If this is the case, doesn't it mean that if we are equipped with these weapons and technologies and face aliens, even if we are not as strong as others, we will not be much worse! At that time, we will have a chance to fight. You don't have to be passive all the time, and then be oppressed and beaten by others." Wu Yiping said excitedly.

"Yes! We should manufacture a large number of Dragon Soul fighters! Install all the above technologies on them! We also need to be equipped with space combat capabilities. If we have tens of thousands of fighters by then, the situation will be different."

"There is also this intelligent safety operating system for fighter jets. With its technology, it contains auxiliary technology, which is to ensure that the driver can drive safely at a high speed of 10,000 meters per second without any physical condition. At the same time, this intelligent The control system can better allow you to pilot a fighter at a speed of 10,000 meters per second... It can be said to completely solve the biggest shortcoming of the Dragon Soul fighter!" Xiao Jun said.

"Okay everyone, now let me talk about their prices..." Xiao Jun grinned.

an hour later.

After the two parties negotiated, an order was initially confirmed!

This order is 100 billion US dollars!

So scary!

No way, something good must be expensive!

Xiao Jun still gave it a 20% discount, otherwise it would be more expensive.

A week later, for those buyers in Europe and the United States, he will definitely not be a penny cheaper!

A week later, in the headquarters of the Galaxy Group, in the huge super conference room on the first basement floor.

This meeting room is very large, and the auditorium has a seating capacity of 3,000 people!

On this day, it ushered in more than 2,000 people.

Except for the media reporters and the staff, most of them are representatives of forces who came from all over the place.

Among them, Europe and the United States are the most, they are rich!

Although they are not as rich as Huaxia now, the emaciated camels are bigger than horses, so they are still quite rich. So they will definitely come to this trade show.

"Gentlemen, ladies, friends, hello everyone, I am Xiao Jun, Chairman of Galaxy Group." Xiao Jun said to everyone in the audience after he took the stage.

"Well, you should also know what the deal is today. Then I will share some things first. First of all, a lot of weapon technology on Iron Man who saved the world before came from our Galaxy Group. For example, this XX gun, this signal defense Interference technology, this XX power system... XX intelligent control system..."