Silver Memory 2

The back of my head was throbbing in pain.

It took me a moment to get myself set before I glanced at the place I was in.

I was in a white room with only one door and no windows.

I tried to stand up, but I only stood awkwardly for 3 seconds before I plummeted back into the ground. A rattling sound echoed loudly when I fell.

What...a chain?

I looked down towards my leg and saw a chain locked on my foot. It was a big silvered chain that wasn't too long and traced back to a closed hook on the floor.

God! It seems like a scene from a horror movie.

It seemed that the room had been soundproofed from the inside. Otherwise, I could have heard the thundering footsteps that came closer and closer to the door.

The handle turned, opening the door and revealing a tanned man with a woman at his side. The man had dark leather pants with a light brown jacket. He carried in his back, what appeared to be, a set of a bow with arrows. The woman was the opposite, instead, she carried a gun and wore more gothic clothing. Her attire was all black and leather-like. Her pants were tight but appeared flexible and her top was not too loose but not too tight. At her back, a cape carried behind her.

My head turned on its side and a burst of loud laughter escaped me.

It was funny how their weapons and clothing juxtaposed one another.

I couldn't stop laughing so loudly. I mean every time I look at them, it just dawns on me over and over...


I looked up and wiped some tears from my eyes. Smiling brightly, I noticed how both of them had serious yet confused expressions on their faces.

A snort escaped me again. God! That was a good one. I hadn't laughed so hard like that in a long time.

"You know, that's not how you get a lady's attention. You gotta be more gentle about it," I said.

"You are very pretty you know that. Wouldn't mind eating you up whole."

I let out a hiss as I felt my hair being pulled roughly by the back.

I try to look back, but my guess was the one who had pulled my hair while remarking on my "beauty" was the woman.

How the heck did she move so fast? Was she a vampire? Why is she here?

A million questions ran through my mind in a second. But another hard tug at my hair brought me back to the matter at hand.

"Who are you and why have you crossed the pack lands?"

The man questioned me with a fierce look in his eyes.

"I have no reason to answer either part of that question. Let me go and all this can be forgotten," I stated firmly.

I felt a stinging sensation from my scalp. This woman is gonna end up ripping my hair out if she doesn't let go.

"Let go of my hair, you witch!"

"Sure," she said smirking and slamming my head down on the floor.

Great thanks! Like I didn't already have damn head trauma. This is it for me all my brain cells are going to leave me.

Letting out a loud sigh, I sat back.

"If you had let me go, you would have been able to grow your pathetic pea-sized brains a bit more," I stated coldly. My voice wasn't loud but the coldness in my tone was sharp. I knew my eyes right now were a glowing silver.

Nothing was going to stop me, and certainly not death. I wasn't going to waste time in this pathetic place.

My legs seemed to regain stability and my strength was coming back.

I broke the chain off. Now it was no longer connected to the floor. There was still the iron shackle that was locked in my foot. I would have to deal with it later.

Quickly I grabbed the woman and snapped her neck. Her body slammed into the ground with a big thud.

Swiftly, I turned and jumped on the male before he could touch the door.

I wrapped my arms around his neck and put all my weight back. We tumbled to the floor and with his slow response time, I took the advantage and flipped us over. Now I looked down on him, with a gun on my hand.

Smirking, I told him, "Hey! Guess you will never ever put my advice on how to get a lady to work," and with that, I shot him one time on his chest right where his heart was.

Standing up, I looked around the room at the mess I had caused. Two bodies who had been breathing life once were now only two lumps of meat.

I hurried back to their bodies searching for any more weapons. For now, what I had found was the gun that the woman had carried with a small set of throwing knives.

Nothing more turned up of interest to me, so I once again stood up and quickly headed to the door. Turning the handle open, I slowly opened the door and peered outside. No one was in sight.


Rapidly, I sprinted off and searched for a way out. Another door appeared after a while.

Maybe this is the exit.

I opened it and it was indeed. The sun immediately shined in my eyes, almost blinding me.

How long was I out for? Where am I?

As I looked around I only saw trees and trees.

I guess this is the dungeon... How weird. No one else is guarding it.

My instincts told me to be on alert. Something wasn't right.

I ran into the woods and looked for a path to go through. Then a rustle in the trees had me on high alert. There must be wolves observing me right now.

Reaching into my back, I grabbed the small knife. A loud snarl echoed off throughout the forest. A big black wolf calmly stepped out with another dark brown one beside him, almost similar in size.

Crap! That's must be an alpha and that beside him must be that man from before.

Suddenly another five wolves came out of hiding.

What the heck are they! Werewolf ninjas!

They had hidden their scent and even their presence really well.

I shouldn't be so surprised though. After all, the reputation of this pack seems to be true. The Raven Pack is said to be filled with the most efficient and most skilled werewolves in town.

The five wolves jump at the same time, tackling me down onto the floor. I struggle underneath them but to get rid of five oversized wolves is hard.

Then some of the weight seemed to disappear. I quickly try to stand up and get ready to fight, but once again, I receive a blow to my head.

What is it with my head? Do these wolves have some type of perverse head fetish?

The last thing I could think of before the world went black was, would I get the chance to see them? The ones with that familiar smell...