Silver Memory 3

I blinked a few times before my eyes took in the light again.

I was in another room. But this one was very different than the one before. Instead, this room actually had furniture. The walls were a dark brown and the ceiling had a light color. There was a sofa on one side and a shelf with a television. A sliding door that led to a small balcony was on the other side of the room.

Not very prison-like.

It felt like home...

Footsteps were echoing all over and a pair was heading straight to this door.

I stood firmly down. There was no chance that this pack was going to leave me unpunished. It is too dangerous to stay.

The door opened and revealed a man. He stood tall in the doorway. His eyes glistening a green shimmer and his dark skin appeared soft. Handsome features embellished his face and his body indicated strength and power.

Is this their Alpha?

I looked at him straight in the eyes, not lowering my eyes even for a second as he walked towards me.

No. It seems that this man would be the next powerful wolf in the pack. Their Beta.

"Come. Our Alpha wants to see you in his office," he stated calmly.

I nodded in response and slowly walked after him as he led the way. We walked silently down the stairs and as we did, I saw how lively it was on this floor. People walked from the kitchen to the living room. Some talked and others ate their breakfast. Seems that time passes by peacefully here.

Then the sound of a door being opened and closed caught my attention. It must be an exit.

I waited until he turned into a hallway, then quickly turned and ran to the door. I opened it and thew myself out in a run, but I only got to a few feet when I was pushed down by a heavy slam on my back.


I quickly stood up and faced the person that had pushed me down. The first thing I registered was that it hadn't been the beta. Instead, there was a guy who seemed to be in his 30s. By his way of handling himself and his stance, he seemed to be a fighter. This one is going to give me more trouble than the last two.

I took some steps back quickly and we circled each other. No one made a move to attack first yet.

Then quickly, we lunged at each other and started the fight. There had been no hesitation and no fear from either of us. It didn't matter that we were physically different. It all but made me more thrilled at the thought of beating him.

Our bodies crashed against each other and we instantly slammed into the ground. Our bodies rolled while struggling to get the upper hand. Punches were thrown here and there, each one going harder at the other one as the seconds passed. Our knuckles were covered in blood and our bodies were sure to be full of bruises. But this fight wasn't going anywhere. So quickly, I grabbed his arm and twisted it until I heard a crack. His mouth opened wide to let out a scream from his lips. I smirked and once again I move towards him and slammed his head down unto the grass.

Then my legs were pulled underneath me and my body fell down, hard. I held in my groan and quickly retook a stance. Getting a running start, I ran and jumped so that my legs would wrap around his neck. I squeezed my legs around him. His arms, on insticnt, came around to grab my legs to loosen them. But I was not going to let go. No. There wasn't a chance I was going to let him have it easy. This will serve as a message to the rest of his pack not to mess with me.

I felt his struggle to fight for oxygen. His breathing was getting heavier. His panic was setting in as his arm and hands kept hitting my legs in a futile attempt to let himself free. His breathing then became hard gasps. He wasn't getting enough air to breathe.

But I had been so focused on this man that I hadn't realized the wolf that had been sneaking in until I felt that pain in my shoulders as the wolf's canines dug into flesh. The pain was immense. His bite burned like fire and with that, my hold on the man became loose. He freed himself and scurried over to a safe distance. But the wolf still had my shoulder in his mouth.

Frantically, I punched the wolf's snout over and over to make him loosen his hold. But the pain increased as the wolf started to slightly shake his head from side to side. More fearful that the wolf would do more damage, I grabbed the small knife I had looted from the previous two and slashed at the wolf's snout. Quickly, I was freed and quickly took steps back.

"Freaking mutt!" I yelled angrily.

The unknown wolf growled at me and charged at me. He was faster than I was in that form. My response time was slow. I was knocked down again. The wolf was getting ready to lunge again and if he did, I would be in trouble. My wound was bleeding profusely. Then I remembered that I had obtained another small weapon from that woman's body.

The wolf charged forward at me.

Good. This is good

I swung myself forward and slammed into the wolf's side, knocking him down instead. As fast as I could I grabbed the gun from my back and slammed it into the wolf's head a couple of times until the wolf became massively disoriented. Having the chance, I stood up quickly and surveyed my surroundings. The man I had fought earlier was looking at me while being surrounded by other people. At my sides, other pack warriors had taken a protective stance in front of those who couldn't fight. I let out a big loud snarl indicating not to interfere because if they did, someone else was going to fucking get it.

In front of me, came a responding growl that was louder than any other wolf I had ever heard. My head turned in that direction in an effort to find who it came from. Finally, I had found the growl's owner, the Alpha.

He stood in the middle of his warriors. His form was intimidating. He had black fur and multiple scars decorated his body. He stood taller than any other in his form, the only ones close enough to be compared were other Alphas and their Betas.

But he wasn't the first Alpha I had encountered. Fear was not in my mind.

I didn't need words to express what I was thinking. He knew he expressed power and intimidation. But that didn't deter me from pointing the gun at the wolf in front of me. The message was clear to any and my look was an indication that I wasn't lying.

Move and he dies. That was it.

But it seemed that not all of the mutts had gotten proper training. The guy from before moved to lunge at me. In that instant, only 3 gunshots were heard. That stopped the guy in his tracks.

Screams echoed off and wails could be heard.

Some of the warriors started leading the others away, while some stayed around me, angrily staring me down.

I knew now that I was definitely making an impression.

I looked up into the Alpha's eyes and fiercely stared him down.

"Don't make yourself a nuisance. Stay away from my path and I will gladly stay away from yours. Cross me and I will make sure everything that stops me dies."

The Alpha growled lightly at my tone but remained still.

There wasn't any movement at all after that. They just remained staring, waiting for an order from their Alpha.

The Alpha's silence and his stare were enough to tell me that I wasn't going to be let go.

From the corner of my eyes, I saw the warriors approach me, and before they could lunge at me, "I see you are not letting me go. What a hassle. So how about we just talk it out, hmm? Doesn't that sound fun!?"

With that, I just smiled brightly and put my hands forward.

I am going to get out of here somehow. So for now lets play nice, dear Alpha.