Silver Memory 4

The Alpha nodded his head to his warriors while looking at me. With no beep of protest, the warriors moved forward and two of them grabbed me by each arm.

There was no denying there had been a connection at the moment that the Alpha came into the clearing. But there was also no need in denying the other part of me that screamed to claw at anyone that came too close.

I could try to escape but I also did not want the hassle to have a whole pack after me right off the bat. I needed time. This man was going to be the key to giving me such an opportunity.

The alpha's cold eyes hadn't changed since he had seen me. There was no perceived warmth in them when he saw me and I didn't expect any to be there. But I knew he knew. My gaze wasn't going to falter.

"What you have done cannot go unpunished. You have killed two of our trainees and severely injured a wolf. He is now in critical condition, if he doesn't survive, your punishment will be harsher." the beta announced.

Nodding my head nonchalantly, "Mmm, Can you go any faster? Wasting time is not my motto."

"Why did you step into pack land if your wish was to not waste time?" the Alpha asked suddenly.

Without noticing, he had reverted back to his human form. I couldn't lie about the appearance of this man. He was a handsome man with a tan muscular figure. His hair styled in a way that made your fingers fidgety by the desire of wanting to run them through his long locks of hair. His build and the way he spoke signaled that he wasn't American, but I wasn't sure what his heritage was either. His eyes were a golden yellow, shining in the sun as if they glowed.

I looked at him and tilted my head to the side. Yep. This man was a piece of art. Art I would like to see crumble.

"Now, Alpha, people don't go around telling their whole life stories to a stranger. Remember, stranger, danger."

I look towards the Beta. I needed a name.

"Leo," He stated dryly.

"Answer me, why did you cross our borders when you knew very well the trouble you would cause?" the Alpha questioned once again.

"And I will say it once again Alpha. It is none of your concern."

He looked at me calmly. Just waiting for me to say more.


"If you wish to know, may I have a word in private Alpha?"

The only response I got from him was a nod and him turning around completely. A silent signal to follow him.

Quickly, I caught up and walked behind him. He led us to his office room and shut the door behind us. His office was very elegant but dark.

Shaking my head, I looked at the Alpha.


Speak, he says. No introduction. Nada.

"I cross unto your lands on accident. It wasn't my intention at all to involve myself in such a hassle. But as I grew closer, familiar scents grabbed my attention."

I saw him stop on the spot.

"What are you saying exactly? Who do you know here? To me, it strikes me as peculiar that any smell would be familiar. After all, none of my pack members would be related to such a savage killer and cruelty," the Alpha stated suspiciously.

I must get him to believe in something of what I say. Escaping is my goal. I have to gain at least some favor with this Alpha.

I grinned.

"Alpha..." I trailed off walking towards him, "I am telling the truth. I mean I wouldn't just come here and cause trouble for myself by agitating a whole pack, especially one that has such a great reputation."

I am closer to him now than I was before. I could feel his smoldering stare in my face and his breath in my face. "But, I really really don't like wasting time like this when I could be doing other things like finding out what those familiar scents were," I said with a knife pointed at his chest.

But even though the knife was no more than 1 centimeter from his chest, in a second, his posture nor his eyes changed. He remained collected and only looked at me with calculating eyes.

But his eyes didn't strike fear in me. They only made me shiver in anticipation of what this man would do.

The next thing I know, my hand is being slammed into the desk causing my grip to loosen and dropping the knife unto the floor.

"Careful dear, we wouldn't want that hand to get hurt," the Alpha said.

Giving him a frustrated huff, he lets go of my hand. "Sit down. Tell me what is the connection you think you have with these scents."

"I have no clue, Alpha. That is why I would like to see who the owners of these scents are. I wasn't planning on following their trail in the first place but your men didn't leave me a choice when they chased me and locked me up in the dungeon with those hooligans."

"I would have apologized on their behalf and granted you escape if you had let them live. But you have killed both of them and gravely injured another. There is no way I will let you roam these lands as you please."

Smiling, "Alpha, I promise I won't hurt your warriors. Nor any of the women, men, or children here."

He began to back away but I wasn't done playing with him yet, "Unless they look appetizing enough to eat whole."

He closed the distance rapidly. His hand had grabbed hold of my neck before I had even noticed that he had moved at all. His eyes were pitch black and his body shook tremendously. My feet were no longer touching the floor and my back had banged on his office wall loudly. Running footsteps could be heard. The door slammed opened and I saw a pair of hands trying to pry the Alpha away. But the Alpha was not about to let that happened. After all, what was before me was not thinking logically. The only thing in this mutt's mind was that his pack and the children, the most innocent, were in danger.

Relaxing my body and gaining control back from my arms, I tried to push the Alpha away. His strength was incredible. I wrapped my arms behind his neck and started pulling myself forward to his chest. That caught him off guard. He didn't expect his prey to get closer to danger. Within that moment of confusion, I took the opportunity to completely push him away. His Beta, Leo, grabbed hold of him, but he was struggling to maintain his Alpha under control. With that, I fell to the ground.

Laughing, "Alpha, I am not here to harm anyone. If it makes you feel any better, I will serve any punishment you wish except death. As long as you let me go free after I completed it."

With that last statement, they froze. Both of them. The Alpha stopped struggling.

Immediately he stood up straight and ordered Leo to get water and ice. He carried me to the sofa he had and sat me there. Then he immediately retreated back and let Leo give me water and ice.

How sweet of him to care for his prisoner. But after all, I wasn't only just a prisoner to him. We both knew we had a bond with each other. But what mesmerized me more than anything about him, was that his wolf could put his pack and his mate in two different cases.

It was...honorable. It was something not many could do. I sensed a tiny bit of respect being directed towards this domineering male.

"I will let you look for them and I will be the one escorting you around the pack land when you are in search. You may do that first. But as long as your punishment hasn't been carried out, you are not going to be treated entirely as a guest. You will be escorted either by Leo, a warrior, or myself while you roam this land. Your punishment will be decided after you find them. I will consider everything that you have done, so don't expect a light punishment."

I grinned brightly at his announcement, "I wouldn't have expected anything less, Alpha ..."

"Raven or Aleandro."

Nodding, I grinned.

Honorable indeed. So like I said, let's play nice Alpha Aleandro.