Silver Memory 5

Alpha Aleandro signaled for his men to retreat. His beta remained in place.

"Go. Everything will be under control.Guide the rest of the warriors to help calm the others."

With an order given, Beta Leo went his way to do what he was told. After he had left, Alpha Aleandro gestured me to follow him out. We went back the same way I had come from, but this time, we were going to go out that door. To the outside.

From the outside, I could finally see that this house was bigger than the others. A small mansion, big enough for multiple guests and get togethers to form. A formal pack house. Behind it, more individual houses covered the territory. Some big, small, or medium. But never bigger than the pack house itself. It was probably for safety.

But that wasn't important. I was finnaly going to have a chance to discover who these scents were coming from.

"Come. We will go searching for them."

Nodding, I followed behind him. We turned a bit, heading back. I thought that there would be a fence but the yard stretched onward with no border. Only a path of pebbles existed leading to houses and playhouses. We were heading to a part of his land where it looked to be a big garden. Children, families, and others seemed to shine under the winter light. It looked to be a garden full of happiness.

When we entered the big garden, eyes turned to us, well more like me. I understood the looks they gave me. It was fear and resentment. I turned away and looked around. Could they be here?

My head turned from side to side , looking frantically. I knew eyes were still on me and I also felt Alpha Aleandro's eyes.

Calm down. Relaxing my muscles and letting out some breaths, I looked at Alpha Aleandro and waited for his permission.

He nodded.

The smells were coming from here. But who was giving these familiar scents off? I walked forward to the circle of children but when I did, the adults surrounding them formed a protective circle. I halted right there and then. I suppressed the instinct to growl and rip my way through.

"Stand down. I assure you that I won't let anything happen to you or your children. So move aside," Alpha Aleandro said in command.

The adults reluctantly stepped aside. Their eyes were watching me still. All of them in high alert.

I moved slowly in, and looked at each of them, but none of them were familiar. But then I saw a woman far more behind the rest. She seemed to be hiding something behind her.

I sniffed the air on last time. Let's try to pinpoint more closesy where these smells are. Then my head snapped to her direction. The smells were coming from her way.

I stepped closer and closer to her. She went rigid. But she wasn't it. She wasn't it! But my fustration was short lived when I noticed the smells were coming from a bit more behind her. Someone was hiding farther back. Taking steps into that direction, I felt myself get closer to the source, but the woman scurried from her place and came in front of me. From behind her, two small persons appeared. Its them. They are the ones with the familiar smell.

"May I see the children behind you?" I said camly.

The woman only responded by pushing the children further back behind her.

I looked at her. I was getting impatient.

"May I see the children?" I repeated once again. .

She flinched again but this time, complied. She stepped aside and I saw two children. They were twins. Two little boys with slightly dark brown hair were left standing there. My heart raced. I walked in big strides, each time my legs would carry me closer and closer to them. Time seemed to slow down at each step. When I got to them, I crouched down and slowly extended my hand forward. Reaching to get a hold of their chin, I grabbed it and gently raised their heads to me.

My eyes widened at seeing them. I couldn't believe it. After all these years, I was seeing them. They were right there in front of me. I knew it was them. It was not just some feeling. Their eyes. Such wonderful eyes. I would never forget the eyes that opened up to me when they came into this world. I would never forgot how their eyes were two different colors. Liam had his left eye be green and his right eye be hazel. His brother was the compliment to his twin. Erin's left eye was hazel and his right eye, green. How magical.

Their eyes connected with mine and theirs widened. I quickly took my hand away and stood up.

"What are your names?" I asked.

"My name is Erin and this is Liam," Erin said while pointing at his twin brother, "and we are 8 years old, ma'am." He said smiling shyly with his brother nodding.

Relief swept through me. The names that I had picked out stayed with them.

Alpha Aleandron stared at me intensely. Watching me closely.

I nodded at him. An indication that I had found what I was looking for.

"Erin and Liam are the familiar smells I was looking for. Now may we discuss the matter of my punishment..."

Alpha Aleandro stared at me in curiousity. An expression I hadn't expected from him.

"Go back to what you were doing everyone. Take care of the children and yourselves. C'mon, go play now," Alpha Aleandro said softly.

Nodding, the children went off to play. Except for Erin and Liam, who stood watching me and then scurried off. After everyone had gone to their things, Alpha Aleandro indicated me to follow. We started making our way into the pack house and into his office.

"After running through the trouble of finding them, you gave no second glance. Why?"

"I don't think that is important. I just was curious who the scents were coming from. I found out and my curiosity is sated."

Alpha Aleandro directed his gaze at me, calculating.

After a long pause, he said, "I have decided your punishment."

Confused at his sudden change of topic, I waited for his next words.

He smirked as if knowing something that I didn't.

"You are to spend your time here as a member of the Raven pack. Helping and abiding by our laws. You will protect the members of this pack and protect me as a pack warrior would. If under your watch, anyone should come to harm, I will never let you leave and I will lock you up in the dungeons," he said with much seriousness in his voice.

I snarled at his threat. How dare he!

"You will allow a murderer to roam your pack lands as a free person.Have you gone mad, Alpha? Or have you forgotten who I am?"

"I have not and for that same reason, you will become my warrior. My tool for defense."

I knew my eyes were visible to him as they glowed gray. His head tilted as he looked at my eyes.

"Your eyes. They glow so bright. I suspect they glow when you are threatened or emotionally unstable?"

"Care to find out by yourself, my dear mate?"

He let out a short growl. His hands wrapped around my wrist and twisted me around, effectively holding me in place. His mouth was beside my ear, and I could clearly hear the low snarls that escaped his mouth.

"You don't have the right to call me yours. So don't refer to me as such. Your cruel acts have left me incapable of seeing you as a mate. From this moment on, I am your Alpha and if I decide that you have become truly a danger to anyone from this pack land, you will be locked away. If worst comes to be, I will personally sentence you to death."

With that he let me go with an aching shoulder. I looked up at him from the floor.

"You are Silver. I realized it the moment you had fought my men in the clearing. You are strong indeed. But learn this now, my pack members are not weak. So dropt the act, you are not sweet nor delicate," he declared.

Laughing, "I will comply with your punishment. But hear me well, I don't care who but if anyone should cross me, I will slice their throats and tear them apart. I won't care how young they are," my eyes started glowing their familiar gray, "I won't care how powerful they are. My bloodlust is not quenched easily. I enjoy and savor the screams and the fear when my name is known. That won't change because you have successfully tied me to your pack laws."

He snarled lowly but seemed to internalize what I had said. And it seemed that my words were getting their message across because his eyes when they looked straight at me had reached a new level of caution and anger with some deeper curiousity.

I stood up and smiled brightly as I exited his office once again.

Oh Alpha, I may be your mate. We may feel the bond even now as we threw each other threats. But that anger we feel is so true. So how more exciting will it be to let you fall to pieces? Who will let themselves fall first when we see that we are more than we appear?

The thrill of a good hunt is always good. So be good for me Aleandro.

Be good.