Silver Memory 8

Christina smirked at me.

"Well, it seems like you have a dirty little secret to confess," she said.

If word got out of her discovery, the children would be put in danger. I can't let her say anything. Laughing, she walked closer to me. The children were still inside the doorway of the house, hearing everything she was saying. Glaring at her, I ushered the kids inside and pulled her roughly away from the house. As soon as we got some distance away, she ripped her arm away from my hold.

"Those children's eyes are a rare thing. So I am sure they are worth a lot. Makes me wonder about what would happen to them if word got out that not only do they have such eyes but they are the spawn of the devil herself," Christina spoke.

I growled at her. These children weren't safe and as soon as others learned of their relationship with me, they could die. She was a loose end. Trouble and a living threat to the children's lives.

"Let's go. If you want something in return to keep your mouth shut, we will discuss it elsewhere."

As she nodded, I motioned for her to start walking. I only looked back once and smile at the children, silently assuring them, that they had nothing to worry about. She and I walked towards the deepest part of the forest and before she turned around to speak, I had already pushed the silver dagger into her chest. Her eyes had only been calm for a second before they widened in the realization of what had happened. She fell on her knees with frantic eyes searching around.

"I told that Alpha, while you stood on the other side of the room, what happens to those who interfere in my matters. So it confused me as to why you would try it, dearie. I was never going to let you go. You should have taken me more seriously. Or did you think that just because you were associated with the pack, I wasn't going to try anything?" Laughing, I shook my head, "How stupid."

"You are going to get punished for this. You are not supposed to hurt any of the pack."

Scoffing at her, I smiled widely, "Now then, isn't it good then that you are not a member of the pack? Because, after all, you are only just a tool to this pack like me. You were never really accepted nor made a member," tilting my head, I looked at her.

Her breathing was heavy and her mouth agape in pain. She was a huntress, a human. A stab to the chest with the silver knife was going to do the job well. It didn't matter that the knife was made from silver. All that mattered was her and her pain, as she tried to crawl away from me. Her blood, leaving a red trail behind her.

"Get away from me," she gasped. I grinned and shook my head. I walked closer to her and was ready to finish her off when I smelled another thing. A wolf. I turned around quickly, to see who was behind me. But as I looked into its eyes, I knew I had gotten the perfect opportunity. This wolf was my solution. But the stab wound was my problem. If they examined her body, they would see the wound. What to do? Then, I remembered that feral wolves carried a disease that affected the nervous system of anyone it bit. If I recall correctly, the bite would infect the nervous system and make the body think it was in excruciating pain. Best of all, a cure has not been developed yet in order to combat the illness's structure. Best of all, hunters are known to be extremely prideful humans.

Laughing, I taunted the wolf and ran towards where Christina was. "Come on Wolfie, just one bite. Just one."

The wolf lunged at us and quickly opened its mouth to bite down anywhere his mouth could reach. With strength, I pushed Christina away and kicked the wolf in its side. A cracking sound made its way into the air. The wolf howled and fell.

I wasn't stupid. Feral wolves were a hassle to control. I needed the wolf unconscious. I looked towards where I had pushed Christina and proceeded to drag her where the wolf was. She tried to struggle and hit, but her body weakened by the blood loss didn't manage to.

"No, " she let out in a whispered protest. I took the wolf's mouth, and position it just right, and clamp it down unto Christina's shoulder. Her screamed echoed in the deep forest. I took out the dagger from Christina and slashed the wolf's chest. Killing it instantly. The wolf's body dropped down limp while Christina continued to let a few more screams before she went limp as well.

The scene had been completed. It didn't matter to me that I had just killed her. My children were my number one priority. If she had lived, I was sure that she would have gone and spilled everything she knew to the other hunters. After all, hunters like her only remained loyal to one thing, their own damn greed.

Moments later, some wolves arrived with their leader behind them and shifted as they came closer to the scene.

"What happened here," he asked coldly and his eyes darkening by the second as he looked at me. I told him what had happened, in accordance with my own fashioned story.

His eyes seemed to calm down, but his body remained rigid with a serious expression. He held my gaze for some time before he looked towards his guards.

"Guards, don't touch any of the bodies. It seems the wolf is feral and infected the huntress. Go back to the packhouse and alert the doctors. We must care for the bodies in a safe way to avoid getting infected."

The guards nodded towards their Alpha and left.

"Silver, if you did anything here, tell me now."

Rolling my eyes, I said, "Bite me mutt."

Angered, Alpha Aleandro made his way to me and grasped my arm. He dragged me across the forest until we met a steel door. What is this? He opened the door and threw me in. He grabbed a chain and approached me with it. I sat down and extended my arms and feet to him, waiting for him to get this charade over with so I could be alone. But my eyes had widened in surprise. The chain was made of silver. He grabbed the chain again and this time my wrists and feet were chained to the wall. The silver burned my skin agonizingly. Only noticing after that the chain had protective sheets in some places in order for someone to be able to grab it without hurting themselves as they locked a prisoner up. But throughout this whole thing, I didn't scream or expressed any discomfort or pain.

"Can you not feel the silver?"

I felt how the shackles burned my skin. I felt the pain that it produced. I felt it. I felt all of it.

He shook his head, "Silver, I'm sure that what you said wasn't what happened. But I am also sure that Christina must have done something to you. But to go to such an extent to torture her? Are you mad, Silver?! "

Smirking, I raised my hands as far as I could and gave a big salute to him.

"You couldn't have been more right and yet this is all that I get as punishment? For how long?"

Aleandro snarled out, "One night."

Oh...that is unexpected, I thought it would be way longer.

"How odd. Are you giving me such a minor sentence because I am your mate?"

"No. I am giving you this small punishment because although you murdered her, you also protected the pack unintentionally. We had discovered that she was planning on taking some children and selling them. But your eyes have been glowing since then that I feel that a night here may give you time to cool down."

"Alpha," He looked at me, waiting. But I just smiled.

Shaking his head in frustration, he started to walk away. "Wait," he stopped midway and turned around, "tell your man to put on any scrubs the doctors may have in store. After that, gather the huntress's body and the wolf's together and burn them."

He nodded and walked out, closing the doors behind him.

Letting out a sigh, I grew bored with the quietness that surrounded this peculiar dungeon. Surprisingly, the dungeon wasn't cold. It was a good temperature. I let out a short melody that echoed into the walls. A calming sensation swept over me as the song went on. As I finished the last verse my body had forgotten the pain made by the silver and without notice, the silver doors opened once again.

Into the dungeon entered a Bursting out laughing, I shook my head. Must be hallucinating or something. What is a fox doing here?

"Hey, could you help out a defenseless girl?"

The fox looked at me and glanced at the chains. It seemed like the fox understood and shifted right then. The young man opened the gate and in some time he took the chains off me. Surprised at this change, I could only stare at him. Fox shifters weren't seen too often. Especially in the winter.

"Why were you chained up?" He asked curiously.

Laughing, I said, " Shouldn't you have asked that before?" I questioned.

His eyes widened but before he could completely panic, I said, "Don't worry, the Alpha of this pack locked me in here for harming some woman." He relaxed for a second but then tensed up, " Aren't you Silver?"

This fox is full of surprises, isn't he? Many do know my name but a lot of people are uncertain of how I look since information about me always changes,

I nodded. "Yes, I am. Are you scared?"

He shook his head and instead said, " Actually I am not"

I was fascinated by this creature. I smiled and said, "You really are not a normal fox, right?"

He shook his head and said, "No, I am quite a rare species of fox."

"Why are you here? There must be a reason as to why you ventured into wolf land and no less pack land?"

He stayed silent. Chuckling, I stood up and rapidly slammed him into a corner. "Tell me. I'm not letting you go until you do."

The fox before me kept silent until he relented and said, "I need shelter. I have been traveling for days but meeting with a whole pack is dangerous nowadays when hunting foxes has become a sport for some."

So far some of what he had said was true. Foxes and rare creatures were being hunted down for either sport or to sell away. It made sense that he was looking for shelter here in this one jail-cell dungeon.

"Now that I told you, could you let me go?"

Nodding, I said, "I can get you to shelter inside the pack."

"You can?"

I nodded at him, "Yes. The Alpha is not unreasonable and you could be a great asset to what he needs to accomplish for his pack. Although, you may feel uncomfortable thinking that you are being used. But you must put those thoughts in the bin. I have a pretty good feeling they won't turn you away."

"They didn't turn you away when you showed up? "

"Oh, they did. But I am a whole different case to their peculiar kindness."

He nodded. Taking it as a sign that he had agreed to come into the packhouse, I let the conversation die. Then I laughed and said, "Well, you have my thanks for releasing me. But I must remain here until tomorrow morning. The alpha would get mad and I would rather not deal with any more burdensome things. So, why don't I introduce you later to the pack?"

He nodded and made his way to the steel doors. "Before you leave, what is your name?"

"Alexander." He shifted once more and ran out to the forest.

Left by myself, I went to sleep, and before I had known morning came and my punishment was over. Beta Leo had come in and let me out the dungeon into the outside, not mentioning anything about being unchained when he found me. Like a silent agreement that he would keep quiet about it. Alpha Aleandro met with us halfway to the packhouse. He stared at me and after some time, seemed to nod to himself.

"Alpha Aleandro, there is someone who I want you to meet before we go any further."

Aleandro's eyes narrowed, "Who?"

"His name is Alexander, he is a fox shifter. A special fox shifter, Alpha."

Seeming to ponder about it, he then asked, "Are you sure he is trustworthy?"

I shrugged. "If he is not, there is no need to fret. I will take care of him myself. He seemed to tell no lie at most about his purpose here to seek shelter."

"At most?"

Nodding, "Yes, at most. There is something that he is not saying but I sensed no ill intent nor any out of the ordinary smell from him.

Alpha Aleandron stared at me in silence and then nodded. I let out a melodic whistle and shortly after, Alexander appeared in his human form.

He glanced at Alexander and glanced back at me. I nodded in confirmation. Alpha Aleandro signaled for Beta Leo to come closer to him. They whispered lowly between each other and nodded. They seemed to be having a discussion about Alexander.

Alexander and I looked at each other and rolled our eyes. Packs were known to be strict when receiving newcomers. A tradition that hadn't changed since I was little.

"How old are you, Alexander?" I asked him.

"24" he responded.

I nodded and looked back to the Alpha and Beta. It seemed they were done with their discussion and were now looking at us. They continued doing so. Just staring.

"What is it?" I snapped.

"Silver, calm down. We were only making observations. Now, let's go to the office."

We all followed Alejandro into his office. I spoke without being indicated.

"Is there anything you want to ask, Alpha?"

"Sit, Alexander. I have some questions for you. The rest of you, leave."

Beta Leo got up to leave and turned to wait for me. I complied and went out of the office. Minutes passed before Beta Leo knocked and was let in by Alexander. It seemed that Alpha Aleandro had finished his interrogation. Alexander looked calm. It had seemed that everything had gone well.

"For the first few weeks of your stay, you will be guarded and watched. I will assign some guards to you for that. After that, you will be allowed to roam around by yourself."

Alexander agreed at all the conditions and looked at me with a strange smile. Tilting my head, I looked at him straight and smirked. What was this kid doing?

I didn't get to ask since a low snarl was heard coming from Alpha Aleandro. I faced him and saw how much more golden his eyes looked. Chuckling, I went over and walked to him. Whispering, "Don't be grouchy, my Alpha. My eyes are on you only." Alpha Aleandro gripped my arms tightly and whispered lowly, "Don't. Not right now."

I nodded and stepped away. I was being compliant this time. I didn't want to start any drama with him when it could be avoided. I made my way to where I had been. Everyone was silent.

"Alexander, let me show you to your room," Beta Leo called out. Alexander stood up and nodded at me in thanks. I nodded back and waved bye. But Alpha Aleandro stepped in quickly between us and pushed Alexander away, causing him to fall back. Beta Leo immediately pulled him close to his chest, before Alexander fell unto the floor. While causing me to knock my head into a bookshelf.

I snapped my eyes to Alpha Aleandro and growled. Pushing him off my view, "Control your temper Alpha."

Beta Leo cautioned in a low tone, "Aleandro..."

Alpha Aleandron snarled lowly and looked at me, his eyes were glowing more golden than before. Why was his wolf in control?

I snarled back, "Don't ever touch me while being in a hot temper. I will cut off your hand and kill anyone that comes after me."

From the corner of my eye, I saw Alexander shiver at my tone. Alpha Aleandro closed his eyes, gripped the edge of the chair, and nodded.

But although Alexander had shivered, I could see the tiniest smile on his lips. That is when I knew I was going to get along well with Alex. So I laughed. Alexander brought his head up, looked at me, and understood. So he chuckled lowly while he shook his head.

Alpha Aleandro's eyes had gone back to normal. He seemed calmer than before but continued to stare at me. Rolling my eyes, "Are you done?"

He rolled his eyes but nodded. "Good. Now before Alexander goes, I wanted to say that I will be the one acting as his guardian. I brought him here so I will take responsibility as I said."

Alpha Aleandro reluctantly nodded.

"Alpha Raven, I will be here as long as she is. I will help with anything you need."

Everyone nodded and was ready to head off but Alexander interrupted and said, "But her life takes priority over any of you. Since she is the one that took me in and offered me a chance, I will, in tradition, protect her."

I laughed. "How lovely. You must really be naive if you think I am your friend now."

He shook his head, "We are friends. You are the only that is in gullible denial." Surprised at his remark, I smirked in appreciation. Interesting.

"How odd."

Alpha Aleandro shook his head and said, "Keep an eye on him, Silver. If he does anything that could harm the pack..."

"Yeah, Yeah," I said waving him off.

"Go see your room, Alexander."

Alexander nodded and headed off with Beta Leo to find his room. Alpha Aleandro sat down at his desk and closed his eyes.

"Silver, forgive me for the temper flare. I didn't mean to push you so harshly. Is your head alright?"

Confused at his sudden concern, I looked at him in silence for a minute before I responded, "I am fine. But I was not lying when I said I would cut off your hand if you touched me so."

He opened his eyes and looked at me. He let out a nod.

"Alpha Aleandro," Beta Leo called out, "its time to head out to visit the pack doctor about some matters."

Alpha Aleandro nodded. Got up and left with Beta Leo. Since Beta Leo was here then Alexander must be too.

"Alexander, " he came out of the corner and looked at me, "let's go outside to the garden here. We have much to discuss."