The Weasels.

Penny huffed as the clock struck one, she could feel the brain fog setting in, " Miss Penny? Can you please tell me about why we have such a deep grudge against weasel and his folks?"Caroline asked, quite curious about the relations with other groups.

"Oh Lord, buckle up for this." Penny sighed " Weasel and I used to date, before I realized I had absolutely no attraction to men. We had been dating for about three years after high school, so I was 20 and this was in '81, and he proposed. I had realized I didn't like men about a month and a half before hand, and I was trying to figure out how to end it but by the time I was about to end it, he proposed and I said yes. which I regret, I wish I had broke it off before that." Penny told Caroline, who had never suspected it.

" I Knew, I had to get out of this, so about three months after he asked, I left him and he never got over it." Penny sighed " He's quite childish for killing my wife after I married her, We're actually going to return his favor soon by making sure he doesn't get to keep his bodyguard." Penny grinned, she had plans to take out Sunny and make a statement.

" Who's his body guard?" Caroline asked

" Otter, or Sunny Williams, She's a little red haired lady with bandages all up and down her arms." Penny hissed.

" Oh! I know who you're talking about, she's quite sweet." Caroline smiled.

" She's not sweet at all; she's dangerous, cold, and deceitful. She's a force to be reckoned with, and she managed to put me in the hospital." Penny scolded.

" What? How on earth did she manage to do that?" Caroline asked as she continued to write.

" Attempted Drowning. I had accidentally gotten onto Weasel's side of the city one morning while on a walk with Jack. This was back when I would sometimes go alone and when I only had two or three other people in the mob." Penny explained, " We ran into her a weasel and she make a snide comment on my weight, and I slapped her and then it eventually ended up with her pushing me into water and trying to hold me down. I clawed the shit out of her arms and Jack eventually pulled her off of me."

" Oh Wow, That-That's a lot." Caroline sighed.

" I know, I don't go anywhere near Weasel's side of town anymore, and our group is much bigger but still I don't want anyone going over on their side unless they need too. Like, I know that Gray and Art live on their side of town, but they have plenty of things to defend themselves with and a great security system." Penny Explained to Caroline.

" Robin said something about 'Jack going on the other side of town to see someone' I kind of have the idea that he's dating miss Sunny..." Caroline told Penny, just to stir the pot.

" I wouldn't doubt it, but he's probably being lured into a trap." Penny admitted, " If my suspicions are correct, then, he might wind up in a ditch or we might have to come get him."

Caroline looked mortified, she loved Jack like he was her father, which was odd since he was 12 years older than her but even then he had been her caretaker for five months now.

Caroline knew she had only about three weeks left with these folks and she had gathered plenty of evidence that would be incriminating and if she wanted to , she could turn them in there and now but it would be inefficient since more mob members would be floating around the city.

Caroline also knew that Robin would die within the next three weeks, with little to no time to heal from the loss, sadly Caroline didn't know exactly when Robin would be murdered so it was only a matter of time.

" That's awful." Caroline sighed.

" It really is, dear and since we're sharing secrets, Amelia and I are considering adopting you since Jack isn't able to." Penny told her, they really were considering adopting Caroline not knowing she was already an adult.

"Really!?" Caroline exclaimed, feeling awful about how the sweet family's hearts were going to break.

" Yes, Caroline, you'll be able to stay close with Jack, and maybe you could be apart of the mob when you're older." Penny smiled as she took a swig of sweet tea she had put in a plastic water bottle. "God I love Nancy's sweet tea." Penny smiled with a sigh of delight, for her, in that moment everything felt right in her broken life. Penny had everything she wanted: Beautiful, loving wife, a great job that payed well, Nancy's sweet tea, and a kind daughter.

" Nancy's sweet tea makes the world feel right for once, it's like everything pauses and its all calm." Penny Smiled as they exited from the highway so they could follow Jack to the hotel since they had reservations and were running short on time.

Penny's mobile phone rang, " Hello?" She asked

" Hey,Penny, Its Jack. I just got a call from Eli and Gray that Weasel just attacked, I know we're not going to be able to make it in time but, I thought you needed to know as soon as possible so we could accurately prepare to strike back if needed." Jack Informed her.

" Alright then, Jack, I want you to drop Amelia and Birdie off at the Hotel, and keep driving until you reach home. Depending on the traffic, amount of road work and the-"

" Got it, I'll be there by 11:30 this morning at the latest." Jack yawned, he was used to overnight road trips , and staying up more than 72 hours at a time. Granted it was unhealthy but, Jack Honestly didn't give a flying crap how long he was going to live or how.

" Alright, but make sure to sleep as soon as you get home. We should be home around five in the evening tomorrow, make sure to call everyone and tell them we have a meeting tomorrow at eleven pm." Viper Instructed.

" Who's house, or should we head down to the warehouse?" Jack asked sleepily , knowing he would have to go get some coffee soon so he could stay awake.

" We should head to Estelle's Club, at Tuesday's meeting she Informed me that the Police had been listening in on her phone, Carter's phone, George's phone, Sarah's Phone, and the Twin's phones. We have half our unit down, and I'm Sure that ours are up next. We know that all of us are under close watch, but Estelle's little hide out is a safe place. If possible we need to just start switching to a Morse code system." Penny told him as she sped up,

"Penny! Back up!" Jack Growled since Penny was on his tail.

" That's what she said." Robin was heard snickering through the phone.

" Robin, stop.- I know we need to switch it up, but once the police figure that out too, then we'll have to switch over once more. Maybe we should all get burner phones." Jack chuckled

" I mean that's Possible, But expensive." Penny sighed " Man, we're almost there, I'm going to let you go."

" Ten-Four, See you later.." Jack huffed.

" That didnt sound good at all." Caroline said softly.

" no, it wasnt good at all." Penny huffed as she pulled into the parking lot of the hotel, and as Jack got out of the car, along with Robin and Amelia.