Chapter I

I was getting some work from my locker when Cam's best friend came up to me.

"Hey Ray," Brett said.

"Hey Brett," I said back as I closed my locker.

"How are you?"

"Good. You?"

"I've been better."


"Yea. Well, I'll be going to my grandma's to go to a funeral."

"Oh. I'm sorry for your loss."

"It's fine."

"When are you leaving?"

"After school tomorrow. Also, is Cam sick?"

"Oh," I said as I paused, "yea."

"Ok. Do you want me to walk you home, wait for you, or just go home?"

"You could wait for me, but I have a meeting after school."

"Nah, cause I know I'm going to have homework."

"Ok. I'll call you or someone saying I need help or something if I run into any trouble."

"Ok. Also, the bell is about to ri-" Brett said as the bell rang for the fourth hour class.

"Bye, Brett." I said as I walked to class.

"Bye Ray." Brett said as he walked to his class.

I got to class and went to my seat. I overheard some students saying that there's a new kid. They're fangirling over them. I presume that it's a boy, but even some boys are fanboying. I got out my phone and went to play my game. As I was playing my game, I got a text from Dice. Dice is my online friend. We met in the game that I'm playing. I jumped because I thought that he would be in class.

"Hey Aph." He texted.

"Hey ice," I replied, "*Dice."

"Wow. Anyway, what are you doing?"

"I'm in class, waiting for it to start."


"What are you doing? I thought you would be in school or class."

"I'm taking a tour of my new school."

"Oh? What school are you going to now?"

"It's by the sea. Remember we can't give any personal info."

"Neat. Right sorry. My school just got a new kid."

"It would be funny if I came to your school."

"Yea, but it would also be creepy."


"I gotta go. Bye, text soon or c'ya in the game."

"Bye Love," Dice replied, "Bye Aph"

I had put my phone in my pocket. Class started.

At lunch. I would normally have to sit with my brother and his friend group, but since he's home sick. I'm eating on the roof today. I mean it's a beautiful day outside.

I have a watermelon jelly sandwich, watermelon water, and pieces of cubed watermelon. Yes, I love watermelon. I was eating my cubed watermelon when someone came up. I didn't want to be more social today.

"Hey, are you Rayne?" A male voice asked.

"Yes, what do you need?" I replied as I looked back. It was the new kid.

"I was wondering if I could eat my lunch with you."

"Sure," I said as I went to eat some of my watermelon.

He comes and sits down next to me. He got out his food, he started to eat, he looked at me. I was too into eating my watermelon to realize that he was watching me.

My phone went off. I got a text from Brett.

"Hey, where are you?" He texted.

"In my sacred place." I replied back.


"Yea. I mean I've been eating my lunch with the new kid."

"How does the new kid know your sacred place?"

"Well…...he stumbled upon it."

"You're on the roof, aren't you?"

"Whaaaaaaaat??????? No...…"


"Fine. What if I am?"

"Nothing. I'll tell Cam that you ate with us when he texts me."

"Thanks, Brett."

"No problem, Ray. Well, I'll let you get back to eating." Brett texted me.

"Ok. C'ya." I replied as I put some music on. I went back to eating my watermelon. The new kid had finished his lunch.

"I never got your name, sir," I asked as I swallowed my piece of watermelon.

"My name is Tyler," Tyler replied.

"Cool name….." I said as I ate my watermelon.

"Is Rayne really your real name?" Tyler asked.

I stayed quiet and ate my food. I don't really hear my first name that often, which is sad, but the reason for that was because my dad would always call me Rayne, weirdo, and names like that. I mean some of my friends still call me by my first name. I've always tried to stay strong, and not let others get to me, but after he died….

Tyler had realized that I didn't want to answer that question and apologized. I said it was fine.

"Hey Tyler?" I asked.


"Why don't we get to know each other?"

"Ok. I'll go first. Hi, I'm Tyler Smith. I moved from Michigan. I live with my mom, dad, and little sister. I'm eighteen years old. Birthday is June eighth. I play video games," Tyler said.

"Ok. Nice to meet you, Tyler. I'm Skyler Rayne Lundgren, but people call me Rayne. I can make flowers magically appear. I'm sixteen years old. My birthday is April twenty-first. I play a video game on my phone, draw and paint, and cosplay. I've lived here my entire life. I live with my mom and big brother," I said.

"YOU HAVE POWERS!?!?!?" Tyler exclaimed.

"Yea, but no one in my family has powers."

"Strange, maybe you're the chosen one or something."

"Maybe. Anyway, the bell is about to ring," I said as I cleaned up my lunch and started to head towards the door. 

"Heh. Ok." Tyler said as he did the same.

I walked to my locker to get my books and things that I'll need for class. I don't know where Tyler went, I honestly don't really care where he is. I got my things and headed for my next class. The bell had rung. I just got into my class, went to my seat, and got ready for class.

A while later, students were walking in. I was working on a sketch for a cosplay costume for the end of the year thing that my school does. The late/tardy bell rang. I hid my sketch and waited for the teacher to start class.

A while later, the bell rang to end the class. School was over, for the day.

I had a meeting with the community of prom. I went to the meeting room to have a quick meeting with the prom people. When I got there, I saw someone that I didn't want to see. That someone was Megan. Megan was the 'popular' one, even though she's not in my brother's popular group. She doesn't believe that me and Cam are brother and sister. I mean everyone thinks that we're twins, even though Cam is a few years older than me. By the way, this is Cam's last year of high school. So, I want to make this year special for him, and how I can do that is standing up for myself. Or something like that. I've been busy thinking about what I can do for him, besides standing up for myself. Anyway, I'm getting off topic.

"Hello, everyone," Someone said.

I looked at the person who said it. It was Nevaeh. She's the leader of it. I smiled.

"So, prom is in a few months. We need to get this planned and get on it. What's the theme of the prom?"

"The sea?" Someone said.

"We did that two years ago." Nevaeh said.

"Umm… about medieval?" I asked.

Everyone looked at me like that was an amazing idea.

"The theme is going to be medieval." Nevaeh said.

Everyone said ok.

A while later. The meeting was done. I went to go and grab my things from my locker. I was about to my locker when I bumped into someone. We fall down. I was on top of them.

"I'M SO SORRY!!" I yelled as I got off them.

"It's fine. I'm the one who should be sorry." A male voice said.

"Are you sure? I mean I'm super clumsy." I replied.

"Yes, I'm sure." The voice said.

"Ok." I said as I went to my locker. I got to my locker, unlocked it, grabbed my things, and went to close and lock my locker. I got a notification on my phone from my online protective brother, J.

It said, "Hey Lily, when are you going to get online?"

I, of course, replied back saying soon. I closed and locked my locker. I started to walk to the entrance of the school so I could go home. I had gotten to the entrance when it started to rain.

"Great, just great." I said to myself, "the day that I don't bring my jacket or umbrella, it starts to rain."

I stood there at the door thinking what I should do. I mean I could call my mom to come and pick me up, but I know she's busy helping Cam. I was deep in thought to realize that Tyler was talking to me. 

"RAYNE!!!" He yelled.

I snapped out of it and said, "Huh? What do you need?"

"I noticed that you didn't have a jacket or an umbrella, so I thought that I could give you a ride to take you home," He said. 

"No thanks. My house isn't far away. So, I'll be fine." I said as I smiled.

"Are you sure? You're going to get a cold if you walk." He said, in a concerned tone.

"Yes, I'm sure. I'll be fine. I won't get sick." I said as I started walking, putting my bag to cover my head.

"Ok." He said as he walked back to his car, got in, and drove to his house.