Chapter II

I was walking home when I got a phone call from mom. I, of course, answered it.

"Hey sweetie?" Mom said-asked.

"Yes?" I asked.

"Where are you?" Mom asked.

"On my way home now. Why?"

"There's…...umm…...hail coming. Also, your brother wants you home."

"Ok. I should be home in a few minutes. I'm on Flower Street."

"Ok. Please be safe." Mom said.

"I will," I said, "Love you." I hung up after my mom said 'I love you, too.'

I was a block away when I heard something. I looked around and I saw nothing. There was no one or anything there. I was starting to jog to my house. I heard the same noise again. I looked around and started running.

A while later. I got to my house. I was drenched from the rain. I took off my shoes, went to the bathroom to get a towel so I could dry off, and then headed to Cam's room.

I knock on his door. "Can I come in, Bubba?" I asked.

"Y-Yes." Cam said as he coughed and it sounded awful

I opened the door and walked in. "How are you feeling?" I asked as I walked over to him.

"Terrible. How was school?" He asked.

"Oh..It was good. Brett asked me where you were. I told him that you were home, sick." I said, smiling.

"Good. Brett texted me saying that he asked you that and said that I hope I feel better. He told me that you sat with the group."

"Yea. Did you know anyone named Tyler Smith?"

"That was a random question, but I do. He was in my class before he moved. You and him were best friends. He didn't tell you that he was moving and you were heartbroken. You didn't come out of your room for a month." Cam said, coughing in between pauses.

"Oh…..I don't remember him. I would remember him, right?" I asked looking at him with a sad voice and face.

"Yea, but you made yourself forget all about him. You were depressed for a long while. You made blue and black flowers appear around you if you went outside..."

"So, what you're trying to say is that I made myself forget him, but when doing that is how I got my depression?"

"Yea…also that's why I'm overprotective of you when it comes to boys…."

"I thought you were only overprotective because you loved me, not because of what I did when Tyler left." I said as I went to my room.

"I do love you. I just don't want you to get another heartbreak…" He said.

I was in my room to hear what he said. I can't believe him!! But I can't believe myself that I would think that...was that why he looked familiar? Maybe it was….I can't think about it right now. I'm just going to go and get something to eat and drink.

I walked to the kitchen to grab a snack before dinner. I looked through the whole kitchen looking for something sweet to eat, but as I was looking for a sweet snack, I got a text Dice.

"Hey." Dice texted.

"Hey. Need anything?" I replied back.

"Are you able to get on?" He texted back within a few seconds.

"Yea. Why?" I replied.

"Potato and Blueberry did something to the base." He replied.

"Like what?"

"They destroyed the front, the rooms."

"How in the world did they do that?"

"Did you forget that they chose the magic part?"

"Maybe, I'll be on in a little bit. I need to get something to snack and drink." I replied as I found mini donuts and got a cup of thai tea. I headed to my room so I could get on the game.

I walked in and went to lay down on my bed. I opened the game and teleported to the base.

In game.

Aph got to the base. Dice was trying to put the base back together.

"Where are they?" Aph asked.

"In one of their rooms." Dice replied as he was repairing the base.

Aph walked to Blueberry's room first to see if they were in there. They weren't in Blueberry's room, which meant that they're in Potato's room. Aph walks to Potato's room.

"Potato!!! Blueberry!!" Aph yelled.

"Oh. no." They both said.


Aph walked to them, grabbed them by their ears, and dragged them to the living room area. She put them on the couch.

"Children, tell me why you thought it was a good idea to use your magic in and near the base?"

Potato and Blueberry looked at each other and then back at Aph.

"Well….." Blueberry said, "we got a few new spells...that we wanted to try out…"

"This is why we have a magic room for you two." Dice said as he picked up some things from the floor.

"We forgot about that." Potato said.

"You're lucky that you didn't destroy Dice and mine's wedding picture." Aph said.

"We're sorry." Blue and Potato said at the same time.

"It's fine. You're also lucky that I love you both or you would've gotten a beating." Aph said.

They both nod, get up, hugs Aph, and then hugs Dice with cleaning.

"I'll be going out." Aph said as she walked out.

Dice, Potato, and Blue said bye and went back to work.

Aph teleported to the town and went to the quest board. She wanted to get more coins so she could get Dice an anniversary gift. Aph saw a quest, but it sounded sketchy to her, but it was the only thing that paid a lot…

"RAYNE!!! DINNER IS DONE!!" Mother yelled.

"OK!! Be out in a few!" I yelled back.

I saved and then logged out to eat dinner. We're having chicken egg soup. It's chicken noodle soup, but with eggs. It's amazing.

"Dinner smells amazing, ma." I said as I walked to get a bowl of it.

"Thanks, Rayne. Anyway, how was school?" Mother asked.

"It was good. There's a new kid. His name is Tyler." I said as I sat down at the table.

"Tyler?" She asked. "Tyler as in Tyler Smith?"

"Yes?" I said in a questioning tone.

"You're old best friend?" She asked again.

"I don't know." I said as I ate my soup.

"Oh," She said.

"Why does everyone say that?!?!" I bursted out. "Mom, why can't I remember my old best friend?" I asked.

"I'm assuming Cam already told you why you don't remember?" She said.

All I could do was nod.

"You didn't eat, drink, go outside, come out of your room, take showers, nor did you talk to anyone. When you did, it was because of the voices you hear in your head," she said as she took a drink, "your father and I were getting worried. One night, you fainted. So, we took you to the emergency room. You had fainted because you were starving and dehydrated. You stayed in the emergency room, or the hospital, so that you could regain weight and get feeling better. Your brother had Tyler's number. He tried texting him about you, but Tyler had blocked him. That's why your brother is overprotective of you. Just don't get close to him again, ok sweetheart?"

I was in tears. I didn't remember any of that. "I won't." I said as tears were rolling down my face. I feel bad for not remembering that...but there was nothing I could do about it. 

I finished my soup. As I was about to get up, my mom hugged and whispered in my ear that everything is ok. At this point, I was full on crying. I whispered back saying thanks. I love you. She let go of me and I went to clean my bowl and spoon.

"Hey mommy?" I asked.

"Yes, my little knight?" She replied.

"Why is Cam overprotective of me, besides the Tyler situation?"

"Well, he told me not to tell you because he doesn't want you to think that he's weak. So, that I can not answer, little miss." She said smiling.

"Alright mom. I'm going to head to my room to get some new clothes so I can take a shower to relax or maybe I'll take a bath." I said as I went to my room, grabbed clothes, and headed to the bathroom.

I started the hot water so it could get hot when I got a text from Dice.

"Hey Aph?" He texted.

"Yes Dice?" I responded.

"Are you busy right now?" He texted back.

"Yea, I'm about to take a shower or bath to relax my muscles. Why?" I responded back.

"Well, I was thinking maybe you and I, in game, could go on a date?"

"Sure, but after I get out of the shower or bath."

"Yea. Ok. See you soon?" He replied.

"Yea. See you soon." I replied as I went to Pandora so I could listen to music. The last station I was listening to was Alec Benjamin. 

I hopped into the shower and then hopped out in a few minutes. I dried off, put my clothes on, and then headed to my room.

I walked over to my bed, plopped down, and then opened Shadow Nights.

Aph teleports to Dice.

"I'm here." Aph said.

Dice jumps. "Hey," He said.

"Hey. Do I need to change or can I wear what I got on?" She asked.

"You can go and change. I don't really care."

"Ok." Aph said as she walked to their room to change.

After a while, Aph walks out in a new dress, which was a lavender color with a hint of cloud blue. Dice was picking a flower for Aph. When he turned around, his mouth dropped.

"You look stunning, Aph." He said as he walked over to her.

"Th-thanks. I hope this isn't too fancy for this date." She said as she blushed.

"It's not. It's perfect actually." He said as he put the flower he picked in Aph's hair.

"Eh?" She said as she jumped and blushed.

"Nothing. Let's go." He said as he grabbed her hand and walked out.

"Where are we going?" She asked.

"Somewhere that you'll see when we get there." 

"Ok." She said as she walked with him.

As they were walking to the place, they were talking and laughing. They were talking about their day.

They were about to go to the place when my mom yelled that it's bedtime.

"Hey Dice. I have to get to sleep, irl." Aph said.

"Oh...ok...I guess we can go on the date tomorrow," He said.

"Night." Aph said as she saved and logged out.

I closed the app and then got comfy in my five blankets. I played Pandora on my phone and went to sleep.

In the morning. I woke up at 4:30. It's a school day. It's friday. I woke up early on a friday. You'd think if I woke up at 4:30 I'd be tired, nope. I'm wide awake. I got dressed, went out to the kitchen to make breakfast and work on homework.

A few hours later, my mom and Cam came out and made themselves breakfast.

"Morning." I said as I finished my homework.

"Mornin." They both said.

"How did you guys sleep?" I asked.

"Good. You?" Mom asked.

"I slept well." I replied by putting my homework into my bag.

"That's good. Why are you up so early?" She said in a questioning tone as she went to sit down on a bar stool that was next to me.

"I woke up at four-thirty. I was excited about something, so I couldn't go back to sleep."

"Oh. Strange." Mom said as she ate her breakfast.

Cam was struggling with the toaster. He was making toast for himself.

"Hey Cam?" I asked.

"Yes, my little sister?" He replied in a weird voice.

"Can you promise me something?" I asked.

"It depends, but yes. What is it?"

"Promise me, you won't beat up Tyler when he comes over to me?" I asked.

"I promise, but if he does something, then I'll have to break the promise."

"Good. Thanks. Ok." I said as I got up and put on my backpack. "I'm going to head to school early, because I promised a teacher that I would come in early to help them set up for something." I said as I walked to the door.

"Ok. Bye, love ya." Mom said as she ate her breakfast.

"Ok, sis. I'll be there in a few with Brett, of course." Cam said as he waited for his toast to pop up.

"Ok. Love ya, too mom." I said as I walked out.

As I was walking to school, I was, of course, playing music. But as I listened to my music, I could hear someone talking. I looked around and behind me. I saw Cam and Brett a few feet behind me talking.

I waited for them to catch up to me. 

"Morning Rayne." Brett said as they got to me.

"Morning Brett." I said, smiling.

"You seem cheery and excited about something, especially when it's this early in the morning. Is there a reason or are you just excited for no apparent reason?" He said-asked. 

"There is kinda a reason why I'm like this and there's also not a reason." I said as I started to skip to the school's entrance.

"Ok." Brett said.

"Hey Brett?" Cam asked.

"Yes?" He replied.

"Did Rayne use her magic yesterday? Did she seem off?" Cam questioned.

"No, she didn't use her magic. She did seem off yesterday, I didn't really think of it that much, since you know how she is."

"Oh? How did she seem off?"

"Well, she was herself one minute the next minute she wasn't. It was like that the whole entire day." Brett said as he walked towards the school entrance.

"Ok. Thanks." Cam said as he followed him.

I was putting my things in my locker. As I was putting my last couple of things in my locker, Megan came up to me and knocked my last two things out of my hands.

"Hey freak." Megan said.

"What do you want, Megan?" I asked.

"You to stay away from Tyler and Camreon." She said as she left.

"Ok. Sure. Whatever." I said as I went to pick the things she knocked out of my hands.

As I went to do that, Tyler came up to me and helped me.

"Thank you, Tyler," I said.

Tyler handed me my things and I took them and put them away.

"You're welcome," Tyler said, "hey Rayne?"

"Yes, Tyler?" I replied as I grabbed my sketchbook.

"Would you like to eat with me at lunch?"

I had to think about it. My brother would be worried. Then there's Megan, who told me to stay away from Tyler and Cam, even though I can't really stay away from Cam. "No, I'm sorry, but I'll have to decline." I replied.

Tyler's expression went to sad. "It's fine."

"Ok." I said 'Ugh, why do I feel bad?'

"Well, I'll let you get to class." He said as he walked away.

I nodded. My first class was art, that's why I grabbed my sketchbook. I started to walk to art. As I was on my way to class, Cam stopped me.

"Sis, stay away from Tyler. He's bad news," He said.

"How is he bad news?" I asked.

"He's just going to leave you again."

"Cam, not now. Not in school. Not at home. Not ever."

"When will you face it?"

"Why are you like this?"

"What do you mean?" He asked.

My vision went blurry and I felt dizzy. "Bubba, I do-" I said before passing out.

Cam had caught me and brought me to the nurses office.

A while later. I woke up in the nurse's office. "Ugh. Why is my head pounding?" I asked myself. Again, I wasn't looking for someone to reply.

"You passed out due to stress and tiredness." Someone replied.


The person came out from behind the curtain. It was nurse Will. "How are you feeling?" He asked me.

"My head is pounding." I responded.

"It'll hurt for a few hours. Did you know that you were stressed?" He asked.

"No." I lied, I did know that I was stressed, but I did try to calm down.

"Are you sure?" He asked.

"Yea, I didn't know that I was stressed." I replied.

"Ok. Just take breaks, if you can so this doesn't happen again, ok?"

"Yea. Yea, I will," I said as I got up.

"By the way, there's someone looking for you."

"Oh? Do you know who it is?"

"I think he's name is Gabe or something."

"Ok. Thanks." I said as I went to leave the nurse's office. 

I went to where I think Gabe would be at. I get there and see him talking to someone on the phone. I waited for him to get off the phone. I walked up to him as he was still talking to the person on the phone. 

It felt like an hour before he actually got done talking on the phone, but it was only a few minutes after I had gotten there.

"Hey, you wanted to see me?" I asked.

"Yea," He said.

"Ok. Why?"

"Are you ok? Are you getting enough to eat? Are you getting rest like you should?" He asked me. He kept asking me questions.

"I'm fine. Yes, I've been getting enough to eat. Yes, I've been resting like I should. I'm fine. I've been just stressed out lately."

"Are you sure?" He asked me as he grabbed my shoulders.

"I'm sure. I know that you're concerned about me, you and Luciel," I said as I sat down on the bench that was there.

"We are, and we have a good reason, too" He said as he sat down beside her.

"Of course you do. You guys are family to me, but you guys don't need to." I said as I looked up at the sky.

"Girl, we're going to be worried, concerned, and scared for you whether you like it or not," Gabe said, "Ray…..we love you."

"I know…." I said.

A while later, we were talking and I was crying from laughing hard. We were talking about bad decisions we had. I had terrible life decisions. The bell rang. It was lunch.

"Come'on, let's go get food!!" Gabe said as he got up and pulled me to the cafeteria.

We got to the cafeteria. I saw Cam and his friend group talking about something. I would normally sit with them, but I sat with Gabe and Luciel.

We were talking as I went to get up to get something to drink when Megan walked behind me with her tray over me. I hit my head on her tray making it go all over me and her.

"Ugh!! You brat!!" She yelled as she stormed off.

"Great. Just great…." I said as I went to the girl's locker room to change. I should've seen that coming….

I walked into the locker, started to get change, when the lights went off and the door closed. I put on my shirt and went to see what was going on. I went to open the door, but it was locked. Luckily, I know how to pick a lock with a bobby-pin. I went to get one out of my gym bag, but when I got to my gym locker, my gym bag was gone. How did I not notice that my gym bag wasn't in my locker anymore. "Megan must've done this when she stormed out to change into more slutty clothes." I said to myself.

No, I didn't bring my phone. I didn't think that this was going to happen. I could yell for help, but I know that everyone is eating or going to class. Screw it. I start banging on the door and yelling for help.

It's been a few minutes. I was still banging on the door and yelling for help. I heard people walk by. I kept yelling until someone heard me and walked over to where I was trapped in. They opened the door and I was still banging on the door. I fell on top of them.

"Woah now, missy." A familiar voice said.

'Great, I'm on top of Tyler.' I thought as I tried to get up, but Tyler pulled me back down. "T-Tyler!!!!" I yelled.

"This is payback for not remembering me," Tyler said, "and this is for not saying bye to you." Tyler kissed me.

I push him off of me. "St-Stay a-away f-from m-me!!" I said as I got up and headed to class.

I'd gotten to class. "Sorry, I'm super late. I got stuck in the locker room…" I told the teacher.

"How did you get stuck in the locker room?" She had asked.

"Someone locked the door and had stolen my other pair of clothes." 

"Strange. I'll ask the principal to look at the camera footage to see who it was," She said, "you may go and sit down."

I nod as I go and sit down in my seat.

After class. I couldn't focus after what had happened. I can't believe he would do something like that!!!!! UGH!!!! I punched my locker in frustration. I grabbed my things and slammed my locker shut. I had looked around to see if anyone was looking at me. Almost everyone is looking at me. Great, just great. People are probably thinking that I need to go to a hospital….

I was about to head to my next class when someone touched my shoulder. I freaked out and attacked them.

"Owie." A female voice said.

"I'm so sorry, Juls." I said as I hugged her.

"It's fine, Sky." Julie said.

"Are you sure?"

"Yes. Having a bad day?"

"Yep. I just don't want to deal with people anymore. I-" I said as I got rudely interrupted by a text. The text was from Dice.

"Hey Aph." Dice texted.

"Hey. What's up?" I replied.

"Can we go on that date another time?"

"Sure. Why? Did something happen?"

"Personal reasons. Sorry."

"No. No, it's fine. I hope you can get through it."

"Thanks. I'll get a hold of you when we can go on that date."


Dice went offline.

"Strange." I said..

"Strange?" Julie asked.

"Sorry. My friend just canceled something we had planned for a game."

"Oh. Well, if you'll excuse me, I'll be going." She said as she left.

I waved bye to her as I went to my next class. I got to my next class which was technology class. 

A while later. The final bell to leave school rang. I got up and went to my locker to get my things. I headed for the entrance when Cam stopped me by the office.