Chapter III

"Ray, you'll need to walk home alone, again today. I have something that I need to do before I head home," Cam said.

"Ok. What do you need to do?" I asked.

"Something that you don't need to know," He replied as he looked at me straight in the eyes.

"Fine, but when you get home, you need to tell me. If it has anything to do with me, then I get to know what you did."

"Ok. Well, I have to go. Bye, Sky."

"Bye Cam," I said as I walked home.

As I was walking home, I was listening to pandora. I had it on shuffle, but it would only play sad love songs. The emotions I was feeling throughout the day. The song that was on happened to be "Good Things Fall Apart" by ILLENIUM & Jon Bellion. I was about home too, when it came on. I started to sing along. I was focused on the song that I didn't realize that a girl that looked around my age was staring at me.

She walked over to me and asked, "Hey. Are you LilyCosplay?"

"If I were to say yes, what would you do?" I replied.

"I would fangirl for a second and ask you for an autograph," she said.

"I don't really do autographs, but I'll take a picture with you though," I said.

"Ok. Let me get my phone out," she said as she went to get her phone out.

"By the way, what's your name?" I asked.

"It's Delanie. What's your real name?" Delanie asked.

"It's Rayne," I said.

Delanie got her phone out and got her camera sorted and we took a picture. I'm sure she'll probably show that to her friends or parents.

"You should probably get heading back home, Delanie," I said as I realized that the sun was setting.

"Yea. Wait, before I go, can I ask you a question?"

"Sure," I said as I smiled.

"Could we possibly do a group cosplay?" She asked.

"Sure. We can hangout one of the days with the week and figure out what we're going to cosplay," I said, "now you better get going. Bye, Del!"

"Ok. Bye, Rayne," she said as she walked back to her house.

I headed inside and went to put my things in my room when I heard talking in the kitchen. The curious person that I am, went to check it out.

It was my mom and I believe one of her co-workers.

"Hey mim," I said as I went to get a snack and a drink.

"Oh. Hey sweetie," Mom said, "this is one of my co-workers, Kristi."

"Hi," I said.

"Hello. It's nice to finally meet you," she said as she smiled.

"Yea. Clockwise," I said as I got my snack and drink and headed back to my room.

I got to my room and got my homework out. I headed to my desk and started my homework as I listened to my pandora station.

I got done and went to start thinking about prom setup. I grabbed my sketchbook to sketch out what will be there. I was sketching, when Cam knocked on my door.

"Who is it?" I asked as I took a break.

"It's your blueberry," Cam said.

"What do you want?" I asked.

"I want to talk to you about something," he said. 

"About what?"

"About what happened to you."

"There's nothing to talk about it."

"Fine, but you will tell me about it."

"No, I won't."

"Yes, you will."

"Can you go away?"

"Nope. I can't."


"Because I is your brother and I love you."

"Sure. Is that all?" I asked.

"Nope," he said as he walked.

"BUBBA!!!!" I yelled.


"Who said you can walk in?" I asked as I got up and went to push him out of the room.

I tried, but he was using his body weight. He stopped and I went flying. Cam was laughing. I got up and slapped him. Why can't I have a normal family?

Cam stayed in my room until he got tired and left to go to his room to sleep.

I was working on a sketch for a prom dress. I was thinking about it being a high-low dress that has guard armor. I was also thinking of a short dress with some fairy lights hidden in the tool of the skirt part of the dress, but it has hidden flowers.

A few hours later. It was around 2 in the morning. I was still working on the dress design. I'm frustrated about what happened yesterday. I still couldn't believe he would do that. I wasn't tired at all. I gave up on the design and went to log in to the game. I was the only one in my guild that was on. I was kinda glad. I made my character go and get some quests done, for some coins for a wedding anniversary present for Dice. He's always talking about it when he gets the chance to. I told him that maybe he'll get it for an anniversary present.

I was still doing some quests that I didn't even realize it was morning. I still wasn't tired, which was strange. I wasn't thinking about what had happened, but maybe it's my old self keeping me awake. Anyway, I get up and get changed. After I got changed, I headed to the kitchen to make some breakfast for myself.

When I got to the kitchen, I heard talking. The voices sounded like mom and Cam. They were arguing about me hanging out with Tyler. I just stayed silent and listened.

"Mom, she's going to get hurt again," Cam said.

"Cam, you got to let her go," Mom said in an irritated way.

"No. She's my little sister and I've been the man of the house since dad died," he replied.

"I know, but she's an adult, well almost an adult." she said as she poured herself another cup of coffee.

I think I should go in and break the fighting, I mean I'm not going to say anything. I walked into the kitchen and made myself some toast. They stopped arguing and said good morning to me as if they weren't fighting.

"Morning. After my toast is done, I'm going to go to school," I said as I waited for my toast.

"Ok," they both said.

After my toast got done, I grabbed them and headed to school. I got to school and headed to my sacred spot because it's like an hour before classes start. I played music on my phone and sat looking up towards the sky.

A while later, I heard the door open. I looked to see who it was. It was J.

"RAYNE!!!" J yelled.

"Yes?" I replied.

"Are you ok?"

"Y-yea," I said as I was lying.

"No, you're not. What's wrong?"

I told him what happened yesterday. He hugged me.

"Does your brother know about this?"

I shook my head no. Of course, I wouldn't tell Cam about it.


"I don't want him to fight Tyler"

"Ok. I'll believe this lie," J said as he let go.

"Is there a reason why you're here?" I asked.

"No, I just want to see my friend, who is like a little sister to me."

"You're older by a year-day. So, I don't want to hear it."

"Being miss sass-a-frass today?"

I laughed at that as I replied, "yes, only because I didn't get any sleep last night."

"You didn't get your sleep?"

"No, I didn't. I know a shocker," I said.

"You're going to be cranky through-out the day. I'm glad that I only have to deal with that for only three class periods."

I pouted at him. Now, he doesn't like to see me pouting or sad.

"No, smile," he said.

"No. Never," I said.

"Fine. You leave me no choice but to do this," J said as he started to tickle me.

"Why?!?!?!" I yelled as I was laughing.

"There's the happy Rayne I know and love."

"Oh. Hush it. Anyway, how's your girlfriends doing?"

"They're good. Our relationship is doing amazing."

"Th-That's good," I said as I stuttered on saying that. I don't know why.

"Yea. Are you ok?" He asked.

"Yea. I'm fine. Sorry, I didn't mean to stutter," I said. I wanted to ask him something, but I couldn't think about how to put it into words.

"It's fine. What's up?" He asked.

"Nothing. Just thinking about some things."

"Thinking about what?"

"About life and other things."

"Other things like?"

"Love, him, dresses, prom."

J had heard me said him. "Him being Tyler?"

I nod. "That's a reason why I couldn't sleep." I mumbled.

"Rayne, I know you fall hard, but get hurt easily. So, please promise me that you won't fall and get hurt?" He asked me.

"I promise you that I won't fall or get hurt," I said as I looked at him.

"You better keep that promise."

"J, you know me,"

"I know, but you can be forgetful at times, too."

"I know, but I won't forget this promise. I'll write it down."

"You better." J said as he smiled. "Anyway, how's Cam and Brett?"

"Cam's fine. Brett is Brett." I said. "But I'm in no mood to talk to Cam."

"Oh? Why?"

"Well, he kept something away from me. He didn't tell me that I was Tyler's best friend when we were younger. When he left, I was depressed, made myself forget about him, starved myself. It was bad enough for me to go to the hospital for weeks," I said as I looked up at the sky, "I'm not proud of myself for doing that."

J hugged me, tightly kinda like a bear hug. I've been keeping myself strong for a long while. 

If I remember correctly, I told you guys that whenever I cry, it hurts and only comes from one eye. Back to the story. 

I lost it and started to cry. J hugged me even tighter. My tears kept flowing until I heard footsteps. I wiped my tears away and J let go of me.

The footsteps sound a lot like Ri's shoes.

"Rayne!! Daughter!!" Ri yelled.

"Yes?" I replied.

Ri followed the voice. "Rayne, someone is looking for you. They told me to tell you to go to the music room," she said as she walked up.

"What did the person look like?" I asked.

"He had golden yellow hair, light blue eyes," Ri said.

"Ok. Thanks," I said as I got up and headed to the music room.

A few minutes later. I got to the music room, heard someone singing, walked in and saw someone I didn't really want to see.

I saw Tyler, singing. He was singing, a song that he dedicated to me when we were younger. I couldn't help myself, so I started to sing along. It startled him, causing him to stop.

"Rayne! You scared the living crap out of me," he yelled.

"Sorry. Ri told me that you wanted to see me?"

"It's fine," he said as he looked at me straight in my eyes, "I'm sorry about yesterday. I was just overly excited when I finally realized that you were my childhood best friend and crush. I know that you can't forgive me for what I did."

"I didn't even remember you, until I asked Cam who you were the first day that you were here. He told me the past and why I couldn't remember you. He'd said that I made myself forget about you, I, you, made me depressed, I wouldn't leave my room to eat, drink, or any normal person thing. I was in the HOSPITAL for weeks, until I was able to go home. He also told me that he tried to get a hold of you when all of that happened and he was blocked or something like that," I said with tears in my eyes, "so, no, I can't forgive you."

Tyler was frozen when I told him all of that. There were tears falling down his face and mine.

"Now, if you excuse me, I'll be leaving." I said as I ran out of the room.

I didn't know where I was running or who I was running to. By the time, I realized where I was running and who I was running to, I was already there. I interrupted Cam's class, not meaning too.

Cam came running up to me and hugged me. His teacher excused him. We went out in the halls.

"Hey, what's wrong?" He asked me as he was still hugging me.

"Tyler. He apologized for what he did yesterday. He knew that I wasn't going to forgive him. I told him why I wouldn't forgive him. He froze. Tears were coming from the both of us." I said in between sobs.

"What did he do yesterday?"

"He kissed me twice. One was for not remembering him and the other one because he wanted too or something like that, I can't quite remember what he exactly said."

"Oh. When I see him, I'll slap him, ok?" He asked me, pulling away from the hug, but still holding on my shoulders.

I nodded.


"Can I go back to class now?" I asked.

"Yeah," he said as he let go of my shoulders.

"Thank you. I'll see you after class." I said as I went to class. I went to sit down when I heard my classmates mumbling. I sat down and listened to the teacher.

A while later. Class ended.