Why You?

Staring at the full figured brunette woman in front of me, unbridled rage floods my entire five foot five body. I clench my fists, but that doesn't stop the shaking. She smiles brightly and steps towards me, faltering when I snarl. "What are you doing here," I demand angrily. "Is that any way to greet your mother," she reprimands. I growl, but bite back a cold retort. "We will discuss this later " Bear's arm around my waist tightens, holding me in place. "As I was saying, our pack fell before due to a lack of competent heirs. Since taking over, I have done all I could to ensure we are never caught off guard again. Today you all proved those methods have in fact done what they were meant. After the fight, a new wolf came to us." Caspor steps forward, shooting a scowl at my mother before holding his head high and meeting the gazes of the crowd.

"This is Caspor King. His wolf has gone semi-Feral but as you can all see, he is not like other Ferals we are familiar with. I have offered him a home in our pack, just as I have with so many Rogues. He will also be assisting in training. I expect that he will be treated with the same level of respect. Should I hear otherwise, there will be consequences. Is that clear?" A chorus of 'Yes Alpha' echoes through my pack, all bowing their heads in submission. I dismiss them all, glaring at my mother and the man by her side. "You two. My office. Now." I turn on my heel, walking back inside. I can feel them all following me, including Bear and Caspor with my Nexus Number. When we are all in the office, I shut the door, locking it.

"You've done well with the pack," she says eventually. I growl, Wynter shifting uneasily in the back of my mind. "Is that any way to behave towards your mother when she returns from the dead," she demands. "Mother," I scoff. "As if you were ever a mother to us kids. Mema and papa raised me after you dumped me and my pathetic, spineless sperm donor gave up his rights to avoid a child support order. I raised the kids after you had them because you were busy running around laying down and spreading your legs for any man that so much as said hello to you. You should have stayed away, Shelly." Rage clouds her muddy brown eyes as she glares at me. "You will RESPECT me dammit."

I laugh bitterly and sneer at her. "Respect is earned. You never earned it. I gave it because mema asked it of me. Let's not forget that during divorce number four, you not only choked me, but cut me too. Why? Because I said what you didn't want to hear. I told you at almost forty, you had no business fucking a man MY age and coming in at one in the goddamned morning. You were a whore as a teenager and you're a whore now." Her face contorts in rage and she lunges for me. But she never makes contact because before she can, Bear has her pinned by the throat.

"I am alpha here, Shelly. Why did you live, huh? Why did THEY have to die but YOU got to live? How did you even live? I laid by your body with theirs. So why are you alive?" My cold tone sends a shudder down her spine and I see her start to shake as Julianna unlocks the office door and two of the guards come and seize her and her boyfriend. I know my questions are rhetorical. She'll never give me answers because in doing so she would give me peace and closure and that's just not allowed in Shelly's eyes. "Lock them up separately. I want her in the Shadow Cell," I order. The guards nod, but I can see the fear in their eyes. My grandparents were lenient, but they had a prison. An ineffective one. I kept the standard cells that were around when they were alive. That's where Vlad and his mate were taken.

But I also created my own sect of cells. There are only about twelve of them, but each one is more terrifying than the last. The Shadow Cell happens to be the worst. The prisoner is locked in total blackness with not even a shred of light. Eventually, they start to hallucinate, after the panic sets in of course. Not even our eyes can adjust that well. "Are you going to execute her," Julianna asks from beside me. I toss the idea around in my head, but I can't bring myself to in good conscience execute her. She hasn't technically committed a crime. She begins to thrash in my guard's grip, snarling. I hold up my hand, halting them. I walk up to her, gripping her face in my hand hard. "You should have stayed dead Shelly. I don't know where you've been hidden or who has been hiding you. But believe me, I will find out. And when I do, you'll wish you were dead. You were better off that way," I growl in her ear.

I pull back, smiling grimly at the horror in her eyes as her face pales. I wave my hand dismissively, watching the guards drag her away with her boyfriend. Julianna shuts the door, locking it again and looking at me in exhaustion. I sigh, hugging her tightly. "Go get some rest, Jules. We can handle things." She smiles thankfully, nodding. Ashton comes to my side, Bear on my other. I sigh when the intercom lights up. "Alpha, you're needed at the northern gate," a voice crackles. I sigh, but agree, grabbing Bear's hand and nodding for Ashton to follow. Julianna trails after him, completely ignoring my earlier order. Stubborn woman.

It takes a good twenty minutes, even with wolf speed, to get to the gate. I nod at the guard tower to open it and when I do, I gasp. Eric stands, with his mate and what appears to be his entire pack, stands before me looking bloodied and beaten. I immediately start snapping commands. "Get me medics and doctors! I want nurses and anybody else with medical experience out here now! Ashton, clear out the barracks. Julianna, tell the pack we need temporary tents and buildings set up anywhere they can go." They nod, Ashton heading towards the barracks.

The guards herd the other pack into the gates, speeding up when a blood chilling howl rips through the air. The gates slam shut behind them as my pack stands behind me, prepared to help as ordered. "Eric, what the hell happened," I ask. He shakes his head, giving me a look that says we'll talk later. I watch as Eric's pack floods in through the gates. He steps forward when they all halt, Kamryn beside him. I bow my head in respect. "Alpha Dawn, thank you for accepting my pack," he calls out. I smile faintly, stepping down and approaching him. I grip his forearm as he does mine, my smile growing. "It's a pleasure to have you all, despite the seemingly unfortunate circumstances." He nods, a grateful smile lighting his features. I turn my attention to his pack, addressing them all. "For the time being, our home is your home. Our resources are your resources. If you are injured from the attack, a group of our Elites will lead you to the hospital where you will be treated. If you have lost loved ones in the fight and had to leave them behind, see me. We will send a group to collect them and bring them home." Murmurs echo through his pack as he sucks in a sharp breath.

"Dawn, I can't ask that of you." I smile kindly, my hand on his shoulder. "But you didn't, my friend. We are offering. We have temporary spaces set up. Though, looking at your numbers, I'm not sure it was enough. We may have to split the pack between here and Rolando's." He nods, likely having known it was a possibility. My pack moves from behind me, the Elites going through to find the injured, while others offer food and a place to sleep. A couple I notice find their mates, making me smile. "Come inside. Let's call Rolando," I say. Two small children, a boy and a girl, no older than ten run up, gripping Kamryn's hand. "Momma, are there kids our age here," the little girl asks. Her wide brown eyes are copies of Kamryn's, her bright hair Eric's. I look at him, raising an eyebrow.

"The council knows. But you know how Ismael is. I didn't want him finding out I had kids and becoming a threat," he says softly. I nod. "So you notice it too. He's slipping." Eric nods, but doesn't say anything. I smile, crouching down. "Hello, little ones. What are your names," I ask lightly. The little girl hides behind her brother, her little hands wrapped around his upper arms. "My name is Caine and this is my sister, Ruby." I smile, nodding. Eilithia, would you come here please? And bring Sunny and Shadow with you, I call for one of my members.

She approaches us, her own twins trailing after her. "Good evening, Alpha," she says with a bow. Sunny runs up, wrapping her small arms around my waist. I chuckle and pick her up, swinging her around. "Hello little sunshine." She giggles and squeals when I set her down. "Eilithia, this is alpha Eric and alpha pair Kamryn, and these are their children Caine and Ruby." The adult exchange hellos as Sunny gets right up in Ruby's face excitedly. She was the runt of the two and had to be revived a couple of times, but she can keep up with damn near anybody. "Are you twins," she demands. I chuckle at the blunt question.

Ruby nods shyly as Caine stands in front of her. "She doesn't like how close you are," he says firmly. He moves to put his hand on Sunny, but Shadow is pulling her back before he touches her. "Don't touch my sister," he growls. "That's enough children. Sunny, remember what we said about personal space? It's okay with Shadow, but you have to mind others," Eilithia says gently. Sunny blushes and nods, mumbling an apology. Shadow hugs his sister, turning her away from Caine's glare.

Sunny whimpers when she meets the other boy's eyes, burying her face into her brother. She's never been one to handle being the subject of someone's anger. She's a people pleaser, that one. "Caine. Enough. She didn't mean any harm," Eric says firmly, breaking his son's glare. Caine huffs but nods. I turn, leading them inside as Elithia follows with her two kids. I ask her to occupy them while I speak with Eric and his mate privately. She smiles, nodding as she leads the children into the kitchen under the pretense of cupcakes.

I close the office door behind us, locking it. "Can i get you anything Kamryn? Eric?" He shakes his head, but she smiles weakly, asking for chamomile tea. I start the water on my electric boiler, preparing two mugs before pouring the burning liquid in with the bags. I hand her one, sitting behind my desk with the other. "Now, tell me, what happened?" I can already guess, but I want him to confirm it. Part of me hopes I'm wrong, but deep down I know I'm not. "It was Ferals," he mutters.

"They came out of nowhere and attacked us. We weren't properly prepared. Goddess they killed children, Dawn." I sigh, closing my eyes and pushing my own memories away. I lean forward, resting my elbows on the desk top. "Eric, you and your pack are welcome to stay as long as you need, but you have to understand, they will be expected to follow the same rules my own pack does. I cannot have so many foreign wolves here acting against what is the norm for us." He nods thoughtfully. "What do you propose?" I chew the inside of my cheek for a moment, mulling over options.

"Before any mass orders are given, we confer with one another and reach an agreement that will be a blanket order. That way neither of us steps on the other's toes in regards to their pack." Shock registers on his face, and I assume he was expecting me to demand full control. "In regards to trivial things, I think it fair that both packs be expected to obey a command from either alpha, be it you, me, Kamryn or Bear. But we do need to let one another know of that command so we don't undermine one another." He nods his agreement as Kamryn stays quiet by his side. If she disagrees with anything I've said, she would have voiced it. She isn't one to be quiet.

"We will, of course, need to alert the other alphas of the new development. I don't want certain ones planting seeds of mistrust in other's minds that I'm trying to take over packs." Kamryn growls softly now, knowing full well who I mean. "Why don't we give them all a call now and gather them here. We can, if they are willing, split my pack amongst them as well so that we are not straining your pack's resources." I smile gratefully and nod, dialing the numbers of each pack. "I would, however, ask that you not offer my pack members to Ismael. I don't trust him." I nod my agreement as Rolando answers.

"Dawn, we didn't see each other that long ago. Missing me already," he teases. "Like she would miss your arrogance," Siobahn snaps in the background. I chuckle softly at their antics. "No, Ro, actually, I have Eric here. His pack was attacked by Ferals unexpectedly. They're currently staying here, but we were wondering if your pack would be able and willing to host a few of them." I hear him and Siobahn discussing it at the other end of the line before his happy voice fills it again. "Absolutely. We will come with a group of guards in a couple of days to bring any that want to come back with us." I smile, thanking him and setting up a time, before hanging up and continuing to call other alphas.

For the most part they are willing, only a couple saying they are unable to host additional pack members. When we finish, Eric and Kamryn are both much more relaxed than they previously were, both being reassured their pack will be safe. A knock at the door pulls our attention from the matter as Ashton comes in with a member of the Elites. "D, I need to talk to you. Jareth can take the alpha and alpha Pair to their room if they don't mind." I glance at Eric and see him smile tiredly and nod, standing up and offering his hand to his mate. She takes it gratefully and they follow the guard out.

Ashton close the door behind them, sitting down in the seat Eric vacated. "You need to figure out what to do about Vlad," he says firmly. I raise an eyebrow at him and smirk. "Why does anything need to be done? He has his mate now. He is of no bother to me," I say. He narrows his eyes, unimpressed with my flippancy. "I know a part of you is brewing in jealousy. And a part of you still hasn't decided on whether you should be with Bear or Vlad. Your once mate you all but rejected for his own happiness or your Claimed mate now mated to another. Regardless of how small that part is, it still isn't fair for you emotionally to wrestle with that." I sigh, my smirk slipping from my face. Is he right? Is there a part of me that still wants Vlad? Do I still love him? But I love Bear. There is no question about that. None whatsoever.

I sigh as Ash leans forward, putting a gentle hand over my own that I hadn't realized I'd clenched into fists. "I know what you'll choose. Now you need to let the other one go. You cannot hold onto him," he says gently. I close my eyes, breathing deeply. I know he's right. So why do I feel a pang at the thought of letting him go? "Send them in," I say softly. He stands up, fisting his hand over his heart with a bow before leaving. He's right. I can't hold onto both of them. And I know who I'm going to choose, so why haven't I done it yet?

I look up when both of them stroll into my office, Bear glowering at Vlad's passive face. They both take a seat in either chair in front of me. "Bear, when I brought you here, it was because Vlad had shown up in a wave of Rogues that came in and I wanted to break the Claimed bond I shared with him. I knew you were my mate since high school and I hid that from you. I was wrong to do that and I will spend the rest of my life making that up to you. I have not formally voiced my choice, despite the fact that the entire pack no doubt knows about the situation and knows my choice."

His eyebrows furrow as he looks at me, confused. I turn to look at Vlad calmly. My heart doesn't accelerate anymore like it once did when I meet his deep brown eyes. My stomach is calm instead of flipping like it used to. "Vlad, I put it off because you were familiar. Something I'd known long ago and that soothed both myself and Wynter because neither of us handle change well. But the fact is we are an alpha. You left because you couldn't handle that responsibility and we've both grown and changed since then. You have your True Pair Bond now. We both do. At one time, if you had come back and expressed an interest in fighting, I would have swooned and agreed. But the fact is you have never been one to fight for me. And I'm done chasing you. So, I can confidently say, I choose to release you of the Claim and to Claim Bear instead like I should have. As Alpha of the Lycan Pack, I, Dawn Elizabeth Blackwood, rescind my Claimed Mate Bond to you, Vladimir Grey Matthews. I sever the bond that was chosen and accepted by us, breaking any and all ties we have to one another."

He winces but beyond that shows no feeling of the Bond Removal. He stands up, turning sharply on his heel and walking out the door silently. Bear stands up, coming around the desk and pulling me into his arms. Wynter purrs contently as I nuzzle deeper into his arms. He kisses the top of my head and I smile. This is what I want for the rest of forever.