The Time is Coming

Another week passes and it seems almost calm. Uneventful. No attacks, no infighting. Rolando and the other alphas came and collected the members of Eric's pack that they could take in, but that was the most excitement we've had. But even I know peace can never last. It's as delicate as a freshly bloomed flower.

"Dawn, can i talk to you," Ashton asks, coming in. I look up, nodding. He sits down in front of me and looks at me. But he doesn't meet my eyes. And he fidgets with his fingers. "Ash what is it," I ask. My concern is growing more by the second. He is never fidgety or twitchy. "Snakes find their mates differently than you wolves do." I nod slowly, unsure of where he is going with this. He opens his mouth to continue but is interrupted by Julianna and Misty coming in excitedly.

I watch him as they both start talking animatedly about Nadia and how they've finally gotten her to open up a bit and they discovered she loves to train. A blush colors Ash's face and suddenly it hits me like a ton of bricks. A Cheshire cat grin stretches across my face.

I open my mouth and squeal, halting the other two talking. "Oh my goddess!! Ashton found his-" I grunt as Ashton plows into me, tackling me to the ground with a hand over my mouth. I narrow my eyes at him as he glares at me. "Shut up! Not everybody needs to know my business," he grumbles. I lick his palm and he falls back, groaning in disgust and wiping his hand on his jeans. "Why are you like this," he asks in exasperation. I grin and sit up. "Because I can be." He rolls his eyes at me and stands up, offering his clean hand. "Nadia is your mate isn't she," I squeal. He groans when Julianna and Misty both gasp and squeal. His only answer is a simple nod before he resumes his seat, dropping his head to my desk with a dull thud.

I wave my hand, subtly telling the girls to leave us alone. They grin and nod, bouncing out of the room no doubt to find our newest snake. "So then what's wrong," I ask gently, closing the door. "I haven't seen her since we were kids. Goddess knows what she went through for years. Rex is begging me to be near her, but I can see it in her eyes that she's scared of me." His voice trembles and I sigh, sitting beside him.

"Then you take it easy and slow. Don't pressure her. Let her realize you're there for her, not to hurt her. You're a great man, Ashton. She knows that. But she also has her own traumas to face." He nods sadly and sighs. I smile sadly and kiss the top of his head. "It'll work out, doll. You'll see," I tell him. Misty bursts through my door, gasping. "D, the patrols found one of our kids outside the gates," she says breathlessly. My eyes widen and I trip over my own foot, stumbling, as I run down the stairs.

When I finally get to the front gates, I have to weave through the crowd to get to where my guards are standing in a circle around another one. They part to let me in, exposing the one they are shielding to the crowd. "Elizabeth," a woman cries from the crowd. I turn, my eyes widening when she lurches forward and scoops the small girl from the guard's arms. She falls to the ground holding the child, her face buried in her fiery hair as sobs rack her body. "Ashton, take her and her daughter somewhere she can say her goodbyes. Then up the patrols. Any Ferals caught on our land I want brought in and put into isolation." He nods once, helping the sobbing woman up and escorting her away.

I turn and face the building crowd. "This young child is not the first death we have suffered at the hands of the Ferals. But she will be the last. From now on, training will be more strenuous. There will be more training sessions. Patrols will be upped and it will no longer be solely on the Elites to patrol. There will be patrols near the wall as well as further out. These monsters will not be allowed past our borders any more." Whispers ripple through the crowd at my announcement.

"I want the Elites on the outer perimeter until more wolves are trained to withstand a Feral attack," I tell Julianna. She nods once, leaving with Misty to go start organizing. "The same goes for my pack. If you are here, you will do as Alpha Dawn's pack does as well," Eric orders, stepping up beside me. I smile gratefully at him. He didn't have to order his pack to do it, but he did. "I'll call Rolando and the others. Let them know we are preparing." He nods and starts giving orders as people, mostly his pack, flocks around him.

"Alpha, there is something you need to see on the Western border," one of the Elites says as he jogs up to me. His eyes hold a level of fear not usually seen in the Elites. I nod, bolting after him as he leads the way. When we get there, he leads me out the gate to the outskirts of the territory. We slow down, coming to a brisk walk. Inhaling deeply, I catch the sharp metallic scent of blood. He leads me to a small grove where the rest of his unit stands guard.

They part when i come through, bowing their heads in respect. I gag when i see a mangled body on the ground, his chest ripped open. "Do we know who he is," I ask. I look up at the Elite that lead me here. He looks to another one, presumably his commanding officer. "No, ma'am. We can't even find a pack marking." I growl softly kneeling down beside the body. Look at where his heart was, Wynter demands. I do as she says, growling when I see a slip of paper.

I take it out gingerly, unrolling it. I growl softly at the scribble written on it.


So glad your patrol found my gift. Consider it a warning. Our army will be coming to claim what is ours by the next full moon. That gives your pack nearly a month to say your good byes. If you choose to surrender, your death will be merciful. Fight us, and you will watch your pack burn once more before you are killed. Make the right choice, Dawn.

The Feral Alpha

I snarl, my fist tightening around the slip of paper. "Get this cleaned up. And say nothing to anybody else. Is that clear," I order. They all bow obediently, getting g to work. I make my way back to the pack, rage boiling my blood. Meet me in my office, I tell Julianna, Misty, and Ashton. They'll bring Eric with them. When i get there, they are already waiting, all three standing at attention.

I slam the note down, rage still pumping through me. Bear let's himself in along with Eric and Kamryn. He is by my side in an instant when he sees me shaking with anger. "What happened," he asks gently. I shove the paper towards Julianna, wordlessly telling her to read it. Her eyes widen as she does, and i can see her wolf, Iris, pushing forward at the threat to her pack. She passes it to Misty, getting the same reaction. When everybody has read the sheet, I see nothing but five angry wolves and one pissed off snake.

"What do we do," Ashton asks. Not helplessly, but in a demanding tone. "Has Nadia been training with the other wolves," I ask. I haven't seen nor heard from her since her first day here. He nods, watching me cautiously. "Dawn, no Feral has ever had an alpha. They aren't bonded to them. They're too out of control to be able to. So what are we actually dealing with," Misty voices. I shake my head.

"We have no way of knowing if this is Ferals. If it is, it's a new breed of them and that can be dangerous. We need to be prepared for any eventuality. That note tells me exactly what I thought. Our pack is the primary target." Julianna growls beside her as she grows paler. "I want the trainings to be more rigorous. We need to be prepared for any and all eventuality. I'll call the other alphas. See about them joining us for now." Ashton nods before taking his leave wordlessly, slipping through the door. I sigh when everyone leaves,  sitting behind my desk and starting the long phone calls.

*                                            *                                          *

A week later, we are preparing for the arrival of the other alphas. Wynter paces restlessly. She is less than thrilled about more alphas being on our territory again for any reason. She has been tolerant of Eric but I can feel her ready to snap at any given second now that the alphas are arriving today Stepping out of the shower, I swipe a hand across the glass of my vanity, wiping away the condensation from the steam. I unclip my blonde curls, allowing them to fall messily down my back and over my shoulders. My hazel eyes are more green today, like most days. The dark rings under them are a testament to the sleep I've been sorely lacking the last few days.

The alphas are due in my territory within the next hour, and I'm less than pleased. I sigh, raking my hand through my hair and dipping my head down between my shoulders, palms flat on the counter. "What's on that pretty mind of yours?" Bear wraps his arms around my waist, resting his chin on my shoulder. I look up, meeting his eyes in the mirror. "The alphas are due here soon. I look like absolute hell, and I frankly don't trust Vlad. In general, much less with the alphas here. In the past week alone, he has been involved in five different fights, all with men from my pack specifically.  Nobody will tell me why when I approach them even after an alpha command. He hasn't been an issue with the alphas before but I don't trust him not to change that. I don't know knowest his problem is now, but whatever it is, he needs to straighten himself out. " I can hear the exhaustion in my own voice. "Why don't you take a nap?" I smile at the sweetness of his offer, but shake my head. "I just took a shower, darling. I still have to get ready too." He huffs, rolling his eyes. "I don't like how much this is wearing you down," he says firmly. I turn in his arms, resting my head against his chest. "I'll be fine, love." He sighs, but doesn't press the matter further.There's a call for you in the office, Misty relays through the link. I thank her, heading upstairs into my office. I settle into my chair, picking up the receiver. "This is Alpha Dawn," I say smoothly. I hear someone clear their throat on the other end before speaking. "Alpha Dawn, this is Alpha Ares of the Jade stone pack up here in New York." I pull up a map, clicking on the pack information on my computer.

"I don't believe I've spoken with you, Alpha Ares. To what do I owe the pleasure," I ask. Packs that far up north almost never call us southern packs. "I'm having an issue with my mate-" He is cut off by a deep growl. "Ex mate you conceited prick. You fucked up when you marked what's her face," a second voice says. "Shut the hell up Apollo," Ares orders. I sigh, my leg beginning to bounce with annoyance. "Gentlemen, if you only called to bicker, I ask that you find another alpha to listen. I have important matters to attend to." My words shut them both up and the second voice, Apollo, is next to speak.

"Alpha Dawn, my best friend, Amethyst..there is something wrong with her. My idiot brother claimed another woman as his mate and Alpha Pair without officially rejecting her and now she's in the hospital. The doctor said her soul isn't in her body anymore," he says. "All due respect, sir, but what is it exactly that you're asking of me," I ask. He clears his throat awkwardly. "Is there a way she can be brought back without her mate? Can she be saved?" I hear the desperation and pain in his voice and I pity him. "Alpha Ares, Apollo, to be frank with you both, that depends on her. I assume you're referring to the rumors about a new breed of Feral in my pack. He was a special case in that he was an Alpha Heir that, for one reason or another, did not have his pack. The alpha blood is what kept him from totally losing his shit."

I hear a sharp intake of air on the other end before whomever it was releases a deep sigh. "Would we be able to bring her down to you to maybe let you look at her," Apollo asks eventually. I sigh, rubbing my face and wincing when I remember my oh so carefully applied winged liner. "For the time being, I advise against it. We, the surrounding packs and I, are dealing with a crisis right now. However, when it is straightened out, I would be more than happy to provide whatever services I can." I can hear the low growl from someone, but I dismiss it. "Thank you, alpha Dawn. We look forward to speaking with you," Apollo says before disconnecting the call.

"How is Eric doing," Bear asks gently. His large hands clamp down on my shoulders, massaging gently. "About as well as you'd expect an alpha to be when he's been forced to uproot his pack," I sigh. He runs my arms soothingly, leaning down to kiss my neck softly. "Do you think we're prepared for whatever the Ferals are planning," he asks. I shake my head, huffing. "How do you prepare for a war you don't know anything about?" I sigh, groaning. He chuckles and holds me tighter.

"Deep breaths love." I sigh, nodding. I lean forward, resting my forehead on his chest. His arms wrap around me, pulling me to him. "When this shit is over, I want a vacation," I mutter demandingly. He chuckles and i feel him nod his head. "Anywhere. But we need to figure out what to do about our packs," he says. I groan, pulling back. Walking over to the couch, I allow my body to drop face first into its cushy heaven, ripples running down my spine as my body tries to relax.

"You're so damn isolated. Why don't you guys move here," I grumble into the couch. I hear a soft chuckle and feel him sit on the floor beside me. "We can do that. It would require some expansion though." I groan again, earning a hearty laugh from him. "We have time to figure it out, baby. Calm down," he whispers before kissing my hair. I huff but remain in the same position.

I hear the door burst open. "Dawn the other alphas are-" Julianna cuts off when she notices me and laughs. "Do I want to know what happened?" I growl hollowly at her. "She's tired," Bear says simply. "Okay well the other alphas are here. Alpha now, nap later," she retorts. "You're heartless," I grumble, getting up. She laughs before walking away, pleased with herself. I drag myself off the couch, straightening myself in my office mirror before heading downstairs.