34. The Love


Kody's POV

I can't believe I kissed James that hard! I just sort of lost all of my control and let my desires take over, and I ended up leaving a love bite on his neck that was going to be hard to hide. Then, he told me he loved me!

"James... Do you actually love me, or are you just sorry for me?" I asked into the silent room. We were laying side by side on the bed while waiting for diner to be ready.

"I love you more than myself, Kody. You pulled me from a dark place, and I will never forget that," James reassured while caressing my hand underneath the covers.

I rolled over so that I was facing him, and he was smiling at the ceiling. I scooted close enough to him that I was nuzzling into his arm, so he rolled to face me. I stared directly into his baby blue eyes with a soft smile while pressing my chest against his. "I feel like I'm going too fast, James, but I have an unexplainable attraction to you."

"Would... Would you freak out if I said it was a moon pairing?"

My eyes widened, but his words made total sense. Only one thing could make me get this close to someone this fast, so that was the only option. "No... I can see the logic," I admitted shyly.

James's smile was so bright that I would be able to see it light years away, and the little dimples around it were absolutely adorable. My eyes traced up his pale skin to the freckles that were hardly noticeable from far away, but they were obviously staining his cheeks when I looked closely. I observed his ears and nose that were perfectly proportionate to the rest of his face. James's hair was just the right length to look unbelievably sexy, and if I was standing I would probably get weak in the knees. Finally my eyes met his, and I swam in his beautiful blues. They were so deep and emotion filled, and their color was truly the most stunning thing I had ever had the pleasure of seeing.

However, for some reason he still didn't seem completely happy. It wouldn't be obvious if I wasn't searching his facial features so hard, yet his forehead was crunched only slightly. I chose to ignore it for now as to not ruin this moment, but it was ruined anyways by a tapping on the door.

"It's time for dinner," a feminine voice called through the door followed by the tapping of feet as the girl walked away.

"Come on. It won't be too terrible," he promised, "my parents are... Away... On a business trip?" He said it as kind of a question.

"Shouldn't you know where your parents are?"

"I choose not to care when I'm chasing the boy I love. Also, who the hell cares about the bastards who abused me?"

James climbed out from between the sheets before gripping my lower arm to pull me up. I fell into his chest with a loud oof from the force of my impact, and he hugged me tightly against his perfect abs.

"J-James... We need to eat," I murmured lowly.

"True. I would rather be with you though," he joked cheekily before picking me up with no warning.

"James! Put me down!" I squealed while he walked down the hall. Honestly, his laughter was totally worth it. When we finally got to the dining room's door, I was set down on the hard wood flooring. I kind of miss the warmth now, but I didn't like not having my feet on the ground while moving.

I followed him into the luxurious room and sat at the table. I was totally starving, but I didn't want to be a bother so I pretended not to be. I was used to the prickly swirl of starvation that settled in my stomach.

"Kody, you have to eat something," James insisted, yet I was having none of it.

"I'm really not hungry," I protested.

"I see we have to do this the hard way." His eye roll made me feel like he had an evil plan formulating in his mind, and I was 100% right.

Before I could tell him that I actually wasn't hungry, there was a large assortment of food on my plate. Everything from steak to cantelope to broccoli was littered around my plate, and I gave him an open glare. The others in the dining room were trying to make it seem like they weren't noticing us, but I could feel their eyes every so often.

"I won't eat it!" I shouted like the stubborn little child I am.

Suddenly, James picked up my fork and shoved it into my mouth. I shook my head while refusing to chew, and his eyes were shimmering with humor before he manually moved my jaw up and down. However, he couldn't make me swallow, and if I didn't have my mouth full, I would stick my tongue out at him.

"Kodyyyyy," James complained with the most adorable puppy face ever. I picked up a napkin and, like the gentleman I am, spat the chewed up food into it.

James rolled his eyes before taking a bite of his food. I turned away from him to look around the beautiful dining room, but that was my dire mistake. James's lips attacked mine, and I couldn't keep myself away from the temptation of kissing back.

Before I knew it, already chewed food was in my mouth. I literally almost gagged, but his tongue pushed it farther back into my throat so that I had to swallow it. He pulled away with a mini fist pump while I made a disgusted face.

"I win!" he shouted cutely.

"You are the most disgusting human being I've ever met," I groaned before slamming my head onto the table.

"Kody, I know that you haven't eaten for over a week. Please at least take a few bites." His voice was enough to make me seriously consider his request, yet my confusion kept me from doing it.

"I ate last night?" I asked, and his face went down for a moment.

"Right..." he murmured sadly, and I just wanted to make him feel better. I begrudgingly stabbed my fork into the perfectly cooked steak and put it into my mouth. Flavor burst across my tongue, and I probably made an embarssing noise because the taste was simply orgasmic. "I'm glad you like it," James teased while I was busy hiding my face. "The sounds you make turn me on," he murmured flirtatious into my ear.

I was brighter than a fire engine at his words, but I somehow became brighter when his teeth nibbled at my earlobe. "Not now," I warned, and he moved away from me slowly.

It's frightening how fast my feelings for James grew. Someone had flipped the switch from one end to another on my ability to love, but I didn't mind. I just hope that he loves me back.