Kody's POV
Once we were finally done eating, I walked out of the dining room with James. I saw a little boy playing alone in the corridor, and I remembered that James had a child.
"I'll catch up," I murmured before stopping my movements.
"What's your name?" I asked the little boy while crouching down calmly. His eyes, still stunningly similar to mine, locked onto mine. Suddenly, he burst out crying, and I panicked. Is it something I said?
"K-Koda," he hiccuped in between his heart breaking sobs.
"Why are you crying," I cooed before gently pulling him into my lap.
"D-daddy said you forgot about me!"
I cradled the child closely to my chest. I couldn't think of a reason for the little child to be lying unless I actually lost my memories. I mean, it would make sense because he has my eyes, but how could I just lose it. "What was I to you before?" I asked.
"You were my daddy," he admitted while clinging onto my shirt. I clutched the child with strong arms because of the sudden wave of protection I felt over him.
"Do you want me to be your daddy again?" I cooed.
"Daddy was happier when you were my daddy, so yesh!" the adorable little boy chanted with a crooked smile.
I stood up slowly while still holding onto little Kody and walked up the stairs. He couldn't be any older six, but he was rather large for his age. By the time I got up the stairs, I was hiding my gasps for air because I have little noodle arms. However, Koda was enjoying it, so I didn't mind.
I pushed open the door to the bedroom with a strong arm while still carrying my son tenderly. It was strange to think that I am 27 and have a son, yet I was kind of glad for it. I set Koda onto the ground when we saw James, and the little boy ran up to him with a flying leap.
"James... How is Koda just ours?" I had to ask the question.
"It's time I explain many things that you missed in five years," James murmured before kicking little Koda from the bedroom. This is clearly going to be an adult conversation.
"Five years is a long time."
James sighed gently before launching into the tale. He told me about everything without leaving anything out. My father, the powers, Koda, the guardian... It was all there.
"A lot happened," I uttered in disbelief.
"We lead eventful lives."
Suddenly, as if on cue, the night never came. Everyone was freaking out in the streets, and James and I had to leave the castle to calm the riot forming. "Please calm down!" James shouted into the crowd, yet his words didn't even compete with the thunderous crowd.
"I've got it," I reassured before shouting, "Hey!" with the most powerful voice I had ever produced. It definitely turned heads while the crowd slowly grew quiet.
I grasped James's hand when all of the eyes flew at us. It was frightening to have both angry and hopeful eyes on us. "Now is not a time to panic! What we need to do is unite against the sun guardian and get our night back!" James shouted into the crowd, and he was met with a whole bunch of screaming shouts of opinions.
Everyone was getting into major verbal arguments over whether or not they thought fighting was a good idea, and I was beginning to get tired of it when I saw someone physically fighting someone else. "Enough!" I screeched. I was basically the representative of the street folks whether or not they knew it.
"Why should we care for the government? They never cared for us. Let them do it on their own!" One of the poorer people shouted while everyone else started agreeing.
"Do you want night back or not?" Another voice piped up.
"Get off of the roof and face us down here, pussies! This is your fault!" A man shouted, and a unison cry of both yeah and no came up.
"Stay here," I commanded James.
"You can't just go down there! They'll eat you alive."
"I can fight, you can't. I need to keep this city safe because it's part of my duties. If things get too crazy, I'll get out," I muttered darkly before giving him a gentle peck on the lips.
I slid down the ladder, and as soon as my feet touched the pavement the world blew up around me. People were asking me a million questions a minute, and I answered as many as I could. Suddenly, a person grabbed me from behind.
"Stupid royals don't know how we street people fight," a man sneered.
"While I don't want to fight you, I will if I must to gain the respect of everyone else here," I responded tactically.
"Fight me, prince boy. I bet you were born and raised in a stupid castle with everything you needed. Never had to go hungry, never had to fight a war."
"Born but not raised."
A circle cleared around us, and I sized this man up. He was the kind of person that I would fight for a piece of bread just a few days ago... Actually years, oops. He looked kind of weak, but he was angry so I may be in for a bit of a challenge. I raised my fist and watched the movement of his feet to figure out if he would attack first or wait for me. He launched at me just as I predicted, and I smoothly stepped out of the way.
"All you got?" I taunted lowly which just egged him on. This was my element, so I knew exactly what I was doing.
I was lunged at again, and this time I stepped to the side and got a good blow in on his stomach. I heard a satisfying oof noise that let me know I hit my mark. When I heard him advancing behind me, I swung my leg out and swept his out from under him. I swiftly made sure that he was pinned to the street with a strong hold, and before I knew it, he was crying for mercy.
"Still deny my ability?" I muttered while standing to wipe the dust from my pants.
"N-no!" The man cried before assimilating back into the crowd.
"James and I will work on the best step from here until tomorrow. Please don't panic too much," I addressed the whole crowd before casually climbing the fire escape ladder.
"Let's go," I commanded James while grabbing his arm to leave.
"I'm sorry, but that was totally badass," James complimented.
"How else was I supposed to show them that I was in charge and not them?" I asked the retorical question.
"Maybe, like, with words?"
"Nah, that's no fun!"