26. The Spontaneous


James's POV

I was so content just in his presence. Kody still has that calming nature to him that I had missed, and he honestly looked really hot in formal dress. Over the past four years, I had grown to miss him so much. It was helpful that I had little Koda, who had so much of Kody's personality, to keep me from losing my mind.

"Jam?" Kody asked into the warm night air.

"Hm?" I acknowledged before reaching over to his hand.

"Can you just promise me one thing before we start this relationship again?"


"I want you to talk to me about whatever you feel. I don't care if you're happy or sad or angry, I want to talk to you. I can tell that whenever you get scared or flighty, you make rash decisions and regret them later. I want to help you with that, Jam, but I can't read your mind."

"I understand. I want this to work out between us, Kodes. I want it more than you could even imagine."

Kody's hand wrapped tightly around mine, and I rested my head on his shoulder. The moon was full and pretty much blinding me when I looked up. "Someone's happy," I joked because of the intensity.

"How could I not be? I have my favorite person back," he flirted, and my mind floated back to his room four years ago. He has obviously matured a little bit, but that was mostly because his father was showing him how to act properly.

"Is it really true that I'm your favorite person?"

"We're never not going to be a team, Jam. It'll be you and me against the world before I let us split up again. I'll chase you to no end." How did I get so lucky with him. "Shall we go inside? I want to meet Koda as a father. It's cute that you named him after me, Jam."

I blushed slightly before standing up and pulling Kody behind me. I was wrapped into a tight embrace that ended with a small kiss before we walked back inside. Kody didn't even seem to care how improper it was to hold my hand, but I wasn't complaining.

"Daddy!" my little angel shouted before running at me. I swiftly picked him up, and we were beginning to draw some attention. Koda was probably the youngest one here because it was frowned upon to bring your young kids, but I was glad that I brought him. If I hadn't, I might have never found Kody.

"Kody you big version of a child were going home!" Mason suddenly shouted to our right before walking up and beginning to pull Kody away by the arm.

"Da-" Kody begun to defend, but he was cut off by the angry father again.

"No! I get word that you're running around with a child then another prince! Kody do not make a fool of my kingdom!"

"Who finds a child alone in a crowd and just leaves them there!? And I think my actions were justifiable considering the situation!"

"Maybe the child shouldn't be here, Kodes. That's your dang street instinct coming in again! Do I need to remind you that this is a closed formal event? That doesn't even begin the embarrassment of running off with a prince like they're your dang boyfriend! As far as everyone else is concerned, Melia is your soon to be bride!"

"You know what, fuck you!" Kody shouted before jerking his arm out of Mason's hand roughly.

"You will act correctly right now!" Yeah, if they weren't the center of attention before, they were now. "I did not raise you from the dirt for you to spit it back in my face!"

I could officially see where Kody got his spontaneous hotheadedness from because they were just fuelling each other's anger. "I didn't need your help! I was content with my lifestyle! I am not your damn Barbie doll whether or not you think it!"

"Well then go back to living like that and see if I care! I'm tired of chasing you all over the world! Pick something and actually pick it instead of just mourning over James twenty four seven!"

"I finally got happy! I finally have everything I ever needed! Screw you!"

"Screw you too!"

Kody ran from the hall like he was a little boy running from the monster under his bed. I picked up Koda and ran after him quickly. "Sir, we were told not to let anyone leave," one of the guards shouted at Kody.

"I don't care!" Kody shouted before tearing though their ranks. It reminded me of the time he had run from his father years ago. I managed to catch up to him and drag him to my kingdom's car. Kody tore the hair tie out of his black locks before letting his emotions collapse on me. I set Koda down on the floor before pulling Kody closer.

His tears were hurting my heart, but I knew that they needed to fall. He didn't deserve to hold in all of his emotions again. "Shhhh, you can stay with me and Koda for a while," I cooed into his hair.

"What if my father never lets me go back? I don't want to ruin my relationship with him, but I care about you more. I just don't know what to do anymore, Jam," Kody sobbed into my upper arm.

"He'll come around, dear."

"Papa?" Koda piped up from the floor of the car.

"Yes angel?" I acknowledged.

"Why is he sad? Was it something I did?"

As if some gears were rolling around in Kody's head, he picked Koda up from the floor and gently murmured, "No, sweetie. You haven't done anything wrong. I'm just sad because of something else."

"Daddy why is he in our car?" Koda asked switching subjects surprisingly fast.

I sighed lowly before making eye contact with Kody and cocking my head slightly to the side. He blushed a deep red before nodding slightly to confirm that I should tell little Koda. "Angel, this is Kody. He's your other father," I introduced.

"I have two daddies!? That's so awesome!" Koda screamed excitedly. His emerald eyes locked into Kody's while he said it, and I released a breath that I didn't know I was holding. Koda's joyful giggles were getting louder, and I saw Kody's eyes glow slightly brighter at the acceptance. I think that we might have a shot at being a functional family if we both really tried. That means no secrets or hiding anything, and that's as much for me as it is for him.

I could see people beginning to actually leave the events, and I swapped my seat with Kody who was still talking to his son. It was adorable to see them getting along so well even after Kody was missing for his son's early development. I swapped with him so that no one would see him in my car and have an aneurysm over being proper.

When Natalie and Angie got into the car, they didn't even question our little possy, and Nat even shot me a wiggly eyebrow look. I observed a troubled looking Mason being supported by a Melia into the Urina car, and I couldn't help but think that he deserved it. Kody smiled at me just as the wheels started rolling, and I joined my hand with him for the trip home.