The Whole Story

Once upon a time, there was a little girl called Maddison-Rose and she was nine years old. She has brown hair and brown eyes. She has an older sister called Hannah Angelina Jodie Nicholas who is 18 years old and she works in a cake shop called Rosie's cake shop and Hannah hated that Maddison had so many teddies. Maddison-Rose's room was filled with teddy bears.

Hannah is the opposite of her little sister. She is never home, she's either always at work or her boyfriend Stephen's because she's too embarrassed to bring him to her house.

Maddison-Rose's parents Michael Jesse Nicholas and Sophie Michelle Nicholas are happily married and love both their daughters to the world and back.

Maddison-Rose and her dad made up a story together about a very loveable cuddly teddy bear that came from Japan that got put into a car that was being shipped off to England and I'm going to tell you all about it.

Hannah walked into our shared bedroom where I was playing with my teddies.

"I wish you would get rid of your teddies Maddison. I can't have Steven over here because your bears are everywhere. It's embarrassing" said Hannah.

Then Mrs Nicholas walked in "why do you have to be so horrible?" she asked "mum, it's embarrassing. She's 9 years old" said Hannah "yes but she's a kid. Is this really about something else?" asked Mrs Nicholas "no why? I'm going to Steven's" said Hannah "why doesn't he come here?" asked Mrs Nicholas "because of my little sister" said Hannah.

"Why can't you stay and play with me?" I asked "because I'm not a baby Maddison," said Hannah and she walked away.

I started to cry "where's daddy?" I asked "come with me sweetheart," said Mrs Nicholas and I picked up my teddy and followed my mum into my daddy's office.

"Daddy, can we do the Japan story?" I asked "Hannah wouldn't stay and play with her and she upset Maddison again," said Mrs Nicholas as I sat on his lap.

"Where did we stop last time?" asked Mr Nicholas "In Japan daddy," I said, "yes, we're about to meet the bear weren't we?" asked Mr Nicholas "she has light brown skin with a dark brown nose with big black eyes, two paws, and two short legs," I said "and what else does Zoe have?" asked Mr Nicholas pointing at his ears. I smiled.

"Ears, daddy," I said "yes good girl," said Mr Nicholas.

Meanwhile, in Japan, a brown bear with a big dark brown nose and big black eyes opened one eye as she laid on the ground but was quickly picked up and put inside a box then inside a car that was being driven to a harbour and parked onto the boat that was waiting for all the cars to be board on the boat that was being shipped off to England, Cornwall.

Inside the box, the bear opened her eyes and looked around.

"Why am I in this strange box? Where will I be going?" the bear thought as she put her paw on her furry chin.

"Okay, so what happens next? Where are all the cars being shipped off too?" asked Mr Nicholas "England, Cornwall" I said with a smile.

Then Hannah came in "why are you in here dad?" asked Hannah "I'm making up a story about a teddy bear with Maddison-Rose," said Mr Nicholas "oh for god's sake, don't encourage to get more bears, please. She has plenty in our room and I would like to have my own space since it's my bedroom too" said Hannah "and anyway, I need a ride to the mall. Jade wants to meet up with me" added Hannah

Jade India Menzel was Hannah's best childhood friend and she worked in the same cafe as Hannah. They met at pre-school and have been friends since.

Michael looked down at me then up at Hannah "wait here" he said and rushed downstairs into the kitchen where Sophie was reading.

"Hey, love, do you mind sitting with Maddison-Rose? We're in the middle of making up a story and Hannah needs a ride to the mall. She's meeting up with Jade, not Steven" said Mr Nicholas seeing his wife's face "yes, I'll sit with Maddison-Rose and good she sees enough of him already. She saw him yesterday" said Mrs Nicholas and followed her husband upstairs and into our bedroom.

"Hey sweetheart," said Mrs Nicholas "hey mummy what's happened? why are you up here?" I asked "darling, I am going to sit with you," said Mrs Nicholas "okay, where is daddy?" I asked "he's had to drop off Hannah at the mall. She's meeting Jade. Do you remember who Jade is?" asked Mrs Nicholas "yes, I do mummy," I said "mummy?" I asked "yes princess?" asked Mrs Nicholas "can I ask you a question?" I asked "yes, of course," said Mrs Nicholas "why is Hannah so against me having so many teddy bears?" I asked. Mrs Nicholas signed and looked at me "well when Hannah was about your age darling. My mum which is your grandmother didn't let Hannah have teddy bears because she was too old" said Mrs Nicholas "is that why she's too embarrassed to bring Steven over?" I asked "I don't know sweetheart, where were you and daddy up to with this story?" asked Mrs Nicholas changing the subject.

"Zoe arrived in England, Cornwall. A camping site called St Lucy's" I said. My mum looked at me "what are you looking at mummy?" I asked "nothing darling," said Mrs Nicholas.

The next morning, I was in for a surprise ...

Zoe arrived safely in England, London.

"Where am I now?" she thought.

"So where in England does Zoe go to?" asked Mrs Nicholas "London," I said.

Zoe walked around busy London and a furry, short, dark brown teddy bear walked passed her.

Zoe smiled at the bear.

"Who are you?" she asked.

The bear tried to hide his face but then looked up at Zoe.

"My name is Chocolate. I'm from Africa. What's your name?" asked Chocolate "my name is Zoe and I am from Japan" said Zoe "what are you doing here? Where are we?" asked Chocolate.

"Do they know they're related?" asked Mrs Nicholas "no mummy," I said.

"Okay move it loser, this is my bedroom too," said Hannah pushing me out the way "you'll have to do your lame story somewhere else. I've got Jade coming over" Hannah added.

I started to cry. My mum looked at me then stood up and looked at my sister.

"Hannah Angelina Jodie Nicholas. You apologize to your sister right now! You can't have Jade over" said Mrs Nicholas "are you trying to ruin my life? Why not?" asked Hannah "because I say so and apologize to your sister now!" said Mrs Nicholas "no she's lame like" she stopped as she looked at her mum. Her mum's face looked furious.

"Fine, I am sorry Maddison-Rose," said Hannah.

"Girls, come downstairs" shouted Mr Nicholas.

We all looked at each other then walked downstairs.

"Michael, what's going on?" asked Mrs Nicholas suspicious

"How would you like to spend two whole weeks in the sun, beach, swimming pool and more?" asked Mr Nicholas "dad, what are you talking about?" asked Hannah.

Michael signed

"We're going to Cornwall" he cried

"What do you mean?" asked Hannah "we're going on holiday during the Christmas holidays for the whole two weeks. How exciting" said Mr Nicholas "why?" asked Hannah "because Christmas is a special occasion," said Mr Nicholas "Can Steven come?" asked Hannah.

My mummy and daddy both looked at Hannah then at each other.

"Michael, could I have a word with you in private please?" asked Mrs Nicholas. my dad nodded and they walked into the kitchen and shut the door.

"Steven can't come to Cornwall. They've only been together for three months. it's too quick, she's only eighteen. She needs to spend with Maddison-Rose more. Maddison-Rose loves Hannah and Hannah hates that Maddison-Rose has so many teddies, she thinks she's embarrassing that's why we haven't met Steven yet because Hannah is too embarrassed. Maddison-Rose is only 9 years old and Hannah is 18. I forbid it" said Mrs Nicholas "yes I agree and Maddison-Rose is my little girl. she can have as many teddies as she wants" said Mr Nicholas smiling and they walked out of the kitchen and over to us.

"Steven is forbidden to come, you're only 18 Hannah and you've only been going out with Steven for three months but you need to spend more time with your sister. She misses you" said Mrs Nicholas.

"You can't do that! I don't care if Maddison-Rose misses me. She's an embarrassment with her cuddly toys" said Hannah sounding annoyed "yes we can. We're the parents, you're the kid Hannah" said Mrs Nicholas "in case you haven't noticed mother but I'm 18 which means I'm an adult" said Hannah "yes, okay you're an adult but Steven still isn't coming" said Mrs Nicholas. Hannah looked at our parents then at me, gave me a dirty look and stomped upstairs to our bedroom.

"Mummy, how many teddies can I take?" I asked.

Mrs Nicholas laughed "oh I don't know sweetheart. How many teddies can you take?" asked Mrs Nicholas laughing.

"Mummy, tell me," I said joining in laughing "hmm," said Mrs Nicholas now starting to tease me.

She looked at me when she saw me smiling and my dad walked in.

"How many teddies should Maddison-Rose bring to Cornwall?" asked Mrs Nicholas "6," said Mr Nicholas smiling.

"We leave on Monday poppet sop you could start packing for me?" asked Mr Nicholas "yes daddy," I said "oh god yes, I'll go see Hannah a minute," said Mrs Nicholas and she walked up the stairs to our bedroom and knocked on the door.

"Go away," said Hannah. Mrs Nicholas sighed and walked in.

"Could you start packing please?" asked Mrs Nicholas.

Hannah ignored our mum "Hannah! I'm talking to you" said Mrs Nicholas.

Hannah signed "I heard you! There's no point packing, I'm not going" she said.

Mrs. Nicholas stared at her eldest daughter.

Meanwhile, in Cornwall Zoe and Chocolate arrived.

The drivers drove and parked up the cars and walked off.

"Where am I?" asked Zoe as she sat up. She lifted the boot open and climbed out of the car. Chocolate was nowhere to be found.

Zoe walked into a hidden forest.

Back at my house.

"What do you mean you're not going? Of course, you are" said Mrs Nicholas "I'm not going if Steven isn't going" said Hannah "okay I'll make you a deal if you come this year then next year, Steven can come" said Mrs Nicholas.

Back in Cornwall, Zoe ended up walking into a hidden forest next to the campsite "this is a strange place I've wandered into" Zoe thought.

Then two pink fluffy bears appeared holding hands and ran over to Zoe.

"Hello, are you lost?" asked one of the bears, " I think so, where am I?" asked Zoe "In crystal woods. What is your name?" asked the bear "my name is Zoe. I've come from Japan" said Zoe "nice to meet you, I'm Rosie and this is my twin sister Josie. That's a long way. Why have you come to Cornwall?" asked Rosie "Cornwall? What's that?" asked Zoe "it's a county in southern England in the United Kingdom. Would you like to meet our friends?" asked Josie. Zoe nodded and followed her new friends deeper into the forest.

"So do you all live in Crystal Woods?" asked Zoe "yes," said Rosie "how many are there?" asked Zoe "13. There's Harry (the big boss) Rainbow, Uni, Lily, Star, Patches, Rudolph, Snowbear, Snowflake, Magnificent, Josie, Rosie and Ruby. But there's also Donald who comes from Spain, Ellie who comes from France, Millie who comes from Hong Kong, Brownie who comes from Charmouth, Flapper who comes from Lyme Regis and Sophie who comes from London that came to Cornwall just like you" said Rosie "wow, I can't wait to meet them" said Zoe.

"How many animals are there darling?" asked Mr Nicholas "13, "I said "daddy?" I asked "yes sweetheart?" asked Mr Nicholas "Is Hannah going to be mad at me forever?" I asked.

Mr Nicholas signed "oh baby, of course not. She loves you, you know, that don't you?" asked Mr Nicholas.

I nodded "good girl," said Mr Nicholas.

"Let's go pack okay?" asked Mr Nicholas "okay," I said and we went upstairs

And we were on our way to Cornwall but we had to make a stop at Steven's.

Hannah jumped out the car as my dad parked up and she walked up to the door, knocked on the door and waited.

5 minutes later, Steven answered the door. He looked confused when Hannah looked at him with a sad face.

"Hey, beautiful, why the sad face?" asked Steven "I'm going on holiday for 2 weeks with my horrible parents and my babyish stupid sister and I'm not allowed to take you with me," said Hannah sounded frustrated.

"Han, what do you mean?" asked Steven "I mean I'm not going to see you for two weeks," said Hannah.

Steven looked at Hannah "I'll miss you" said Steven "I'll miss you too" said Hannah and they kissed.

Hannah walked back over to the car, got in and closed the door with tears coming down her face as she waved goodbye to Steven and we were on our way to Cornwall.

"This is going to be so much fun," I said "Oh shut up!" with a look of anger "Hannah, don't be so horrible," said Mrs Nicholas.

Back in Cornwall, Zoe, Rosie and Josie reached Crystal Woods.

"Here we are in Crystal Woods," said Rosie when 5 animals came over.

They smiled at Zoe "who are you?" said one of the "my name is Zoë and I came all the way from Japan in an abandoned car" said Zoe "who are you?" she asked "I'm Rudolph. Please to meet you" said Rudolph "my name is Lily and I'm a unicorn," said Lily "I'm Daisy," said Daisy "I'm Star," said Star "I'm Uni and I'm also a unicorn," said Uni.

"Nice to meet all of you," said Zoe smiling at her new friends.

"I can't believe I have to spend two weeks with my stupid little sister and my boring family. This is going to be great" said Hannah sarcastically "Hannah, stop it!" said Mrs Nicholas.

Back in Crystal woods, Zoë had ended up finding an old simple phone on the ground.

"Rosie, what is this strange thing, I'm holding?" asked Zoe "I don't know. It is a very weird shape isn't it?" asked Rosie then it began to ring. The bears jumped and Zoe dropped the phone on the floor leaving it still ringing.

"Who are you ringing?" asked Hannah "Granny," I said.

Not knowing that this phone call was the beginning of my Christmas adventure.

Several hours later, we arrived in Cornwall and at the campsite.

"Here we are!" said Mrs Nicholas and she, Mr Nicholas and Hannah stepped out of the vehicle but I stayed in the car still trying to get hold of granny.

"Sweetheart, we're here," said Mr Nicholas "I can't get hold of granny, she's not answering daddy," I said.

Back in Crystal Woods, Rosie was still holding the phone. It began to ring and all the animals jumped frightened.

"What is that noise?" asked Rosie "I don't know, press a button to answer," said Lily "I will do lil," said Zoe and she pressed the green button.

"Hello, who's there?" asked Zoe "oh it's Maddison-Rose, granny," I said "this isn't your granny, this is Zoe, the bear that came from Japan," said Zoe.

I froze up

Was I dreaming or was I talking to a talking bear??

I couldn't talk for a few minutes

"My name is Maddison-Rose Nicholas. I'm here with my family during the Christmas holidays. Are you real?" I asked "Yes, I need your help, Maddison. It's an emergency. Could you walk into Crystal woods?" asked Zoe "Crystal Woods? What's that?" I asked "it's a hidden forest with loads of animals. It's so hidden that no humans know it exists so when you come, don't tell anyone where you're going because we can't be found out. Do you promise?" asked Zoe "I promise," I said and hung up.

"What do you promise?" asked Hannah who had heard the conversation. I jumped "nothing," I said and got out the car "mummy, daddy, I'm going for a walk," I said "okay try not to get lost or hurt. Be careful, love you" said Mr and Mrs Nicholas.

I started walking towards the forest and it began to get chilly. I hadn't brought a coat with me.

As I wandered into the forest, it began to snow.

A big brown cuddly bear with a dark brown nose and big black eyes were watching me as I headed towards her.

I looked around to see if the coast was clear and when I turned back around, the bear had vanished

I looked around me then looked back. Still no bear. Where had she gone?

Back at the campsite, my mum and dad were relaxing when Hannah walked over.

"Aren't you worried where Maddison-Rose has gone?" Asked Hannah "no honey, she's exploring and she's got her phone on her. Stop getting her into trouble. I know you aren't thrilled about being with

your family but Maddison-Rose is and I'm not going to let you spoil her excitement" said Mrs Nicholas "well I'm going to go look for her. She's up to something" said Hannah.

Back in Crystal Woods, I was looking for that bear when two pink bears that looked a lot like each other came over but stopped when they saw me.

I walked towards them, they walked away "I'm not going g to hurt you. My name is Maddison-Rose Nicholas. I'm looking for a light brown bear with a dark brown nose and big black eyes" I said "oh,

that's Zoe" said one of the pink bears "I'm Rosie and this is Josie" said Rosie "please to meet you" I said "we need your help, will you help us?" said Josie "Zoe has run away" said Rosie "I know she was walking towards me and I turned my back to make sure the coast was clear and I faced forward and she had gone" I said "well we need to find her. She's come here from Japan, her home" said Rosie "why has she come to Cornwall?" I asked "her brother," said Rosie then she stopped and stared ahead and saw Zoe heading towards us.

"Zoe! You're here" said Rosie hugging Zoe "hello my name is Zoe," said Zoe "yes, you talked to me and you said you needed my help so what can I do to help you? I asked "I need to find my brother," said Zoe

"His name is Chocolate and he's my half-brother," said Zoe "of course I'll help you," I said smiling then I heard a noise in the bush and I turned around to look in the bush. There was no one in there.