2:[The Fruit of an Apple]

Chapter 2

"Tomorrow night , comes Lady Florencia's Birthday"

Father once again reminded us while we were at the dining, well, eating breakfast. How important is that party?

"Father, how important is that party to you?" I asked him. He kept on bringing the topic to our plate.

"Yes, as important as the Apple Orchard festival"

Ah yes, the apple festival. Father and my ancestors has considered the Apple festival as lucky. My great great great grandmother and grandfather met there actually.

My great great great grandfather changed his surname ages before he married my great great great grandmother. No one knows why it became 'SaVerde', but it's quite cool for me.

"Tomorrow is the most awaited Apple Festival of Sansilvina. Wear your most exquisite dresses and tux family for we shall shook them with our grace and power"

Once again, it is about competition. The La'Vermundo's will surely be there. A perfect time to start my plan.

"So what are you wearing dear cousin?" Novelette and I went to my room to pick out dresses. She'll choose from my collection, we didn't have enough time to buy clothes.

"Hmm. Which dress would perfectly catch a dirt's eye?" I asked her. By dirt, I mean Samuel Ernesto La'Vermundo.

"Hmm. Something clean of course! Dirt? You call him dirt? Damn! That man is a master piece!" She laughed her heart out but stopped when I glared at her. This girl, really.

She straightened up and faked cough, "Still an enemy" she said seriously but I know deep inside she is in the brink of laughing.

As you see, Novelette really didn't care about the feud. Merely, she is just acting up her hatred. She just lives her life to be prim and proper at day but bold and wild at night. Wait, were just the same. The difference is that I care about the feud and she doesn't.

"Hey! I'll take this!" Novelette shouted and pulled out an orange turtle neck dress that has sleeves and is probably two inches above the knee.

"It's an apple festival, not winter" I said but she was just too attached with my dress that was a gift from one of my friends outside town.

"Nope! I'll have this paired with my black belt!" She went off to a side in the walk in closet where she can wear the dress.

"Fabulous!" She yelled happily, showing me what she looked liked in the dress. I nodded in approval, "It sure fits on you, dear cousin"

Now, it was my time to choose. It was a complete opposite of what Novelette was wearing.

A pinkish red halter neck dress that is ending three inches above the knee. Pretty short? No, it's just right.

"Ohh that one's sexy~" Novie said it in a sing song voice which is quite pretty annoying when you, yourself hears it.

"And clean, enough to lure the dirt out" I laughed wickedly and of course Novie joined and also stopped when I glared at her. That was my moment.

"You are really something Novelette" I said which made her blush and act cute. I really want to tell her to stop because, it will only make her ugly.

"I love you dear cousin!" She kissed me on my cheek before leaving together with my dress.

I tried on the pink dress and it made me look even more beautiful. Tomorrow, I will not be the snake, but a fierce dragon in her sleep.

I suddenly found myself looking once again at the bracelet that Samuel Ernesto really wanted to have back.

He should have thought of it before betting on the game of chess which we all know who is good at.


They say that I'm the princess that should bath in milk, with petals of red roses and be dressed in the finest gowns. But I think, I am the princess who will bring down the name of the La'Vermundo's.

A kind of take down that no matter how they try, they sink, in the deepest dungeon's of hell.

"Are you okay Lady Julia?" I heard Nanny's voice outside the door. I just realized that I started to laugh crazily again. My gosh, what's happening to me?

"Yes Nanny I'm fine!" I shouted back until I heard footsteps walking away from my room.

Hoof!Thank goodness!

I changed back to my clothes before I went down to have lunch. It was just a normal lunch, still with the mentioning of Lady Florencia's birthday and the Apple Festival.

"Don't forget okay?" Father really loves bringing out the topic. sometimes, I think he's obsessed. Sorry, I just couldn't help it.

"Yes Senior. You don't have to remind us every single minute" Armando jested and laughingly looked at father.

"Of course I need to remind you, this event is important!" Father said, as he raised his glass. Okay, so this event is really important.

"I think I'll be more beautiful than the celebrant" Novelette joyfully said as her confidence beamed around the room. She is so confident.

"Now, let's be humble for a while shall we?" Clement said and raised his glass. Aunt Helmina and Uncle Steffan were not around for they went into vacation in one of our owned land.

The Lunch ended and we all proceeded to our own things. Novelette tailed me around for today, and promise, she was very annoying.

"Hey, dear cousin! I have some news for you!"

She kept on blocking my way. Can't she just stop?!

"What?!" I angrily looked at her which she just returned with a sweet smile. An annoying sweet smile that annoys the hell out of me for the nth time.

"It's about the bracelet!" She excitedly said.

"And about it?" I'm still pissed off even if I'm dying to know what is it—well not literally dying.

"I learned that the bracelet was an heirloom from his late late late late grandmother that has been passed down to generations and finally to him" she proudly said.

I smirked, so that is why it is sooo important to him.

"It just gave me a reason to not give it to him even more" Like a wicked lady, I walked out elegantly, and like any other villain, my minion followed me—and that is Novelette.

When I arrived at my room, without Novelette—finally, I took the bracelet once again and examined it carefully.

I'm so sure that this will cost a fortune. What if I sell it though? Maybe I can buy my own mansion? Just kidding.

I'll just make him suffer, and well I wouldn't really actually give him back the bracelet. It's just words.

He can play with me all he want, but, I'm the Princess of the snakes and the dragons. I'm a trickster and a manipulator and no one can hook me in my neck.


"Wake up, Lady Julia" I was awoken by a sweet voice, the sweet voice of my Nanny. I smiled as I hugged her even if I'm in bed.

"Oh!" She shouted in surprise.

"Good morning Nanny!" I happily greeted her before kissing her countless times on her cheek.

She was like a mother to me, and I love her for that.

"Oh good heavens child! Your happy and glee today! Are you perhaps excited to attend the festival?"

I nodded.

"Yes Nanny! I'm so excited!" To crush that La'Vermundo's heart.

"Very well then, you'll leave after lunch, you must get ready and bath yourself in milk and petals of red roses! Don't worry they are caterpillar-bite free.

"I will Nanny!"

Nanny Gloria helped me in preparing for my bath, it's still past five in the morning.

We used three gallons of fresh cow's milk and fine red petals from our garden. My breakfast was served while I was taking a bath and I don't mind at all.

Three hours of dipping in the milk is enough to make my skin fair, although might leave my fingers wrinkle but I don't really mind.

"Are you done eating Lady?"Nanny called from behind the door.

"Yes Nanny!" She went in and took my food before winking at me. "You will surely be the most beautiful woman there my dear"

I ended my bath and wore my robe. I was about to get my dress when I noticed an envelope near my window.

I went close and took the envelope before taking the letter inside it.

:To Lady Julia SaVerde

:From your Rat

I laughed when I finally knew who it was. The La'Vermundo lad, Ernesto. He called himself rat eh? Well, I'm the snake who will eat—no just poison him.

"I might be seeing you today, mi amor"

Of course he is seeing me today! Last year, I didn't attend, and our paths haven't crossed yet, maybe? I don't know, I don't care.

He wasted precious paper for to inform me that I would be seeing him today. Poor trees, being wasted by this crap of a letter. Maybe I would participate in tree planting programs, after all he is just like my cousin Clement, waisting precious paper for crap of letters!

I dressed into my halter neck dress and on with my 1-inch heeled shoes. Nanny Gloria helped me curl my hair adding in fake scented flowers. There was a basket that I should bring, which was filled with daisies, left in the Family's kitchen so Nanny Gloria went to get it for me.

"My my, a beauty indeed" I praised my looks as I twirled around facing the human length mirror in front.

"Too much for praises Dear cousin, but look at me! I am way more prettier than you!" Novelette once again came barging into my room without knocking.

"It's called self love Novie" I said as I smiled gracefully which made Novie's face twitch.

"You have a long way to travel Princesses! Here are your baskets and set off to the family car!" Nanny Gloria also came in without knocking and gave us the baskets that will also be filled with apples later.

"Thank you Nanny!" We kissed Nanny Gloria's cheeks before making our way to the Family's car.

"Hello there Beautiful cousins!" Clement and Armando greeted us while opening the backseat of the car.

Clement seated in the shotgun seat and us, the remaining three on the back, with me on the right. The driver already revved the engine and now we were on our way to the Apple Orchard.

"So, apple picking contest?" Clement said as soon as the car started running. Here we go again with his never ending competitions.

"I'll go with it!" Novelette was ready for our cousin's challenge while Armando also agreed with his sister to join.

"Fine" I gave up when they all looked at me waiting for my reply. Stupid cousins. I'm always dragged into their stupid games.

I face palmed as I watched them yell in success. Annoying, loud and definitely stupid cousins.

It's pretty sunny outside and probably we'll arrive there by three.

"Hey Julia, aren't you gonna tell Clement about your plan? I think, only me and Novie knows this" Armando said that made me look back from the window to him.

"What? I don't know that!" Clement asked looking at me with his brows furrowed. Right, I forgot to tell him about my plan against Samuel Ernesto La'Vermundo.

"I'll poison him, with my beauty and grace" I told him, flashing my million dollar smile that every being would envy.

"You mean, seducing him" Clement fired back with a straight face. I can tell that he opposes the idea. Over protective cousin I must say.

"Hey, seducing him is part of the process if I wish to poison him with my beauty. It's a necessity!" I tried to prove my point.

"If I would get him to love me, then I can try to figure out what is his deepest darkest secret or even his family's! Hey, I got the bracelet as an asset. I'll make him fall...hard"

I proved my point but Clement only rolled his eyes. "You will loose lil' cousin. I tell you, our family has no match for a La'Vermundo's tragic love"

"Since when did you acknowledged their so called tragic love? Hey, SaVerde's are strong to conquer even the most Tragic stories of foolish love" oh no. Love cannot bring me down.

"I'm giving you an advice as a cousin Julia. Don't continue with your plans, it will only ruin you", he pointed at me " and to our family"

I felt like my idea to help our family rise just got rejected so I just turned myself back to the window looking gloomy.

I can feel their stares but I just chose to close my eyes until I dozed off to sleep in the middle of the day.

"Hey wake up Julia Kristalle!" I was awakened by Novie's loud voice. I slowly opened my eyes and looked around. The car was still moving towards the car park. The intense atmosphere earlier was now gone and replaced by excitement.

"We are here at the Apple Orchard!" Clement in his old playful self happily yelled as he opened the window and smelt the fresh breeze and I also did the same.

"Welcome to our Towns very own Apple Orchard!"

We stepped out of the car and the orange sunset welcomed our faces as we took a view of the amazingly grown apple trees with bunches of apple fruits sticking around it.

We made our way to our parents, who was now talking to Mr. Tobias, the owner of the Orchard in this generation.

My father, me, Clement and Clement's parents and Novie with her brother, Armando, were the only ones who could attend in behalf of our family.

"Ah, here, this is my Daughter Julia Kristalle, my niece, Novelette and my nephews, Armando and Clement Ian SaVerde" Father introduced us to Mr Tobias who was shaking our hands individually.

"Good morning Mr. Tobias!" Guess who?

"Good morning too Novelette SaVerde!"

We said our greeting before sitting in the benches available. It was like a park to me, a Park and an Apple Orchard in one.

"Ohhh dear cousin look! They are here!" Novelette pointed at a direction and from the Apples my gaze went to the La'Vermundo's who were now out of their car.

Specifically, Samuel Ernesto La'Vermundo.

"Oh my! Big Brother Samuel Ernesto is so Handsome!"

And again my gaze went to Novelette who just called our enemy 'Big Brother'

"What did you call him?" I asked her again. Maybe I misheard it?

"Big Brother!" She happily said clapping her hands. She is now childish. She is sometimes serious and mostly not. She has like, two personalities for me.

"Novie, first of all, he is just about our age, second, for petes sake he is our enemy! Never call your enemies your big brother!"

She pouted, which really looks gross for me and said sorry. She is on her childish mode now.

When the ceremony was about to start, we were all asked to line up in front of the entrance to the Orchard.

Well known families came on and line up, unfortunately, the SaVerde's were right next beside the La'Vermundo's. What a bad luck. Especially for me because Samuel Ernesto La'Vermundo is beside me! His last name screams bad luck!

It might be bad for me but it's actually good for my plan.

I purposely made my bare shoulders touched his which made him shiver. He is wearing a sando by the way even in this cold season, maybe he wants to help in carrying the apples?

He looked at me and glared. Ohh feisty! Makes me wanna play more!

I kept on hitting his shoes, he didn't respond at first but latter also started kicking mine. My mouth gaped open. My foot wear was been kicked!

I hit him really hard this time which made him say "Ow, stop it!" out loud making his relatives turn to him.

"N-nothing" he smiled like a man who was caught in the act of stealing. When his realtives attention was no longer on him, he looked at me and glared.

One point for Julia Kristalle!

"Ladies and Gentlemen, we are now officially opening the Apple Festival to the Public!"

The ribbon was cut and we all entered the Orchard. Novelette and I started walking around the Orchard, picking apples as we go by. It is after all, free for everyone during the festival.

"Hey Julia! Want me to come with you? I'll carry the basket! Please save me from Armando!" Clement pleaded. I can tell Armando has a prank waiting for him.

"Nope. I don't really need you for this event my dear cousin Clement. I won't even find you if I can" he held his chest as if he was hurt.

"Ouch, that was harsh"

I turned and proceeded to what I was supposed to do.

"Hmm, the apples are so sweet Julia!" Since we got in, Novelette kept on eating the Apples without finishing them. The Apples inside her basket where all filled with bites.

"Can you be the serious Novelette for now Novie?" I asked her, trying to hide my annoyance. She is just so Annoying!

"Oh you want my serious side? Okay" she said and threw the bitten apples on the side which made my mouth gape open.

What will Mr. Tobias think?!

She also changed her facial expression. She looks more...serious now?

"Now dear cousin is this fine?" She smiked wickedly. What the hell?How can she change it so easily.

I nodded in response and started walking once again. Novelette still followed me again like an evil minion.

"Where are we going exactly? We've been walking in circles!" The serious Novelette asked me and at the same time—ranting.

One of the similarities of the childish Novie and the serious Novelette is they both rant about anything.

"Just follow me"

Well, the main purpose of this never ending walk is actually finding where hell hole that La'Vermundo went into. I just couldn't find him anywhere!

"Where are you La'Vermundo?!" I cam't help but to feel frustration. Did he just left early while I'm here busy to find him?!

"Hey dear cousin, I need to go the Rest room outside this orchard. Is it okay for you to go alone on your quest?" Novelette asked me that made me stop.


"Yeah yeah sure" I just agreed and she walked elegantly along the trees. I have been their, and it's not good to stop your pee. If it wants to get out then let it all out, evey drop.

Now back to finding.

I kept on searching until I heard voices on a part of the Orchard. Well not really just voices, but laughter.

According to my enemy instincts, they are the La'Vermundo cousins.

Claudio Kim La'Vermundo

Mikhail Lim La'Vermundo

And of course Samuel Ernesto La'Vermundo

I sneaked up and try to eavesdrop but the only words I heard was,

"That's dangerous"

"She's evil"

"Yeah, a demon"

So who is this evil demon? Poor soul, she has been stabbed on her back.

I heard minimal laughter before it faded, leaving Samuel Ernesto alone.

He was picking an apple, whilst admiring the view.

"You can now get out of there Lady SaVerde" I almost jump when he suddenly talked. So he knew I was hear.

"You knew I was here" It was not a question, but rather a statement.

"I could always feel the presence of a snake, Lady" he faced me with a smirk plastered on his face.

That somehow made me feel bad, but at the same time, good. He should know where I am at. He'll never know if his life is at stake if he doesn't know where I am or if I'm close.

Looks like his guard is up.

"So, what are you doing?"

First move, I'll make him comfortable with me.

"And why do you ask?" He answered my question with an answer. I moved a step closer to him, picking the apple by his side and gentle sunk my teeth, biting it.

"Because I care?" It's not like I would say 'I'll make you comfortable with me so I can crush you afterwards'.

"Oh no you don't" he said and also took a step closer to me, removing the apple from my grasp and gently bit it. I can tell his mouth was bug because he almost ate a part of it! How rude! Next time, if he'll be eating an apple, I would bite largely as I can.

Although he had a big bite, his mouth was still cute. Ironic right?

"Okay, you got me!" I will try to be nice. Now, how to be nice?

"So, tell me your plans" he said.

"And why would I tell you?Only fools would tell their enemy their plans on how to crush them" I just realized, I can't be nice. Never in the history of the Universe.

"Okay okay!" He laughed. What was even to laugh about?

"Why the heck are you laughing?!" I yelled. He even coughed. Good for him.

"Nothing, I just think that your taking this family feud to seriously" and that was when my face darkened.

"So what?! I would take this too lightly? Remember this La'Vermundo. Take these apples as an example. Your family planted the seed the bear apples of hatred. Now, taste the fruit of the seed you planted. This is an endless war"

My eyes were vague. They started this, and there is no way to end this never ending feud.

But to my surprise, he came closer. He put the part of my hair that covered face behind my ears.

"You know sweetheart. We can change it. The fruit of an apple is a new seed. The fruit of hatred can be planted again, but instead, we'll nurture it, making sure it will not grow in hatred"

His words.

They are making my heart beat fast.

But the taste of his lips made my heart leaped and run. That kind of Run that the speed was more than kilometers.

His lips covered mine. Like a master piece being adored by the audience. He adored every part of it.

As his lips parted with mine, all I did was stare at his eyes filled with so much emotion that I cannot decipher.

I composed myself. "Why did you kissed me?!" I asked angrily, but I knew it was just a façade of how I really felt.

"Hmm. Out of emotion?I guess I have been seduced by your lips" He playfully smirked.

Why did my heart beats so fast for a kiss that was out of being seduced. He's just playing with me. Even the Apple part!

"You and your mouth filled with lies!I can't believed I was kissed by dirty lips!"

Yes, I kissed hundred of guys, but this?!I was kissed by an enemy! It was just so not right!

"Oh babe. Just tell me you like it. It is still available" He just made me angrier!

"You!What the fvck is going on in your mind!" I shouted at his face. How I wish my saliva would spit on his face but that would be so unladylike for me.

"Hmm?You know, we can still make the new apple tree and instead of a tree we can make a ba—"

I shut his mouth up by covering it with both of my hands. He is just spitting nonsense to tease me!

"Just shut up okay?! Arghh my first move is an epic fail! It's just making you comfortable!" I can't help but to shout. I planned to make him comfortable with me, but arghh! I thought it was that easy but I miserably failed!

He removed my hand from his mouth. Holding it both so I cannot scratch his face.

"You really have a plan?" He laughed on what I have said!

"Hmm. But I guessed you succeeded anyway. I think I'm already comfortable with you"

So I didn't fail? He was so easy to bring down. It's quite easy, but, who cares right? I'm moving forward!

"Really?So you like me?" I twinkled my eyes but he just cringed which made me frown.

"No. That part, your still dreaming" he pushed my face away from his. Rude!

"See you soon sweetheart, nice lips by the way" he winked and left me. I shouted in frustration before walking away.

"Hey there you are Julia!" I saw Novie waving at me but I just ignored her. I am so frustrated.

"Hey! What happened? You met?!"

Sorry Novelette, but I'm way too pissed.


A/N: Unedited, expect Typographical errors.