1:[The Poisonous Venom]

Chapter 1

Loving someone can mean also hating the person that, that someone you love hate the most.

My family's foe. Enemy in everything. From Money to the Family's name. All soiled in dirt.

I formed hatred towards their family. And seeing one of them now ignites the fire of hatred in me.

He trespassed our grounds. That's enough reason for me to sue him isn't it?

"What does a wealthy La'Vermundo want that he pursued in trespassing his family's foe?"

Even in such situation earlier, I managed to look at him straight faced. Showing no sign of weakness unlike earlier.

After all, I'm a SaVerde, we are great Pretenders.

Pretenders of emotion, hiding the truth. Best in covering feelings. Showing only the strong side.

We hate pity. Especially pity for the family.

Instead of answering, he gave me an irksome smirk. He stepped forward, meeting the gaze of curiosity and hatred in my eyes.

He slowly clapped his hand like an evil professor, proud of his student's work of crime.

"Good job their Lady SaVerde. So it's true, you are the family of Pretenders"

He spitted the words 'pretenders' with firm. abhorrence. He was not pertaining to emotion, but rather a deeper thought. The thought of our family and their overly stupid acts thinking that WE are the filth in this land we stepped on and lived.

"For I have kindness left in me. You shall leave this place without any trace"

He has to leave.

For my family might think the wrong idea and get us beheaded at once.

I'm not exaggerating.

I'm stating facts.

"Kindness?What kindness?Can you find the word kindness in your vocabulary Lady?I'm afraid such word doesn't exist in your bloodline"

How can this trespasser can say unlawful words to my family and my ancestors? I'm stopping myself for spitting more deadly words of his family.

I'm still in the middle of pain from my beloved's actions. How can faith give me another problem this early?

"Listen, Lady. I only came here for one reason. Hand me back the bracelet and I will not tell your family about your plan to elope with your dirt staining fiancé"

I looked at him with anger. How can he say the word dirt staining on Antonio?!Yes, he deceived me, but he does not deserve those words!

"Take back what you said and I will give you the bracelet! Is this how you were grown by your family?A man who thinks highly of himself?How low!"



He started the spark that ignited into flame between us when he entered this mansion. He has no right to spit dirt on us, especially he is on our grounds.

"Listen Lady. Just give me back my bracelet and I will keep my words. I can't lose that bracelet"

The bracelet.

I smiled wickedly.

He cannot make my knees woble with his oh so life threatening threat.

"I'm the rightful owner. Am I right?I won it fair and square. It's mine" I walked elegantly with my victorian dress as it swayed and touched the ground. So what if I wore this on my sleep?I have my choices.

"But that bracelet belongs to me" he said firmly, following my every move as I circled around him.

"Your friend put it on bet. You were so sure that you would win against me, but the tables changed and you lost. You can't lose what you already lost, La'Vermundo. I won it and its mine"

Slowly his anger was arousing. He's turning into a mad beast like what his family grown him into.

"I'm only asking you to hand it back to me. But you chose the rocky road and you'll be experiencing a lot of bumps along the way Lady SaVerde. Are you ready to cross it?"

He said as he slowly made his way to the wall of my Safe Haven which he trespassed.

"Smooth or Rocky. I'll stay on my words. I stand firm, the bracelet is MINE"

He again smirked. He was now on top of the wall getting ready to jump down, that I hope he would lose his balance, bump his head on a huge boulder, and die.

I slowly headed my way out when he spoke. I thought he was already down?

"Bueno, you asked for CONFLICT. I'll give you WAR"

He stood their waiting for my reply,

I looked at him, showing the ever so sweet smile that would make your knees wobble once you saw it. The devilish smile of the one and only Julia Kristalle SaVerde.

"Then, I would gladly accept the incoming discord, Samuel Ernesto La'Vermundo"


"Lady Julia Kristalle SaVerde!" My father's voiced echoed throught the halls of the mansion.

His tone was deep. I'm presume his angry for that exact reason.

"Yes Father"

I slap hit my face.

My father heard the news from that snake.

Or maybe, the snake's ally?

It would be highly impossible for Father to believe the words of the man who come from the family of snakes.

"You are grounded for a month Julia! That act of your's was absurd!You almost tarnished our name in public!"

"Yes Father, I would accept your punishment as a sign that I regretted my actions"

I left my father and went to my room.

That snake started the War earlier than expected.

He really wants that bracelet that bad?

Well, he just fought with the only woman he wouldn't like to mess with but just did.

I'll surely give him a piece of my venom.

Because in this War, he is not the snake, but he is rather the rat.

I'n this War, I'm the snake.

The snake, who will let him die with my most poisonous venom.


In order to find a loop, one must observe.

It's been one week. One week of being grounded from the outside world. One week of being stuck in four walls.

In that One week, I started searching for the bracelet that I just threw elsewhere around my room.

It is not that important to me so why would I keep it?

"Lady Julia. Another letter from Antonio" Nanny Gloria handed me another one of my previously beloved man's letter.

"Burn it Nanny. I don't want to hear from him again"

He's so eager to have me back again.

What I heard that night was wrong, he kept on saying in the letter.

As if I would believe.

One deceiving move is enough, I don't need another.

A month passed and I successfully found the bracelet underneath the wooden cabinet of my room.

I examined it closely and realize it was made of gold and precious stones. A bracelet adorned with Ruby and Sapphire with Gold as it's binder. Red and Blue.

I wonder what's so precious about this bracelet that had caged a La'Vermundo. Yes, it's expensive but, I think there is more than money in terms of the value of this bracelet.

"Family, the Noble family of the Vinoèste's has invited us to a celebration for their young Princess"

Father announced. We are in our long family table, consisting of my Mother, Uncle Steffan and Aunt Helmina, and my cousins.

"Is that where we'll choose whom to marry Senior SaVerde?" My cousin, Armando, asked my father.

My father waved his hand in dismissal, "No, no. That will be next time. We are just going to attend the lovely Florencia's 18th birthday"

18th birthday? So she is younger than me. The Vinoèste clan would really throw a grand celebration for the only woman in their family.

As what I heard, Seniora Vinoèste died, leaving her husband and six children, one girl and five boys, grieving for her death.

"I believe that the La'Vermundo's will attend Senior?" Again, another one of my cousins, Clement, asked my Father.

"For they are not part of the feud between our families, they invited the clan. We have ordered truce for the mean time during the party"

"Truce Senior?The probability that they will agree is 30 over a hundred" my cousin, Novelette, jested as she laughed in her eat.

"Let's hope for the best, and if not, will have them taste our wrath" my father laughed and so did everyone.

"But Father, let say that they will agree on the said Truce, but aren't we aware how that family moves?We might be enjoying the party to much that we would forget how dirty they play" I told my father, the possible danger is still inevitable.

"Then let's make ours the dirtiest" Father was dead serious. He would surely throw a fit if one of the La'Vermundos would cross the line.

The meal ended and I went back to my room. Nanny Gloria helped me in finding the best dress that I can wear on the party later tomorrow evening.

It was a black flowing dress adorned with clear gems on its hem. It has an X on the back that is why my back was revealed.

"Splendid Lady!It suits you well child!" Nanny Gloria was in awe after seeing me in this dress.

The dress fitted me perfectly. After I took it off, Nanny Gloria took it so she could wash it.

The party's theme is yellow, but I chose black. Why?Because simply I'm a SaVerde. I deserve to be the on the top when it comes to attention.

"Dear Cousin, please tell me you will not elope again with the owner of that bracelet?" From the bracelet I was holding, my gaze darted on my cousin, Novelette, who was sitting beside me outside our family's mansion.

My brows creased. What does she mean?

"Oh cousin, remember the necklace?I believe the necklace belonged to the farmer who you will elope with right?So maybe that's the case with that bracelet. Tell me, who?"

She's talking about the necklace Antonio gave me during our gathering at the field. He says its a symbol of his love.

I let out a bitter smile. Love?Huh.

"You got the wrong idea cousin. This is the bracelet I won on a game of chess in town. Basically, mine" I told her and kept the bracelet on my pockets.

"Hmm. Okay. I'll buy that crap of reason from you. So, you wanna hang out with me later at town square?Kira will be having a party later" I really had a feeling she has other ideas than just sitting here with me.

"Kira?Kira Remelton?" My cousin nodded. The infamous Kira Remelton is having a party.

"So, you going?"

I let out my devilish smile and before I knew it, I was in a place filled with smoke, drinks and lights.

I danced to the beat as the party music and the crowd got wilder and wilder.

I'm not the prim and proper princess of the SaVerde's. I'm a lady with class, in dancing and drinking.

"Enjoying cousin?!" Novelette shouted so I can hear her words. The music is so loud that you cannot even hear your own voice.

"More than ever!"

Me and Novelette were planning to get wasted by tonight. We don't have to worry since we brought our cousin Clement with us.

Maybe he's just sitting near the counter or the sofas. Enjoying one of his b*tches, I guess.

We went to the counter and ordered a lot of drinks. Long Island Ice tea, Martini, and Margarita were my choices while Vodka, Tequilla and Midnight Moon were Novelette's.


We drank the glass of tequilla that was placed in the table.

Were in the same sofa as our cousin Clement right now who is currently enjoying himself.

The drink left me a strong feeling as I felt that my body was slowly heating.

So what if I have low alcohol tolerance?

"Hey, Julia" Novelette pointed her mouth on the town square's bar entrance.

The La'Vermundo's cousins.

And yes, with that awfully annoying Samuel Ernesto La'Vermundo.

"Why do Kira has to invite those idiots?" Novelette said as she drank another glass of vodka.

I shrugged me shoulders and continued drinking. Not minding my vision starting to twirl.

Novelette and I got back to the dance floor and enjoyed ourselves. Dancing back and fort was all we can do.

I felt the urge to go vomit so I ran out of the crowds and went straight outside near the plants and did what I have to do.

I vomitted at the poor daisies.

"You know, the alcohol inside your stomach might ruin the plants right?Or maybe fertilizer? I don't know but since your insides are poison. You'll be poisoning them"

I heard a familiar voice. His voice.

I slowly faced him. I know I still look beautiful even in this drunken state.

"None of your business, La'Vermundo"

I was starting to walk away from him when I lost my balance and almost fell on the ground.


Because that bastard helped me to get up.

"Why won't you just let me fall on the floor. I'm your enemy right?Your family's enemy"

I eyed him.

"Yes. My family's enemy. But, I'm still a gentle man. So why would I let you fall if I'm there to catch you?"

I don't know but my heart suddenly skipped a beat.

So it is really true that the words of a La'Vermundo is a hidden trap.

Should I consider myself caged then?

Definitely, No.

I tried my best to compose myself. If only I was sober enough.

"Well then Mr. I hope this will be the last of you as a gentleman towards me. Because I'm no-gentlewoman"

I leaned closer to his ears, whispering,

"I'm the nightmare, that will make you wish you wouldn't sleep again"

But what he said and did made me even more surprised,

He also did what I did and whispered,

"Then I'll drag that beautiful nightmare with me, let us be stuck in the nightmare you created"


The words of the young La'Vermundo kept hunting me on my sleep.

It's early daybreak and I'm here, lying on a soft bed, wide awake, got head ache, and out of my mind still thinking of the words of the famous Samuel Ernesto La'Vermundo.

"Lady, your Family is waiting for you downstairs. Breakfast is ready" I heard Nanny Gloria's voice by the door.

I got up, not minding the head ache I'm feeling and took a short shower before going down stairs.

We had our hearty meal filled with laughter because of my cousins adventures.

"I told you! That Giovanni La'Vermundo was no match for my strength!" Bragged my cousin, Armando.

While me, Novelette and Clement were busy being wasted, Armando was busy in the boxing ring, taking down another La'Vermundo.

"Tha'ts my boy!" Uncle Steffan was so proud of his son. I surely hope that the La'Vermundo family would not make that little boxing tournament a big problem.

They are a family of overreactors, with selfish minds and most of all Fools. La'Vermundo=Fools.

The morning went on, I did my job as the Lady of the Mansion, well of course by sitting around and do nothing. Earlier this day, my cousin Armando invited me on a horseback racing in the town's Racing square.

Being a competitor myself and also not to mention that I'm a back to back champion of horseback racing.

"Yeah yeah sure" I answered him together with a wink. He went of to clean my horse, Esmeralda. A white horse, and since it is owned by the SaVerde's Princess, it is highly costly.

"Race again dear cousin?" I rolled my eyes before turning to Novelette who has been eavesdropping my conversation with Armando.

"You know me Novie, I'm more than my Princess façade. I'm a snake that'll poison, I'm a dragon that'll burn, and a Beautiful demon that will kill, all of my enemies. Even in horseback racing"

She just laughed and kissed me on my cheeks before leaving me in the hallway.

"Just don't get scratched or my brother will be dead"

Now this time I laughed. Of course, my fair skin is more precious than gems in my family. Yes, I'm exaggerating.


"Horse Number 1-5!In your stations! Five minutes to get ready!"

They gave us five minutes but I'm already ready. Slow pokes.

Oh, the burning desire to crush the La'Vermundo's was once again grew a lot larger. Samuel Ernesto was once again here, to pester the hell out of me.

"Goodluck there my nightmare, I hope you'll lose" he laughed like a mad scientist. He's one of the contestants, just so you know.

"Correction, I'm not just your nightmare, I'm everybody's nightmare" I smirk before fixing myself once again, I have to make sure I'll win.

"Let's get this over Esmeralda. Let's show this bastard who he's messing with" I tapped my white horse before positioning my body correctly.

As the race master pulled the gun's trigger, Esmeralda started running as I guided her as her rider.

"Yahh!" I tried to make Esmeralda run faster, I already passed racer's 3&4. I'm numbered 1 by the way.

But, the bastard is now ahead of me so I made Esmeralda run faster. The people started cheering as I surpassed the bastard, but like what a La'Vermundo would always do, he tried to catch up.

We already finished 2 laps, and the third if the last lap to declare the winner.

Now, I think we are on the same line.

I was just looking ahead of me, focusing on my race.

The cheers of the crowed started to be different. I don't what is happening but my mind is only focused to win.

When we were about to reach the finish line. Our attention went to the racer who was with his horse, stumbled.

I stopped my horse enough for me to cross the line and looked at the son of my families foe, struggled to get up while holding his knee.

I winced even though I could not feel his pain, it must have hurt.

People started flocking over him and tried to help him stand up but since he got his families genes, he doesn't want other people to feel pity for him so he struggled in trying to stand up.

Even his own cousin can't help him because of his attitude!

"You did well cousin!" Armando approached me like a kid who was about to receive his lollipop.

"Of course, I'm a SaVerde. I do good in everything, and winning against this La'Vermundo is one of my expertise" I said with the word Proud all over my system.

Winning against him is a piece of cake.

Armando just shrugged, also totally got no idea on why he said that.

So I poisoned him without me knowing. My looks and skills are really my asset.

I smirked as I let Armando hold my horse. I slowly approached Samuel Ernesto as he was dusting his uniform. I laughed loudly inside my head.

"You lost, Rat" I said in mockery as I watched him being humiliated. Sort of.

He smirked, "Nope. You cheated" because of what he said, the people around us started whispering.

Cheated?!He's just saying nonsense to save his butt from humiliation! He is using the Victim-Cheater card!

I did not allow what he said to ruin my composed demeanour. I looked at him with a smile plastered on my face. He wants a Word War.

I gasped exaggeratedly, "I cheated? Oh come on, just say that you were so distracted on how I ride my horse, sexy wasn't it?

"Yes, very sexy my lady"

I was expecting a negative remark, not a positive outcome.

"Oh, poisoned that early Mr.?"

"Nope. Your venom is too weak Lady"

Okay, that made me mad a little while the people around us doesn't know what's happening or what are we talking about.

"Not the reason, I haven't really released the deadliest one, so I advice you to advance collecting your medicines or any other thing that might help from my most venomous poison. One bite is all it takes a minute to trail to your heart, and a second to kill you"

I smiled sweetly at him, walking closer and putting my hand on his chest, dusting off the remaining dust he left there.

But he grabbed my hand put it to where is heart is and let me feel the beating of his heart.

"I'm not yet poisoned by your deadliest venom, but even with your weak ones are getting me nearer to death" he whispered on my ears, I didn't realized how close we are already.

"Is this the official start of the game of poisoning Mr. La'Vermundo?Cause I'd gladly accept it"

I whispered seductively on his ear slightly bitting it a little. I don't care there are people who are watching us, even my cousin. Watch all they want, I want them to be the witnesses of the start of our War.

A war between each families precious possession. A War between Gold and Gold.

"Yeah, and I think your getting ahead but I'll catch up babe" he gently kissed my neck before walking away with his cousin.

I touched the part in my neck where he kissed as I watch him slowly walking away until he left the square.

That endearment made me feel tingles, but the kiss made me feel worse. My virgin neck.

If my cousin was just not holding my horse, he'd surely punch that guys face right away, leaving him coughing blood.

But he knew what I am doing.

This was just the official start of this poisonous game, because , the day we met in my Safe Haven was just a teaser, the cover of the most upcoming event I waited all my life for.

To take revenge not just because of our families as enemies, but for another.

I'll unravel their deepest darkest secret and I'll make sure to make them suffer on the deepest darkest pits of hell.

A tooth for a tooth, an eye for an eye, like they say.

In my case?I'll take his heart and only give it back when it's damage.

The kind of damage that will never be fixed. I'll make sure to break his heart into particles and blow them off the shore.

"I'm really gonna break his bones cousin" Armando is in rage right after what he saw,

"If you might hear dear cousin about a man found dead in the river, be proud that me your cousin did that, and the man I killed was the very man who kissed your neck. Fvcking bastard"

I admired my cousin's love, they really don't want an insect touch the skin of their beloved princess.

"Don't worry dear cousin, it was nothing, he is so close to the trap I made, I'll make sure to poison him making him die slowly"

"Are you sure with your final decision Julia?"

I faced my cousin, with eyes filled with determination that I shall succeed in my quest, a quest that will bury the whole La'Vermundo clan, ALIVE.

I'm expecting the outcome be positive this time. He will lose all what he has in the arms of Julia Kristalle SaVerde, the woman who stole his heart and broke it to pieces.

I was laughing wickedly inside my head, my plan will surely make him kneel on the thorns I grew.

But little did I know, I was the one who got trapped, I was the one who lost the game.

Not the game of Poison, but the game of Hearts.

The game who left me wrecked, leaving my heart in a devastating state, powdered by big stones of reality.

The Game I could possibly survived if only I was strong enough to with stand a La'Vermundo's tragic love.

Are you ready to face the reality, or will you be wrecked as I am when comes the day you'll know it?


End of Chapter one

Unedited, Expect Typographical errors.