The nest of nightmares (3)

As Dennis and Dj showed up in front of Mora and Luciel. They realized the enemy was surrounding them. Dj counted all the enemies in the area while Dennis wanted to know more about the situation.

"Alright, one of you two explain before I fight…"

Dennis said while calling out his weapon and pointed it at Mora and Luciel.

"We got called to this place by the screams. She took down a giant bird that thing opened."

Luciel said to Dennis and pointed out at Mora. Dennis then rolled his eyes and put his focus towards the enemy. He noticed that there was a person in armor wearing a skull shaped helmet.

"And let me guess… General?"


Luciel and Mora said to Dennis.

"Alright then… Dj, lets clear this area. We don't want to make everyone wait at the house."

"You got it!"

Dj then called out his weapon and pointed his left fist towards the general. He wanted to take the initiative in the fight. Dennis soon realized what Dj wanted and backed off to deal with the rest.

"Dj, show them why they shouldn't take us lightly…"

Dennis said to Dj. Dj's eyes glowed and recalled what went on in his last battle against Rampage in the other world. He then dashed into battle with no hesitation. Dj had his left fist ready and took a swing at the first skeleton he saw.

"Should we help them?"

"No, they have it under control."

Mora said to Luciel. She then grabbed Luciel and tossed him out of the circle.

"What about you!?!"

"I'll be fine!! You know where to find me next time! Now go!!"

Mora then grabbed a skeleton and punched it in the face.

"I'll be back with my men as quick as possible!!"

Luciel said to Mora. He then left to go rally his men for battle. And as the battle continues. Dennis and Dj were trying to clear a path to fight the general, but with every skeleton that they take down, another one raises up.

"What the hell is going on here!?"

Dj asked. He then punched a skeleton, and another raised up and was about to attack him. Dennis then reacted and took down the skeleton with one strike.

"Okay… So for each one we take down, another one takes it place… We need to do something or else will be going at it till sunrise."

Dennis said to Dj, and he stepped back to re-strategize.

"Dennis, need me to stall?"

"Yeah, we need an effective way to clear them out for good."

"Alright, I'll hold them off as long as I can."

Dj said to Dennis. As Dj went back into the fight, Dennis was trying to examine their situation. He looked at the skeletons that Dj was about to fight and Dj took down the one in the center and one of them raised from the ground.

"Hold on… Is this the same thing as that time…?"

Dennis questioned himself. He then remembered a similar situation that happened in the other world.

"So if this was a lake… We need to destroy it…"

Dennis said. He then figured out away, and he readied his right hand. He was trying to use black ice, but it only damaged his hand.

"Agh!! That hurts!!"

"Dennis!? What's wrong!?!"

Dj then punches a skeleton in the face and heads towards Dennis.

"I figured it out. We need to destroy the ground!"


"Look around. The enemy is coming out of the fluids. If we can freeze it, we can wipe them out!"

Dennis said to Dj, but the only one that could use ice magic was him. Dj was trying to figure out away to help. He knew Dennis was the only one that could stop it and figured out away to take care of it.

"Then lets dry the place out."

Dj said to Dennis. He then cast a fire in his hand and Dennis understood what he meant.

"Alright… Let's bring the heat into the stadium!!"

Dennis called off his weapon and placed his hand on the ground. Casting fire on it and spread all over the place. It then contacted one skeleton and burnt it down and burned one part of the liquid.

"One down… Ninety-nine, more to go."

Dennis said. He then used his right hand to cast a fireball. Dj then grabbed it with his right hand and threw it at full force to another skeleton. It then exploded on contact and it took down five of them.

"There's still too many… Can't we use something more effective?"

"Yeah… But that includes burning us all alive, and I doubt our bodies are flame resistant."

"So what now?"

Dj asked Dennis. They both looked back and saw Mora still fighting. With her bare hands. She grabbed one of the skeleton's heads and smashed it on the ground.

"I'm getting sick and tired of this!! I want this to end already!!"

Mora yelled. Making her distracted from the enemy. A skeleton then attacked Mora, but Dj moved in and punched the skeleton with a fire fist. It then dropped to the ground and vanished.

"That's seven. Dennis, can't you come up with something to do this fast?"

Dj asked.

"Fine… There is one way, but I don't know how this will play… Worst case possible, knock me out when the fight is over…"

Dennis said. He then formed a fireball on his right hand and ate it. As it went down to his body, Dennis felt a burning sensation all around him. Fire appeared in his hands and on his shoes. Giving him the will to control his flames.

"Fire overdrive…"

Dennis said, naming out his elemental form. He then charged at the enemy without thinking, leaving behind a trace of flames with each step. Dennis then touched a skeleton with his left hand, and it sent a blast that took out twenty skeletons along with it. While this was all going down, Mora realised what Dennis was using. She got concerned and wondered what would happen.

"Something ain't right… His form doesn't seem complete…"

"What you mean?"

Dj asked. He then looked at Dennis and wondered what was wrong.

"Look carefully."

Mora said to Dj. They saw Dennis kick a skeleton with his left foot and punch a different one with his right fist. It caused a blast and took out ten enemies each.

"He is using more power than focusing it. A few more moves like that and his out."

Mora said. In total amount of enemies Dennis has taken down. He noticed the enemy was only targeting him, but it was all part of his plan. Dennis then felt something coming out from his back. He turned his head around and saw a tail out of fire grow slowly.

"That's not good."

Dennis said to himself.

"Dj! Be ready to make your move!"

"Got it!!"

Dj then waited for Dennis to make his move. Mora feared of what's coming, but she still had faith in Dennis. And as soon as Dennis was about to make his move. The man in the gray armor took one step, and it applied pressure on everyone. Dennis still unleash his move by punching the ground. Causing fire to erupt under all the enemies except for the guard.

"Now… Let's settle this…"

Dennis said. He then made eye contact with the guard and waited for his next move.