Chapter 46 - Shengsheng, you should call him Little Boss

At that time, Liu Yusheng calculated four days to package the wine.

The family worked together and filled 1000 jars a day without problems. It wasn't too tiring either.

In addition, in the past few days, Wanrong was the one who came over to help make breakfast and dinner, which saved the family some efforts.

On the morning of the fourth day, Li Ping, a member of the Li family, sent the last 1500 jars they've ordered, and stayed to help them. This attracted the other members of the Li family who hadn't seen Li Ping coming back for a long time, as well as some villagers who followed along.

With the help of these people, all the fruit wine was filtered and packed just after noon.

Looking at the wine jars that filled the room and even the hall, there was laughter on everyone's faces and under their eyes.

Just as everyone sat down inside and outside the kitchen, ready to take a break for a drink of water, the sound of horses' hooves sounded outside the courtyard.

Grandpa Liu, who was sitting under the porch, stood up with a start, "Is it the people, who came to fetch the wine?"

Everyone peeked out the door together.

Liu Dalin was about to stand up and head out, but Liu Yusheng beat him to it and ran outside, "Grandma, Dad, Uncle, I'll go check it out!"

In the family, except for the two brothers who had to go to school and couldn't stay to help, she was the only one left relaxed. She also did the errands.

Axiu followed behind her, helping her to push the courtyard gate open when she reached it.

They saw a luxurious carriage followed by several other wagons specially customized to transfer goods.

They occupied most of the road in front of Liu's house. A lot of neighbors followed behind to watch with some village urchins shuttling between the wagons, laughing and jumping, their small faces filled with wonder and curiosity.

The luxury carriage curtain opened, and the first to come down was Da Huang, followed by the chubby Qian Wanjin.

Still in his iconic glittering golden outfit, the first thing that Qian Wanjin uttered was, "Blessed Baby, Young Master is here."

Blessed, your sister! Liu Yusheng forced a smile: "Brother is right on time, come in first."

She returned to the courtyard and shouted, "Grandpa, Dad, the Little Boss is here to fetch the wine!"

"Nannan, invite him inside!"

"Eh! Got it!"

Liu Yusheng looked at Qian Wanjin again with a smile on her face, but before she could speak, a hand covered her mouth.

"Shengsheng, I'll entertain him for you." Axiu looked at Qian Wanjin as he spoke.

"… " Liu Yusheng was speechless. Her mouth was covered, could she still say no?

Qian Wanjin was unaffected at first. It was just a farmhouse and he had already humbled himself when he deigned to come here. Who needed their hospitality? However, at the sight of Axiu's behavior, he was displeased. He stood akimbo, narrowed his tiny eyes and looked Axiu up and down in disgust, "Who are you? Did I ask you to entertain me?"

"Do you want to go in or stay out?"

"I won't go in! I want the Blessed Baby to invite me in herself!"

Axiu pushed Liu Yusheng behind him with little effort and stepped forward across the threshold. "Let's fight, the loser shuts up."

"…" What the hell is this place? Did I go the wrong way? Does this boy know that I'm the God of Wealth sending money to their door? "Ha-haha! Don't think I can't fight just because I'm fat! I'm not in the mood to get rough with you! You'll lose!"

"In or out?" Under the mess of hair, Axiu slowly raised his eyes.

Qian Wanjin immediately stepped into the threshold with both feet.

Only after he entered did he realize. Shit! How embarrassing!

What was he afraid of? He has Da Huang!

"Da Huang!"

The unscrupulous Da Huang lowered his head to stifle his laughter, and ran over immediately at his command, "Young Boss."

"Bring the presents in!" Qian Wanjin gritted his teeth and stomped past Axiu, heading into the courtyard.

Liu Yusheng hid behind Axiu, silently covering her face with two small hands. She had no idea what kind of madness Axiu was whipping.

Inside, Grandpa Liu and Liu Dalin have already welcomed him, so this little episode didn't lead to any loose ends.

Outside, Da Huang carried out bags of stuff from the carriage and ordered people to send them to the house.

Holding Axiu's hand, Liu Yusheng dragged him as she walked, and whispered, "Brother Axiu, you can't do that anymore. Our visitor is a guest. Besides, he's here to do business with my family, so we have to be polite and nice."

"Shengsheng, people in business pay attention to their identity. You should call him Young Boss."

"…" Is this what prompted that altercation just now? I just called him "Brother"! "Okay, Young Boss."

When a man who was sick at heart was being serious, you shouldn't compete with him.

In the courtyard, Qian Wanjin, with his hands behind his back, paraded around like a king, while the villagers crowded in front of the kitchen, looking very reserved.

They were all honest country folks. Where have they ever seen such a battle, let alone such a wealthy person? How much was gold worth? Many people in the countryside have never touched gold in their lives!

But looking at this boy, he was dressed in gold!

"Young Boss, there are a total of 4400 jars packaged here. Would you like to check the goods?" Liu Dalin asked.

Qian Wanjin nodded, "Just open any jar and I'll take a look. Your house is here anyway. If there's any problem with the goods, it's just a matter of me coming straight to your door."

"Young Boss, don't worry, we are all farmers. Even if we do business, we will only do honest business. We never play devil's advocate." Liu Dalin smiled and casually opened a jar of wine and handed it to Qian Wanjin.

Qian Wanjin casually looked at it, dipped his finger and put it in his mouth. There was indeed no problem, so he nodded, "Let's load it."

At this time, the strong aroma of fruit wine was still wafting around the courtyard and house. It was obvious that the wine jars had just been packaged. He said he would inspect the goods not because he couldn't trust the Liu family, but rather as a businessman, used to being meticulous in everything.

These were also the things that Qian Wanjin learned from his father.

They could dupe others, but they must never be duped.

The wagon convoy started to load the goods into the wagons, and the Liu family in the yard followed with the stranded villagers to lend a hand.

Liu Yusheng didn't follow to dabble any further and instead led Axiu to the hall. As soon as she entered, she saw her grandma frowning at a pile of stuff.

"Grandma, what's wrong?"

"Nannan, that Young Boss came to give a lot of gifts… Axiu, come over too and look at them too. They're all expensive. I have never seen a lot of them before. Hmm, should we return the gifts? There's nothing valuable to give away at home. It's too embarrassing." Grandma Liu unconsciously said the entanglement.

Liu Yusheng chuckled, "Grandma, Bro-Young Boss gave us valuable things, so let's just give him something nice from our family. I'll go and pick a basket of vegetables for him to take away."

"Vegetables? You're giving away vegetables? Can he appreciate them?"

"Why not! Our vegetables are so good. All the uncles and aunts in Xinghua Village love them. What's more, we also sold him fruit wine, the only one of its kind in Nanling. These are the best things we've got!"

She was so tempted to say that what these gifts were worthless in his eyes, so she didn't need to take it to heart.

Unfortunately, being only three years old, she still had to act young.