Chapter 47 - You're already fat

"Grandma, Shengsheng is right. everyone in the city usually eats fish and meat. On the contrary, fresh green vegetables are rarely available. Returning gifts is all about goodwill. It's fine when the thought is there. It doesn't have to be expensive." Axiu seconded.

Grandma Liu hesitated, "Okay, then let's send a basket of greens, we must pick the best!"

After she spoke, she picked up the vegetable basket in the corner of the house: "I'm going to pick vegetables."

Still with the same fiery temperament, saying the wind was the rain.

After Grandma Liu went to the vegetable patch behind the house, Liu Yusheng dug through the bags. Everything was exquisite snacks and candies, as well as fine fabric… The fabric alone was worth more than 10 taels of silver. It was indeed expensive. No wonder Grandma was so torn.

"Tsk tsk, Blessed Baby, your home is also a little too small. The house plus the entire courtyard aren't enough for me to sneak around." With a swaggering tone, the chubby Qian Wanjin slowly rolled in from the doorway.

Anyway, in Liu Yusheng's eyes, it was like rolling.

"My home is quite small. With Young Boss' size, you won't fit even with two more of them." Liu Yusheng said smilingly, but her jibe made Qian Wanjin want to faint.

"Little devil, you dared to call me fat!"

"You said my house is small!"

"Your house is indeed small!"

"You're already fat."


Seeing that the little toddler was calm and relaxed, smiling the whole time, the little fatty Qian Wanjin huffed and puffed, stunned to the point of being too angry to speak.

Axiu glanced at him and walked in front of Liu Yusheng, blocking his fire-breathing eyes.

"What, do you still want to help this devil bully me?"

"Do I need to?" He glanced at him, light as a feather.

Qian Wanjin felt going against these two criminals, as long as he confronted them, he would only be suffocated!

"I'm at least a big client, right? I bought your wine, gave you gifts, and yet this is how you treat me? Do you know how to treat a guest?" Qian Wanjin stretched his neck, trying to look behind Axiu, and said indignantly.

Somehow, he felt a chill down his neck when he looked at this little boy's eyes. He didn't want to look at him, he wanted to look at that little devil!

"You bought our wine and will sell it afterwards. You'll be making a fortune. Speaking of which, our family sent you a fortune, shouldn't you give some gifts? Besides, I asked my grandmother to give you a basket of vegetables in return."

What kind of whizz was she? How did she grow up? She has such a thick skin!

"… Who do you want to fool with a basket of vegetables? Have I never eaten green vegetables before? I don't want it!"

Axiu turned to Liu Yusheng: "Shengsheng, he doesn't want it. My mother and I like to eat your vegetables."

Liu Yusheng nodded: "Okay, then I'll give it to Brother Axiu. Recently, more and more aunts came to vegetables at my house, and there's not much left."

Qian Wanjin looked back and forth suspiciously at them. "Your vegetables are that delicious?"

"Of course, it's delicious, my grandparents have green fingers, and everything grown in our garden is of quality! You can't find any better food in the whole of Xinghua Village other than in my house."

"Blessed Baby, can you show me the way?"

"It's right behind the house. Let's go. You're just in time to help my grandmother pick vegetables."

Hmph! From growing up, when did he do other things apart from counting money? She wanted him to pick vegetables? What a joke!

A moment later, the shoults of a golden Maitreya could be heard around the vegetable patches in Liu's garden.

"Is this really cabbage? It's too juicy, it looks like jadeite!"!"

"Eh, this watercress smells so good! You can tell it tastes good from the smell of it!"

"Oh, my! Is this kale? How come this one's so big? It's twice as big as the ones I get in my restaurant!"

Fresh and juicy, tender and full-sized! Qian Wanjin's eyes were glowing as if he had found a precious land.

He squatted down, hugged a kale and uprooted it. "I'll take this one, too, Grandma Liu. Give me two of them. And more watercress please, I love that one. That radish is fresh from the ground, pluck two for me too!"

"Okay, okay, if Young Boss likes to eat them, I'll give you more!"

"I like them! Grandma Liu, you're really an expert at growing vegetables!"

"Hahaha! In the future, if you want to eat, come to my house. There's no shortage of green vegetables for you anytime!" Grandma Liu was coaxed, and folds on her face stretched with laughter.

"Don't worry Grandma Liu, I'll definitely come!"

Liu Yusheng stood dumbfounded beside Axiu, staring at someone who was so haughty one second and turned into a comedian in an instant. He even bribed her grandma with a few sweet words, wishing he could harvest all the vegetables from the ground…She felt an urge to toss him away.

"Brother Axiu, he's fake, right?"

Axiu rubbed the little baby's head and laughed, "He's not a fake, he's fine. Restaurant owners usually have their own farms, cultivating rice and vegetables to provide for the operation of their restaurants. They can tell the quality of vegetables at a glance. Shengsheng, don't underestimate him just because he's young."

"I know. You can't judge people by their appearance, just like Brother Axiu, who is also young, but knows so much!" Liu Yusheng smiled.

Qian Wanjin might be young, but since his family dared to let him run a restaurant, there must be something unique about him.

In this era, no one could really underestimate him.

Outside, everything was loaded into the wagons, and all 4400 jars of wine were brought on board.

After Da Huang went to the vegetable garden to report, Qian Wanjin patted the mud off his hands, took out a few silver tickets from his bosom and handed them to Grandma Liu. "Grandmother Liu, I'll take the vegetables away. If I have time, I'll come back to your home to pick some. Here, put this away and don't let outsiders see. Don't reveal your fortune."

The last sentence, however, altered Liu Yusheng's impression of this seemingly proud and dandy second generation ancestor.

At least that was a sincere mention.

"Eh, Blessed Baby, remember to eat those snacks. If you like them, I'll bring you more next time." The noisy little kid waved his hand and let Da Huang carry on the beaten basket full of vegetables, then the chubby kid walked away gracefully.

Liu Yusheng blinked behind him and tilted her head, "Brother Axiu, is he so magnanimous? He just got so mad at me that steam came out of his ears."

Staring at the little child's speechless expression, Axiu couldn't resist smiling. "Because Shengsheng is so nice, no one will really get angry with you."

"Really? Then don't be mad at me in the future!"

"Hmm, I won't." Ever.

The caravan of wagons attracted attention as they passed.

In Liu's yard, the people who had helped all day were ready to go home.

"Grandma, this bit of snacks and sweets are too much. Shall we leave some for us and let the uncles and aunts who came to help taste the rest?"

"Oh, are you willing to do so?" Grandma Liu thought the same, but deliberately teased.

"Unwilling! But Grandpa said to be grateful for the help you get from others!"

"Your little mouth, ah, it's coated with honey. There's no need for you to eat candy." Grandma Liu was happy, dividing the sweets into new portions, and gave one to each person who helped in the courtyard.

The snacks were expensive and few people in the countryside could afford to eat them. Taking such a gift made most of the day's busy work felt even more rewarding.

It wasn't just that they received gifts, but that they were remembered for their efforts. That respect was more precious than any gift.