Chapter 48 - Am I your son?

Knowing that the Liu family was done for the afternoon, Wanrong didn't come over again.

Axiu didn't stay for dinner either. On his way out, Liu Yusheng forcibly stuffed him a packet of snacks and a small jug of fruit wine.

After dinner, the family closed the courtyard door and sat in the hall again for a family meeting.

Grandma Liu took out all the money they earned from selling wine in the past few days and accounted for it.

Seven silver banknotes, four bills of 500 taels, two bills of 100 taels, plus five silver ingots.

A total of 2250 taels of silver.

The adults were bereft of speech for a long time.

Liu Zhiqiu, who was still stuffing snacks in his mouth, exclaimed in excitement, "Grandma, father, mother, our family is rich, right?"

Liu Erlin exhaled a cloudy breath in laughter and scolded, "Brat, do you know what it meant to be rich?"

"Of course I know. We've made a lot of silver, so we're rich! Our family never had so much money before!"

"Eat your food! Can't you put a gag on when you're eating?!"

Lu Zhiqiu put his head together with his big brother and continued to eat snacks.

Delicious, the first time he had such an expensive snack, let alone how it tasted, just the word expensive was enough for him to show off with his buddies for a long time.

"I didn't expect, after two months of hard work, we made so much money all of a sudden. It's like a pie in the sky, so unreal." Grandpa Liu sighed. "Who would have thought that when Nannan was fooling around, it ended up in this glorious situation."

"Everyone in the village is saying that Nannan is a lucky baby, and now I also think she is. Nannan was born in our family to bring blessings." Grandma Liu said jokingly while stuffing the silver banknotes back into the bottom of a small wooden box. Three silver ingots were placed on top, and the remaining two were given to Chen Xiulan and Du Juan. "It's been a hard time for both of you. The last time I gave you money was a year ago, when times were tight. I've only given each of you 100 Wen. This time, I'll give you 10 taels. Find some time to buy some things and visit your families. It's not for you to go back to show off, but just a way to reassure your parents that our Liu family have not wronged their daughters-in-law."

"Mother… " Chen Xiulan and Du Juan took the silvers. Their hands were heavy, but their hearts were full and warm.

"Alright, more words need not be said. After you two married in, I've been treating you as my daughters. In the future, as long as our family is still in good terms, complete harmony, and beautiful, everything will be fine. Having a good time is more important than anything else."

Liu Erlin looked left and right, and then quietly nudged Liu Dalin's hand. Liu Dalin turned his head and paid him no attention at all.

He had no choice but to harden his own scalp and bashfully leaned in to his old mother. "Mother, this period of time, big brother and I also worked hard. Look, it's not easy to collect grapes and make wine and go into the county to look for business deals, right? Isn't it? Give us some too…hmm? Hmm?"

Twirling two fingers out, he cajoled with a flattering smile.

Grandma Liu's eyebrows perked up and easily smacked the back of his hand, "Hmm, what? Huh? Hmm, what? Ask your wife for the money and see if she'll give it to you, you bastard! The family has food and drink. You don't need to go back to your mother's house, so what do you need silver for, huh? Don't ask me for four, five or six, don't even think about it!"

Liu Erlin hugged his head and scurried away, "No, Mother… Ouch! Mother! Am I really your son?!"

"No! I only have daughters and no sons, what about it?!"

"…" Erlin cried in sorrow, "I was wrong, I was wrong mother! Stop it! Wife, sister-in-law! Stop her, oww, hey!"

"Hahaha!" His wife and sister-in-law laughed next to each other, not forgetting to advise as an accomplice, "Mother, he's thick-skinned. Don't hurt your hand, use a broom!"

It was determined, she wasn't his wife!

After a fit of laughter, they sat back down on the bamboo bed, and Grandma Liu closed the wooden box and locked it. "This silver will be used for the two boys' education and for our Nannan's dowry. Stop thinking about how much the family has earned or how we used to live. How else are we going to thrive? Farm honestly and live in a pragmatic manner."

Grandpa Liu nodded: "Wife is right. Everyone must remember, keep your mouths shut and don't say anything about the silver. There may be no villains in the village, but there will always be jealousy in the dark over our sudden wealth. We don't want to provoke those eyes and live our lives in peace, don't brag."

Everyone nodded, "We've taken note of it all."

Even Liu Zhixia and Liu Zhiqiu promised, "Grandpa, Grandma, we won't tell anyone either, we won't reveal our fortune!"

Liu Yusheng cupped her cheeks in her small hands, quietly and obediently clinging to her grandparents, without interrupting or making any comments.

She agreed with her grandparents. It was most important to live a pragmatic life.

Stick to the roots and never forget the original intention.

The next day, Liu Daliu and Liu Erlin returned the vats they had borrowed back to each house, and gave them a bag of snacks and half a basket of vegetables.

On the way, they met a lot of people who inquired about the family's wine selling business, and also asked how much money they made. The two brothers merely shook their heads and smiled, and said they made a few pounds of meat money, and then pushed the matter behind.

However, rumors still spread in the village that the Liu family was lucky and blessed, and their life was getting better and better.

The main target was still centered on Liu Yusheng. Because making wine started with Liu Yusheng's idea, the fame of the Blessed Baby slowly spread throughout ten miles and the eight villages without the knowledge of the Liu family.

On the other hand, the days of the Liu family still passed by as usual.

After harvesting the rice in the field, they plowed the ground again to compost fertilizer, and sometimes went to their dry land to water the sweet potatoes and waited for the harvest.

Liu Yusheng still reported to the cabin every day, learning to read and write and doing horse stances with Axiu while learning how to identify medicines and basic medical theories with Wanrong, to name a few.

The calm continued until noon ten days later, when Qian Wanjin once again pulled over to the Liu house in his horse-drawn carriage.

"Grandma Liu, I'm here again!"

The Liu family had just finished their lunch and were about to take a break…

But the yell outside shocked the whole family.

Grandma Liu sat up on the bamboo bed in the hall. "Eh, isn't that the voice of the Young Boss? Did he really drop by again?"

During lunch break, Liu Yusheng would lie on the bamboo bed with Grandma Liu. It was cool, and it could also enhance the relationship between the grandchild and grandparent.

Hearing the yell, she pursed her lips. Nobody went to the temple for nor reason, and that second generation ancestor coming to the door was definitely no good.

Liu Dalin went and opened the door to welcome him in.

Qian Wanjin was still all dressed in gold, with the waiter, Da Huang, behind him.

"Uncle, are you all at home? It's just as well. I have something to discuss with you." As he spoke, he walked into the hall, feeling at home.

"Discuss with us? What does Young Boss want to talk to us about?"