Chapter 64 - I’ll definitely find you

"Shengsheng, just for a little while. I'll be right back, okay?"

"No! Brother Axiu, I'm scared!"

Hearing that she was scared, Axiu carried her outside without another glance at the two people inside the cave.

Laizi watched the two walk away. His strength hadn't fully recovered yet, so he roared in resignation, "Stop right there, you two! You can't run anywhere! The fruit wine recipe is ours. No one is allowed to use it!"

He crawled up holding onto the stone wall, his expression grim: "Ande, get up! Come with me and catch them before they get away! Or we're really screwed! Shit! Are you lying there playing dead?"

He was lying on the ground earlier so he didn't even see how Ande had fallen down. He just thought that a child had attacked him and he was as upset as he was.

However, the man was completely unresponsive despite his roars. Laizi gave him a quick glance, and saw him lying motionless on the ground, without making a sound.

The angry curse that was he was about to blurt out got stuck in his throat and couldn't be squeezed out.

He felt a bit flustered, but the temptation of the fruit wine recipe was too great, and he was reluctant to give up.

He clenched his fists, staggered and pounced towards the two little children.

At the entrance of the cave, Axiu hugged Liu Yusheng and didn't even look back, as if he hadn't heard the movement behind him. Only his arm that cradled the toddler tightened. "Shengsheng, don't be afraid, let's go."

Axiu hugged her, so Liu Yusheng didn't glance back.

There was no sound from behind her either, and she didn't know what happened to those two men.

Her mind was filled with her family, so she didn't have time to care about them.

It was now morning and the sun was rising almost high in the sky.

The golden sunlight scattered in the mountains and forests, warm and peaceful.

"Brother Axiu, how did you find me?" Liu Yusheng asked as they walked away.

He replied, "Wherever Shengsheng is, I'll definitely find you."

Nothing else was added.

The location of the cave was close deep into the forest, and it was usually rare to see people around it. But today, before the two could go far down the mountain, they heard noises coming ahead.

Liu Yusheng heard her grandfather's voice amidst the noises.

"Brother Axiu, it's grandpa. He has found me. He must be worried to death, let's go quickly!" In Liu Yusheng's agitation, she broke free from Axiu's embrace and raced towards the source of the sound.

The paths were all downhill, but she was not afraid of falling.

"Grandpa, Grandpa!" The joyous voice resounded throughout the mountains.

Before her eyes, a weary old man appeared. Upon seeing the old man's face, which seemed to have aged ten years overnight, Liu Yusheng's vision blurred for a moment. Like a swallow coming home, she plunged into the old man's arms.

At this time, Grandpa Liu was already in tears, hugging the little baby tightly in his arms and wailing.

The Xinghua villagers who followed and watched this reunion, quietly wiped their tears.

After a thrilling night, what was lost was found.

Who couldn't relate to the torment this family went through?

"You're back, you're back…" Grandpa Liu mumbled repeatedly, crying and laughing. Then he held the toddler away a bit and carefully examined her to see if she was hurt. "Nannan, did those people beat you? Did they scare you? Were you…scared?"

The more he asked, the more he choked.

Liu Yusheng cried and laughed, shaking her head. "Grandpa, I'm fine. I wasn't scared. Don't worry, I'm fine. I'm fine. It's Brother Axiu who saved me. Ah, Brother Axiu also taught the bad guys a lesson."

"Good, good." Grandpa Liu nodded, hugging his little granddaughter tightly once again, before looking up towards Axiu who was not far ahead. ""Axiu, is it those two people who took my poppet? Where are they? I must tie them up and send them to the authorities. I want to ask them how they could bear to deal with a little baby!"

The villagers chimed in. Speaking of the two men, still infuriated. "Right! Such people should be sent to the government so that the officials can convict them and lock them up in jail!"

"Such wicked people must not be spared! Lest they go and harm others later."

Axiu nodded. "It's impossible to let them go. Grandpa, I'll bring people to find them. You bring Nannan home first. The family must be very worried. She has been in the mountains for a whole night. She should be tired and hungry. Let her go back to rest and eat something."

"Then, I'll bring Nannan home. Everyone, I'll leave those two people in your hands. You must catch them. You can't let them escape. They must be severely punished!"

The villagers nodded and divided their troops into two up the mountain. Grandpa Liu carried his lost and found granddaughter and quickly made his way home, while Axiu and the villagers headed up the mountains to capture the two men.

Xinghua Village was especially quiet today. The front of the houses and the back of the paths were empty. Not even a single one of the little children who were usually seen at this hour, bouncing cheerfully and noisily, could be seen.

Liu Yusheng knew that everyone in the village had helped in search of her.

Because she wasn't just the little granddaughter of the Liu family, she was also a member of the Xinghua Village.

From this moment on, Liu Yusheng really had a sense of belonging to this village.

When approaching the Liu courtyard, Liu Yusheng saw Grandma Liu leaning in front of the courtyard door from afar, dazed and weeping with her head down.

She freed herself from Grandpa Liu's arms, landed on the ground with both feet, and ran towards her, almost flying. "Grandma, grandma, I'm back, I'm back!"

Grandma Liu snapped up suddenly, looking at the small figure that came running in disbelief. Through her blurred vision, the tiny figure got closer and closer. She hurriedly raised her hand to wipe away her tears and stared at the tiny figure, not daring to blink her eyes.

When the little child threw herself into her arms, she finally believed that she was real. She immediately sobbed with tears streaming down her face.

Inside the house, when Chen Xiulan and Du Juan heard the tender little baby's voice outside, they dashed out.

Seeing the toddler unharmed and alive right in front of her eyes, Chen Xiulan couldn't hold back any longer and collapsed to the ground crying.

In the end, the four of them cried and hugged into a circle.

Grandpa Liu watched, smiling and drying his tears.

When he heard that Nannan had fallen into the Qinghe River and drowned, he felt as if the sky had suddenly fallen.

The sun disappeared.

Wherever he looked, there was haze.

It was only when Nannan came back that the sky cleared up.

Those who searched on other mountains quickly rushed back.

Liu Dalin, Liu Erlin, and almost all of the villagers who helped came to Liu's house to see Liu Yusheng.

Only when they saw it with their own eyes and were sure that the little baby was really back did they leave in relief. No one said a word of complaint about the exhaustion and anxiety of the whole night.

After Grandma Liu fed and bathed Liu Yusheng, the family sat around her and began to ask about what she had experienced throughout the night.