Chapter 146 - It Really Worked

But they killed her in her previous life, so she's been through a big storm, right? It was only after weathering the storm that you could take it in stride.

Come on, a few more of these things and she'd get used to it!

She was quick to adapt!

IQ 185 medical school Ph.D. high achiever!

They had not gone far, and it didn't take long for the carriage to return around and roll back to where they've been.

Soon, they heard the clashing sound of weapons, and the figures in the fight began to leap into view.

"Don't get too close. Stop here, stop!" Kneeling in front of the carriage, Liu Yusheng remotely controlled the distance and handed the pills to Wei Hong. "Aunt Hong, throw them towards them. Throw more, I have a lot with me."

"Are you sure this works?" Wei Hong gently squeezed the pills with her heart in suspense. The pills were so soft that she didn't dare to use force. This wouldn't end in nothing, right?

"You can doubt me about anything, just don't doubt my medical skills. Throw!"

Wei Hong threw them smoothly with just the right amount of force control, and the pills flew out and reached the location of the crowd fight and then scattered.


"Throw them again!"

The young lady handed the pills to Wei Hong one after the one, almost without pause.

These scented pills were all the results of a whim to make them for fun. Thanks to her very rough(low) level of refining pills, what came out were failed products. The efficacy of the drug wasn't reduced, but with just a little force, it would disperse into powder.

Mo Feng partly bent behind the young woman and didn't speak, but his eyes were fixed at the small pouch at her waist like, what the hell!

Did this small purse have the universe in it? How could it hold so many pills?

On the other side, in order to get the carriage out of the siege, Feng Qingbai stopped all the assassins, twelve of them, with his own strength.

As long as they could get back to the courtyard smoothly, he could wait for Wei Zi's return and rescue him. He wouldn't die.

But before long, he heard the sound of horses' hooves, and his heart began to tighten.

He took advantage of a gap and took a quick look. It was indeed his carriage! That almost ruined his nine years of cultivation!

At this point, Wei Zi and Wei Bai rejoined the fighting circle, not daring to look at their master's face.

Then, it rained…powder from the sky? Dust?

Then, everyone fell to the ground, their eyes reflecting Wei Hong's cold face.

"So it really works."


Honestly, since they have been with Master, they have gotten used to an average of one assassination per month.

Time after time was precarious.

Never has one ended so bafflingly, so comically.

It worked.

Liu Yusheng who was kneeling at the door of the carriage slumped weakly to her stomach.

It was only when she tilted her head that she noticed the cold star-shaped hidden weapon stuck in the wall of the carriage they were riding in.

So those strange noises before were a sneak attack with hidden weapons.

She had really got her life back.

Somebody poked her in the shoulder, so she turned her head softly to Mo Feng's shining eyes.

"Aunt Liu, can I play with your small pouch?"


In the battle ring, the three men who had fallen to the ground were already standing up.

Wei Hong wiped something under their noses, and in a jiffy, their lost power surged back.

Unfortunately, none of the assassins on the ground were alive.

"They took poison and committed suicide. No one's alive. Dead soldiers again!" Wei Zi gritted his teeth.

Those people were simply lunatics! They would send a group of dead soldiers to their door every month to die. Were they training dead soldiers for free?!

"Wei Bai, stay behind and dispose of the bodies." From the moment Feng Qingbai got up, his eyes kept looking at the young woman lying sprawled on the carriage. "We'll head back first."

"Yes!" Wei Bai replied. He was a veteran at disposing corpses and was well-versed in it.

He has been doing this for nine years.

These people really knew how to choose a burial for themselves. They took a detour back to the courtyard, and the area around the location happened to be uninhabited except for the trees that covered it.

No one would know if they were dead.

Once again, they got in the carriage with hidden weapons and galloped to the small courtyard.

In the carriage, Wei Zi, Wei Hong, and Mo Feng unanimously faced outward, not daring to say anything.

Others might not know, but could they still be ignorant?

Their master's anger was on the verge of exploding.

Whoever uttered a word would die.

"Why did you come back?" Feng Qingbai asked, looking at the girl leaning on the carriage wall.

His voice was faint and straightforward without a hint of fluctuation. However, his long, slender eyes were like dots of ink, so dark that they looked unfathomable.

Liu Yusheng at this moment has finally calmed down and regained strength to joke around. She inclined her head towards the man and chuckled, "Aren't I tough?"

Feng Qingbai pursed his lips. Flames of fury were clashing in his heart with nowhere to vent. Looking at her who was ignorant of death or danger, he didn't know what he was supposed to do with her.

"Didn't you know how dangerous it was? I can't always guarantee your escape, just in case…"

"Even if there was a chance, I couldn't leave you behind." The woman still inclined her head. "If you can lay down your life for us, why wouldn't I dare to help you out?"

Of course she was afraid of death. Who wasn't? But when it came down to it, sometimes you wouldn't even know how to react.

She, for example, was super impressed with herself in retrospect. Ah, how lonely.

Feng Qingbai's hands on both sides of his body trembled, and the more they trembled, the more severe the tremor. In the end, he had to borrow the solid wood panel of the carriage seat to restrain his anger that was clamoring to burst.

She said that even in the unlikely event, she couldn't leave him alone. She said it so confidently, so righteously.

At that moment, he wanted to hug her, hug her so hard.

He really didn't know what to do with her.

What should he do when the molten rage that burned his core turned into a possessive madness?

His chest undulated violently, and the wooden boards were already buckling to the point of cracking. Feng Qingbai closed his eyes and gritted his teeth, "Liu Yusheng, don't you dare tempt me."

His voice was low, so low that it was almost inaudible.

Liu Yusheng frowned in confusion. She heard him call her name, but what was the rest of the sentence?

"Feng Qingbai, what did you just say?" He called her by her name, so it wasn't abrupt of her to call him by his name as well.

The sound of her voice was like a switch that opened a tight door in his eyes. He opened his eyes wide, stared straight at her, and then slowly laughed.

In those long, narrow slender eyes, the clarity was gone, replaced by a deep, turbulent storm that was both intense and dangerous.

At this point, Feng Qingbai was like a completely different person.

He had the same face and eyes, but he had shed off his pure and honest outerwear and was now filled with aggression.

The three people sitting in front of the carriage have long been stiff. They desperately suppressed their breathing, trying to reduce their presence.

"I said, you're amazing," the man's thin lips partly opened, and he said unintelligibly.

Liu Yusheng breathed a sigh of relief, then glared at him, "Then why did you suddenly change like that? You scared me!"

"Are you scared?"

"Of course, I'm scared. You're like a different person, and your eyes are staring at me like I'm an enemy."

"…" Feng Qingbai raised his hand and pressed his eyebrows hard, feeling a moment of weakness.

She said he looked at her like she was an enemy?

He dropped his hand, and the churning in his eyes quickly faded, returning to his usual indifference.

"Don't ever do that again."

"What?" Liu Yusheng was a little dumbfounded, staring at the man in a daze. His face changed yet again.