Chapter 147 - See When You Drop Your Disguise

One moment he was a gentleman; the next he could be a demon; and then in the blink of an eye he was back to being a gentleman.

What kind of skill was that? Could he still switch freely?

"From now on, when I let you go, don't look back," Feng Qingbai closed his eyes and bit word by word. He was already powerless and frustrated.

He tried to control himself not to frighten her and admonished her very solemnly, but she actually got distracted.

She was studying his face!

He didn't have to guess what she was thinking!

It wasn't only Liu Yusheng who was confused, but also the three who were sitting in front of the carriage.

They were ready to jump out of the carriage at any moment, but as a result, nothing happened.

They have witnessed their master in an abnormal state.

They have just never seen him return to normal immediately after that abnormality.

That was his true nature just now, and once someone provoked him, he definitely wouldn't end up good.

Now it was all thunder but no rain. Did he take it in stride?

Unfortunately, they still didn't dare to turn back. Otherwise, they might really see how dreadful the master was just now.

In the carriage, the girl's voice sounded again, "That's no good. It depends on the occasion. I can't promise what I can't do."


"Don't worry, I'm not that death-defying. If I can't help you, I'll leave."


"I probably didn't tell you, but I'm proficient at escaping. Ask Aunt Hong if you don't believe me."


"Why did those men assassinate you? Because you're in a position of power? Do you often encounter this danger? Shall I give you some medicine?"

This time, silence ensued for a long time.

The three others exchanged glances twice. Master had a nemesis – Liu Yusheng.

The man was so suffocated he couldn't speak. Liu Yusheng turned her face to lean against the carriage wall and closed her eyes.

She was in a much better mood.

Did he just change his face, trying to scare her?

She wasn't afraid of him.

She didn't know why, but she wasn't afraid of him.

Feng Qingbai slowly leaned against the carriage wall as well. His eyes fell on the face of the young woman, his eyes gloomy, helpless, and doting.

She has always been disciplined and very sensible in front of her family and friends. She even acted like a baby to make them happy!

It was only with him that she acted wild.

Shengsheng, you've recognized me long ago. You just didn't realize it yet.

I just want to protect you from a distance, so why did you have to jump in front of me, tempting me to capture you?

If I'm true to myself, you will never escape.

I'm afraid I can't stand it.

Liu Yusheng fell asleep again, unaware.

She slept soundly with no defense at all.

She woke up in her guest room bed.

Looking out the window, it was dusk, and the sun was about to set.

She patted her head in annoyance. She'd thought of going back to the courtyard to ask Feng Qingbai specifically what the assassination was all about.

Although she wasn't involved, she was also a party to it.

However, given Feng Qingbai's temperament, he probably wouldn't tell her the truth.

It was a matter for the court and the imperial family, and it wasn't something a commoner like her could understand.

She wondered how many times he encountered such a thing while growing up.

He must have suffered a lot of injuries, right?

She went through the medicines she has stored in her space. For wound healing, bleeding control, swelling and stasis elimination, blood tonic and energy nourishing…

They all fit him.

When she did find all the drugs, she felt torn again.

Once these drugs got out, she would be exposing herself.

No, she couldn't do that.

She had the whole village behind her.

But, when she closed her eyes, the picture from the carriage popped in her mind.

When she fell from her slumber, he held her in his arms, turned her over to Aunt Hong, and said, "Wei Hong, take care of her!"

Before he flew out of the carriage, he took a deep look at her, and the complicated emotions in his eyes that she couldn't understand at that time now seemed like reluctance, farewell, and something else…


Liu Yusheng suddenly opened his eyes.

At that time, did he call Auntie Hong Wei Hong?

Auntie Hong's response at the time was, "Yes!"

"Yan Hong, twenty-two years old, homeless." Auntie Hong came to the Liu family and refused to leave, and she still remembered her introduction.

She even guessed that Axiu sent her to protect the Liu family.

Axiu, Auntie Hong, Feng Qingbai.

Wei Hong, Wei Zi, Wei Bai.


Liu Yusheng breathed rapidly, and her pretty face turned increasingly frosty. Then she raised her lips in a sneer.


Good going, Feng Qingbai.

Well done!

You think I'm stupid!

Let me see when you'll drop that disguise!

She stuffed all the medications she collected into her space again. Couldn't he hold on? Couldn't he survive?

If he's hurt, then get hurt. Die..ptooey! Bear it!

After walking back and forth in the room for dozens of laps, Liu Yusheng still couldn't bear it.

She was so angry that she marched to the inner courtyard.

Why did she keep hanging on to him when he clearly disowned her in front of her?!

He pretended that he had never met her before.

She thought of how dumb she was when she first met him in the inner courtyard.

And then she thought of the way he stopped to ask her what she was doing there.

She was furious!

In the inner courtyard study, as soon as Wei Bai finished reporting that Miss Liu was coming to the inner courtyard, the door slammed open from a kick.

Liu Yusheng has never been so rude before, but it felt really good to kick the door with her foot.

It was so imposing!

Feng Qingbai waved Wei Bai off and stood up from behind the desk. His face was still pale when he looked at her, "Miss Liu, what brings you here?"

"Right, why should I come here for nothing?" Liu Yusheng's anger shot even higher when she met those extraordinarily familiar eyes, then at his face, which appeared as if nothing had happened. Her anger was also sprinkled with grievances.

Keeping her momentum, she walked up to him and ordered, a head and a half shorter than him, "Sit down!"

Feng Qingbai's fingers under his wide sleeves tightened. He sat down as ordered and gazed at her with long, slender black eyes, quietly without speaking.

He used to use silence when he didn't know what to do.

And the only person who could render him uncertain was Liu Yusheng.

He dared not presume why she was so angry and why she looked so aggrieved that the corners of her eyes were slightly red.

"I saved you today, do you admit it?" The young woman looked at him condescendingly, coldly.


"Do you have to repay my saving grace?"

"How do you want me to repay it?"

"Can you give me everything I say I want?"

"I'll give it all."

"Even your life?"

Feng Qingbai's thin lips pursed. His eyes looking at her eyes gradually darkened. "If you want it, I'll give it."

Looking at the man coldly, Liu Yusheng clenched her fists, her anger surging.

She didn't want to cry, but her tears wouldn't listen.

She didn't understand why he could give up his life to her but didn't want to recognize her.

When he saw her crying, he stood up with a bang, as if stung by something, and even forgot to hide the anxiety and distress in his eyes.

Liu Yusheng's tears fell even faster.

It took all his strength to restrain himself from hugging her, and he managed to squeeze out his voice, "Miss Liu…"

"Feng Qingbai, you bastard!"

The appellation "Miss Liu" completely made Liu Yusheng explode, and before the man could react, she raised her fist and punched him in the chest.

Again and again, with all her might.

She sobbed and wailed.

"What do I want with your life?! Your life isn't worth that much. You'll give me what I want?! I want the moon in the sky, so go pick it for me, you bastard!

She pummelled his chest, but he stood rigidly. He stared at her tears and her red eyes, unable to say a single word to coax her.

He let her pound and let off steam, but was afraid that her hands would hurt.