Chapter 165 - Just with your brains

If you don't force me, will I run?" Qian Wanjin still struggled, "Old man, let them let go of me! Let go!"

"Let you go so that you can keep running?" Qian Baihao sneered, and when he turned to Liu Yusheng, his sneer returned to his shrewdness and elegance, "I'm sorry, Miss Liu. My son is stubborn, so I had no choice but to use this method to catch him back home."

Liu Yusheng was a bit dumbfounded and didn't know how to respond.

If she wanted to intercede, it was someone's family matter. She had no position to say anything. But if she didn't, looking at Qian Wanjin's resistance, he might cause something major halfway if she really let him get caught.

She was caught in a dilemma.

"Don't you think it's funny, old man? I'm not the only male grandson in the Qian family. Must I be the only one to carry the family name?"

"You're not the only grandson of the Qian family, but you're the only first grandson who can take over the reins of the Qian family!"

"Then let someone else take over the reins. I don't want it, okay?"

"Bastard! The Qian family has no such thing as brotherhood and deference! No one can take away what is yours! Take him to the carriage and return to the capital immediately!"

Before Qian Baihao waved his sleeves and left, he didn't forget to smile at Liu Yusheng elegantly.

He switched between real and fake masks with ease.

They dragged Qian Wanjin out. Knowing that he couldn't escape, he turned back towards Liu Yusheng and shouted, "Lucky Nannan, go back to Xinghua Village tomorrow. Don't stay outside. There are many bad people outside! I'm going back to the capital and will be back soon!"

It coincided with Feng Qingbai coming in from outside.

As soon as Qian Wanjin saw Feng Qingbai, he acted as if he saw his nemesis and once again yelled at the courtyard, "Aunt Hong, Aunt Hong! Remember to take Lucky Nannan back first thing in the morning. Don't let wicked people deceive her! Especially some guys with the semblance of an angel but have the heart of the devil!"

While roaring, he squinted at Feng Qingbai. He even twisted his neck to glare at him while they dragged him past.

Liu Yusheng, "…" How much resentment is he hiding against Feng Qingbai?

Wei Hong, who was on duty in the dark, "…" Young Boss, you entrusted her to the wrong person.

Qian Baihao fell behind. When passed by Feng Qingbai, he concealed the shock in his eyes, slightly nodded towards him, maintaining a respectful and caution front.

King Nanling!

He was fortunate enough to meet him once when he attended a social gathering, but he didn't expect that such a big shot would actually resign himself to this small courtyard!

He couldn't figure out the reason for this person's presence here, so he didn't dare to greet him openly so as not to spoil his business. He could only greet him with a subtle salute.

After walking past, a thoughtful look settled in his eyes.

The roaring youth got dragged onto a carriage and left in the dust.

Liu Yusheng pondered. Listening to the conversation between father and son, Qian Wanjin was probably caught back to go on a blind date.

Perhaps the next time he returned, there would be a young lady Qian by his side.

He fled marriage arrangements so many times from the age of 15 to 22, for seven years now. It probably reached the limit of what the Qian family could tolerate.

It was truly difficult for outsiders to understand the plights of the rich.

"Why did you come here this time?" Liu Yusheng was quite surprised to see the man, who entered.

"I came to see you for dinner," the man replied.

"Were you aware that Qian Wanjin would be taken away?" Because Qian Wanjin, Wei Hong and Da Huang were present and they all came together, she didn't want to leave them in the inner courtyard to eat. So every meal time, she was in the guest courtyard.

Qian Wanjin was captured today, so Da Huang should have left with him, leaving Wei Hong as her hidden guard, who could eat with other hidden guards. Thus, she was left alone in the whole courtyard.

"Yeah." Feng Qingbai didn't deny it. "The Qian family's legitimate son has repeatedly escaped from marriage. This matter has been known in the capital. Feeling tired of the entire Qian family being the laughingstock, the Qians elders released a death order that he must be caught back for marriage. Qian Baihao appeared here, so it would be impossible to let Qian Wanjin go."

After speaking, he took the lady's hand and walked outside. "The inner courtyard has prepared the meal. Let's go there."

Meanwhile, Qian Wanjin, who was sitting in the carriage, also began to ponder over the feeling.

At that time, his mind was all on struggling to resist, so when he saw Feng Qingbai, he didn't react for a while. Now that he thought about how coincidental he appeared, he must have ran over to watch his embarrassment!

"Old man, tell me honestly. Is it that Feng Qingbai who recruited you here? He tipped you off in order to deal with me?"

Qian Baihao, who was sitting across the room with his eyes closed, slowly opened his eyes, looked at him for a while, and then closed his eyes and sighed.

He thought that he, Qian Baihao, has a lifetime of shrewdness, but how could he have given birth to such a stupid son?

"I knew it! Feng Qingbai, that despicable villain! In order to deal with me, he would do anything!"

Qian Baihao couldn't stand it anymore. He picked up the scroll in his hand and smashed it on Qian Wanjin's head.

"Which onion or garlic do you think you are?! Would King Nanling spare efforts to deal with you? Just with your brains, he would crush ten of you together with one finger! You think too highly of yourself!"

"Who else but him? How else did you know I'm in Xuzhou?" Qian Wanjin covered his head and shouted.

"Do you think my Qian family scouts are vegetarians? Do you think I, Qian Baihao, am a vegetarian? As long as I want to catch you, I can know where you run to! Long before you arrived in Xuzhou, I had already set out from the capital to arrest you. Otherwise, did you think I could come so quickly?! I'm telling you, if you dare to run away again, I'll break your legs!"

"Just break them! It's good to be crippled. If I'm crippled, I don't need to marry!"

"Even if you're lying in bed and paralyzed, I still have a way to let you carry on the family line!"


Qian Wanjin had a hunch that his old man came for real this time.

Should he still escape? He felt chills on his legs.

"Tell me, what about you and King Nanling? How did you meet and how did you have a relationship? It has something to do with the little girl of the Liu family, right?"

King Nanling appeared in the guest house. Since he went to look for someone in the guest house, besides his stupid son, there was only the little girl of the Liu family left.

So there must be a connection between King Nanling and that little girl.

After the old man suppressed him too strongly, Qian Wanjin restrained himself for a while and let out a grunt. "Of course, I know him. I've got plenty of bad blood with him. My ten fingers wouldn't be enough to count it! He was in Xinghua Village when he was a kid, and he even rode in our carriage. The guy named Axiu, does it ring a bell?"

Qian Baihao's eyes narrowed and a scene from long ago popped into his mind. He gasped, "It was him?"

"It's him!"

"I really didn't expect…" How could he have thought of that? When he first noticed the unusual aura of the mother and son, it never occurred to him that their identity was unusual. However, back then, he only surmised that he was a concubine's son who had fled from a powerful family.

Against all odds, it turned out that he was a royal heir!

Qian Wanjin glanced at his old man and frowned. "Eh, old man. Don't use your set of calculations in business here. When you go back, don't spread the word about the guy you met outside. He should have some business here. It's inappropriate to spread the word around."