Chapter 166 - Feel that life was hopeless

Although he treated Feng Qingbai as an eyesore, he would find it disgusting and unbearable if his own old man were to scheme against him.

He found fawning upon the rich and powerful to secure personal gains repugnant.

That guy was indeed annoying, but as Lucky Nannan said, Feng Qingbai actually never really hurt him.

Otherwise, with his current status, dealing with a merchant would be as easy as turning a hand. Feng Qingbai only needed to say a word, and he could pummel him into dust.

But Feng Qingbai didn't.

With Feng Qingbai's vengeful nature, he was actually extremely forgiving to him.

How many people could be like him, pointing at Feng Qingbai's nose and cursing, and still came out alive?

His conduct and speech was too offensive and disrespectful to his superior, not to mention against a royalty. If he did take it seriously, the entire Qian family wouldn't be enough to compensate him!

Qian Baihao glared at Qian Wanjin. "Do I still need you to lecture me? You think I'm like you, born with a pig head!"

Although he was indeed fond of currying favor with people in authority, how could he have the guts to scheme against King Nanling?

Even if he didn't cherish his old life, he still had to think about the lives of hundreds of people in the Qian family!

The topic came to an end.

After a silent spell, Qian Wanjin couldn't hold back again, and moved closer to his father. "Old man, can you tell me the truth. How many blind date banquets do I have to eat this time?"

"How many more times?" Qian Baihao laughed in fury, "You have run a hundred and eighty times in the past few years. Do you think there are so many girls for you to pick? People don't want to lose face, so as soon as they hear your name, they directly block the matchmaker out of the door! You still think you have a lot of market!"


"This time, there's only one and no choice for you. She's the second daughter of General Shi family in the capital."

"The general's daughter? Se-second daughter?!" Qian Wanjin' tail note soared high. He felt a sense of foreboding.

Not the one he knew, right?

"The second daughter of the Shi family, Shi Xianrou."

Qian Wanjin's eyes went black and he felt hopeless in life!

"Father, do you really want to do this to your own son? Do you know what kind of person Shi Xianrou is? She can beat up people down the mountain and fight tigers up there! You want me to go on a blind date with her? You are pushing your son into the fire pit with your own hands!"

"Isn't she good?" Qian Baihao was calm and collected. "If you dare to run away again, we don't need to worry much. The Shi family girl can break your legs first!"

"…Stop! I want to go down! I want to go back to Cangwu!"

In the inner courtyard in Xuzhou.

The meal was already set on the table, and Liu Yusheng, Feng Qingbai and Feng Mohan were sitting around the table.

The meal was ordinary home-cooked dishes. It wasn't much exquisite, but the word home-cooked was warm enough.

Feng Mohan looked particularly excited.

Usually, when they dined, it was just him and his uncle looking at each other. They wouldn't say a word during the meal, and the atmosphere would be cold and icy.

Now that there was an additional person, the feeling was immediately different.

With just one more person, the cold atmosphere dissipated, replaced by a faint warmth.

The atmosphere became relaxed and pleasant.

Although he still had to maintain the habit of eating without saying anything, he was in a good mood and ate more dishes.

While picking up rice, the young man took advantage of the man's inattention to quietly push a braised chicken with fruit oil in front of Liu Yusheng.

This was the kitchen's signature dish, his favorite. The taste was savory.

Well, there was also the melon leaf soup. It was mild and sweet. Push it over.

Today's choy sum seemed more tender than usual. Push it over.

Midway through the meal, the dishes on the table had almost all shifted.

Except for the two dishes in front of Feng Qingbai, all the other dishes were shifted to Liu Yusheng.

Liu Yusheng looked at the young man with only two bright eyes while holding his rice bowl and was in between tears and laughter.

"Just this once," Feng Qingbai commented.

The young man immediately buried his head into the bowl.

Imperial Uncle was admonishing him. If it weren't for Aunt Liu, it wouldn't have been so simple as this single sentence.

It was bad manners to push dishes during a meal, which was forbidden in the palace.

Fortunately. The boy stuck his tongue out, snickered, and continued to pick up rice.

He realized that as long as Aunt Liu was around, his uncle would become much gentler.

Whether in speech or action.

"Hmm!" Just after snickering, Feng Mohan suddenly felt suffocated in his chest. His eyes spun and fell backwards stiffly.

"Mofeng!" Liu Yusheng exclaimed. She tried to pull the boy, but Feng Qingbai rushed forward and stopped his back. His brows knitted tightly as he picked up the boy and quickly flew to the side room.

Liu Yusheng quickly chased after him. "What's going on? Is he physically ill?"

"Yeah, his situation is very complicated. I can't explain it at once. I'll tell you later," Feng Qingbai paused in his steps, "Shengsheng, you don't need to follow us. Stay for dinner."

"No, I'll go with you to check. Otherwise, I'll worry."

"There is medicine in his room to suppress his condition. He will be fine after taking it. Don't worry."

Liu Yusheng ignored his obstruction and just followed beside him in silence. The young man with his eyes tightly closed began to bleed black blood from the corners of his nose and mouth. It wasn't just a simple disease.

Feng Qingbai's brow wrinkled tighter. He never could argue with Shengsheng.

But he really didn't want her involved in this matter.

Wei Zi has already prepared the emergency medicine in the room. When the young man was laid flat on the bed, he took over in feeding him the medicine.

He was adept, so she concluded that this situation hasn't happened once or twice.

Feng Qingbai stood in front of the bed, looking at the pale and unconscious boy on the bed. His eyes were deep and gloomy.

"Wei Bai, go and find out who he contacted today and what he touched!"

"Yes!" In the corner, Wei Bai received the order and then flew away.

"Feng Qingbai, what exactly is going on?" Liu Yusheng couldn't figure it out, but could feel that things were grave.

Sensing the woman's concern, Feng Qingbai stretched his tightly furrowed brow, took the lady's hand and shook it. "It's okay, don't worry."

"Feng Qingbai!" He was being perfunctory! Liu Yusheng was about to say something, but heard a vomiting sound. The boy in the bed opened his mouth and vomited out a large mouthful of black blood, along with the medicine he ate earlier.

"Master!" Wei Zi's face changed drastically.

This has never been the case before. When the emperor was ill, they could suppress his condition as long as he took his medicine in time. He would get better after a rest overnight. But now, it was clear that his condition had worsened.

"Quickly go to Huichun shop and ask for Mr. Zhang. Make sure he comes to heal him!" Feng Qingbai's eyebrows leaped up again and ordered in a deep voice.

"Feng Qingbai, I'm also a doctor." When Wei Zi walked away, Liu Yusheng pursed her lips and looked at Feng Qingbai. She sensed that he was deliberately ignoring her status as a doctor. "I want to check his pulse. At least I can help take care of him before that Mr. Zhang arrives."

She spoke and wanted to withdraw her hand back and walk towards the bed, but the man gripped it tightly.

"Shengsheng," he muttered, "Don't interfere in this matter, okay?"