Chapter 172 - What a little devil

"Of course." Feng Qingbai nodded.

The whole time, Liu Yusheng buried her head in eating fried peanuts.

For some reason, she felt guilty the whole time.

It struck her as falling in love early and could never admit it in front of her parents.

As for Feng Qingbai, his acting was way much better than hers.

There was no need for her to worry at all.

He could play Tai Chi and could return tit for a tat.

After three rounds of wine, Liu Zhixia still couldn't hold back and asked again, "What happened in the beginning?"

He guessed that the man should have already explained to their Nannan. He had to know what happened in order to decide what kind of attitude to use in the future to treat him.

It was impossible to say that he didn't mind what happened before.

The whole family treated him wholeheartedly and sincerely. He left without a word of goodbye and suddenly disappeared.

Their three years of painstaking efforts to find him would end up like a joke.

Whoever experienced this would have a heart knot.

"Brother, let me tell you about this slowly later…"

"I want to hear it from his own mouth," Liu Zhixia rarely stood tough in front of his sister.

He should man up and explain himself. What kind of ability did he have if he hid behind his sister?

Above all, this man clearly cherished evil intentions toward his sister!

Feng Qingbai stayed silent for a moment and said to Liu Yusheng, "Shengsheng, the carriage is at the entrance of the restaurant. Go there and sit for a while. Wait for me, okay?"

Liu Yusheng pursed her lips, looked at the two, then got up and left.

She understood her big brother's feelings. If she kept protecting Feng Qingbai, it would make her brother more uncomfortable.

Besides, it was time for Feng Qingbai to give an explanation to the family.

Because, everyone in the family treated him with sincerity.

Liu Yusheng walked to the carriage, but before she lifted the curtain, someone inside had already poked his head out first.

"Aunt Liu, that man is your big brother?"

"Yes." This guy is just hiding aside to peek, right?

"Not bad looking, but not as good looking as my uncle," the boy commented with great interest.

"How many people can you find who are better looking than your uncle?" Liu Yusheng climbed into the carriage and asked with a smile.

"That's right," the boy shrunk back into the carriage and skillfully pulled out small snacks from the cabinet. He nestled in the embellished and cozy carriage seat while eating. "I tell you, even in the capital, my uncle's face is one of the best. Aunt Liu, you have to keep a close eye on my uncle in the future. Don't let him fall for those foxy girls."

"…" Liu Yusheng pursed his lips, "You sneaked here to freeload for food and seat, yet you still love to talk bad behind your uncle?"

"How is it talking bad? I'm just warning you! If it isn't for your sake, I wouldn't worry about it. Do you think I'm idle?" The boy strained his neck and quickly slipped a glance to the window. When he didn't see the shadow of that man, he set his heart at ease.

He swiftly stuffed the small snack into his mouth, and put the little bit of it back into the cabinet, and got down on the carriage.

"Aunt Liu, I'm going to the back now. When Uncle comes back later, don't tell him I came! Also, I didn't eat the one in the cabinet!"


Give him a pole and he'd fly off to the sky. Indulgence could develop a habit. Liu Yusheng believed it now.

What a little devil!

The two men in the restaurant came out a quarter of an hour later.

She couldn't determine anything from their expressions.

But before leaving, Liu Zhixia took a deep look at Liu Yusheng and said "You still have half a day, so you should be able to rush home before nightfall. Go home quickly."

"Brother, then I will come to visit you next time." Liu Yusheng felt a bit reluctant.

After entering Yunzhou academy, her brother had very little time to go home. He could only return once in three or two months, and he had to rush back to the academy after less than two days.

Liu Zhixia stroked her head. "No, I have two days off next month. I will go home to see you and our grandparents then. Go ahead."

The carriage hit the road and gradually disappeared in sight. Liu Zhixia looked after it for a long time, before turning back to leave.

Feng Qingbai explained the past in the wine shop just now, but he didn't say much about the rest.

There was no need to say more.

He wasn't the simple boy who ran around the village in the mountains, and he had lived for so many years in the academy. He often heard other students and teachers talking about current affairs, so he had some understanding of the current dynasty.

After getting an explanation and eliminating the bumps, Feng Qingbai Feng Qingbai could finally overlap with the original Axiu in his eyes.

However, Liu Zhixia could no longer treat him as that Axiu.

He felt reborn after nine years.

The gap was too big.

It was something that you could cut across relying simply on mutual affection.

And Nannan… He replayed the scene he saw at the entrance of the academy.

Liu Zhixia didn't want to let himself think more, but there was no way he couldn't.

However, Feng Qingbai made no mention of that aspect, so he couldn't do more except for a vague warning.

He had this nagging feeling that that guy deliberately didn't explain it! He let him speculate behind the scenes, but there was nothing substantial he could do to stop it.

He said nothing, didn't take a stance, so he couldn't rashly intervene to stop hime. Wouldn't that make it look like their Nannan was interested in him herself?

When he returned to the school with a heavy heart, he bumped into a group of students who were heading out.

It was already the end of the school day.

"Oh, isn't this our talented scholar Liu Zhixia? Why did you come in from outside? How can you run away during lecture time? Hahaha!" The one who spoke was the famous second generation ancestor of the academy and the nephew of the prefect of Yunzhou, Liang Yu. His family was also a prestigious family in Yunzhou City, powerful and influential.

"I heard that his family came to visit, so he ran out in a hurry just now."

"Running so fast? Was it because he's afraid we'll see his family's poor appearances?"

"Maybe his family came to send pickled buns to our great talent."

Bursts of laughter ensued.

Liu Zhixia walked past without a glance, ignoring them. This group of uneducated people – one more look at them would dirty his eyes.

He and the prefect's nephew have a row that spawned in the imperial examination room.

Before the exam, Liang Yu carried a cheat sheet, which Liu Zhixia inadvertently spotted. He was later caught in the examination hall and thought it was Liu Zhixia who had tipped him off. Since then, he vented his hatred on Liu Zhixia.

Unexpectedly, they met again at Yunzhou Academy, and Liang Yu kept ridiculing and slandering Liu Zhixia.

Liu Zhixia's disregard made Liang Yu's face cloudy. He turned around and stared at his back coldly.

Someone nearby commented, "As expected of the great talent in our academy. He's indeed noble."

"Hmph, an insignificant student from a poor family background. Let him run wild first. Wait until the day of the imperial examination, the teacher will make him unable to turn over!"

If it wasn't for his uncle's help in suppressing that incident, he wouldn't be able to gain a foothold in this academy now!

Even so, he became the laughing stock of the upper class circles in Yunzhou City for a long time!

All of this was due to Liu Zhixia!

He must avenge himself for this!

"What did you say to my big brother?"

"What can I say? Of course, I explained properly." The man smiled, "Who asked me to do something wrong?"

Because it was her family, because it was the Liu family, he was willing to apologize.