Chapter 173 - Shengsheng, I’m a man

After leaving Yunzhou City, the carriage began the journey straight to Xinghua Village.

The closer they got to Xinghua Village, the more nervous Liu Yusheng's heart became.

She wondered what the family's reaction would be the moment they saw Feng Qingbai.

Moreover, what would the family think about the matter between them?

On the contrary, Feng Qingbai revealed no hint of tension whatsoever.

He has been relaxed and calm.

She wondered if he hid himself too well, or he wasn't nervous at all.

"Why are you staring at me?" Feng Qingbai asked in amusement when he noticed her stare.

"You're not nervous at all?"

"Nervous." He shook her hand.

"I don't see it."

"Shengsheng, I'm a man." He felt helpless.

She was already nervous to the point that her palms were sweating, so what was she to do if he still showed his emotions?

He wanted to be the strong one in her eyes all the time, the man she could always rely on.

He would bear all of his own, and help her carry everything of hers.

He gently wiped the sweat off her palms and said, "Trust me, Shengsheng."

The young girl looked at him steadily for a moment, and the corners of her lips slowly curled up. She rested her head on his shoulder and hummed, "Hmm."

His eyes darkened, and he took her into his arms.

Honestly, how could he not be nervous?

Xinghua Village and the Liu family occupied a certain amount of weight in his heart.

They were the few people in his life who treated him with sincerity and without motives.

Most importantly, they were her family.

He needed their consent to really have her.

He must make them like him, make them trust him, before they would willingly entrust her, the treasure of the Liu family, to him.

"Shengsheng, after the family understands me, find the time to confess our affair, okay?"

"What if my family doesn't agree?"

"If they don't agree, then it must be that I haven't done enough. I'll continue to work hard."

"Okay, work hard."


A sly smile flicked across Liu Yusheng's eyes.

The first obstacle he had to accomplish was to get past her father if he wanted to make their relationship clear.

In fact, since she was thirteen years old, the family began to ask matchmakers to come to the door.

The person with the most violent reaction was her father every time. He repeatedly drove people out with a stormy face, and later simply even refused to let people enter the door.

The whole family supported her father's reaction.

Fortunately, she couldn't accept talking about marriage at the age of thirteen, and she had no thoughts about it at all. Thus, the family was relieved.

Even when she was now sixteen years old, her father still insisted that she was too young and not in a hurry to marry someone.

It was for this reason that she didn't dare to say anything to her big brother before.

Brother Axiu, I'm afraid you're on to some torment next.

The carriage entered Cangwu town, and when passing a certain location, Wei Hong lifted the curtain to look out.

In front of a bakery stall, a vendor carelessly swept a glance at the carriage. In the next moment, he completely stiffened.

He threw down the sweat towel around his neck and chased after it.

Wei Zi! He saw Wei Zi! He would never mistake that face even if it turned gray in the coffin!

Master is here! He must be in the leading carriage!

Master, Master! I'm Wei Lan! I'm here! Look at me! Look at me!

Let me go back!

Wei Hong, that son of a bitch! I told her I should go to Xuzhou to sell pancakes! If I had gone, I wouldn't have to chase the carriage with only two legs!

"Eh! Lan, where are you running to? Don't you want your stall?" A familiar vendor called out to him.

Wei Lan yelled, "Someone in that carriage in front owes me money for the pancakes. I'm going to ask them to pay the debt!"

Pancake stall? Was a pancake stall's future more important than claiming credits?

He didn't want to sell pancakes forever!

After leaving town and in a spot where no one was around, Wei Lan flew several times before jumping into the carriage behind the first one midway through.

"Boss! You're finally here!"

"Get out," Wei Hong's cold voice rang.

"I can't! Da Hong, I've been selling pancakes for nine years! You happily met our master and left me aside, forbidding me to go back. Do you really intend to leave me in that pancake stall? What the hell! I won't do it!"

Wei Zi and Wei Bai sat aside, watching indifferently. If this fool, Wei Lan, made another noise, their master would sweep him out later. There was no need for them to drive him away.

"You're a pancake vendor. If you suddenly appear with us, what will the Liu family think? The people in the village have eaten all your pancakes!" Wei Hong gave him a sideway glance. "If you let Nannan know that there's an undercover cat in town, by then, Master won't let us off so easily. We'll have a hard time, but you'll have it worse."


Wei Zi then spoke, "Everything is still unclear. Continue to stay in the dark. Keep your trump card, and get out."

They drove Wei Lan off the carriage, and when he landed, he heard the boy inside who hadn't made a sound say, "He's also a hidden guard? So stupid."

"!!!" Looking at the dust the carriage left, Wei Lan turned green with anger.

Come down and fight him if they have the guts?

He must be new here, that bastard!

Xinghua Village.

The sunset has sunk.

The sky was only a purple-red afterglow, and darkness shrouded the entire Xinghua Village.

The village was quiet with cooking smokes rising in curls, quiet and peaceful.

When the meal was ready, Grandma Liu walked out of the kitchen, took a look into the sky and sighed softly.

It's been nearly two months since their Nannan left.

It was the first time she's been away from home for so long. She wondered how she was doing in Xuzhou. Did Xiao Jinzi take good care of her? When would she come back?

Grandpa Liu was sitting at the threshold of the hall, holding a teacup filled with the health wine Nannan brewed. In the end, his hand remained still without any intention of drinking. He looked at that piece of afterglow and whispered, "Wife, do you think Nannan is on her way back? It's been almost two months. It's almost time to come home."

Liu Dalin came out from the house, "I guess she should be home soon. She's probably on the way, and tomorrow morning, we'll probably see our Nannan."

Within this period, the old couple sat and dwelled in the courtyard more and more. Everyone knew that they were thinking about their Nannan.

Who in the family didn't want to? Such a precious child suddenly went away from home for so long.

They thought and worried a lot at the same time, not knowing if Nannan could take care of herself alone outside. Moreover, Xiao Jinzi seemed an unreliable young master and needed others' care himself. How would he know how to take care of others?

"Father, mother, let's eat first. Otherwise, when Nannan comes back, she will be angry if she gets to learn you didn't eat properly at home and didn't take care of yourselves."

Chen Xiulan served the food on the table and poked her head out, telling everyone to eat.

Liu Erlin, Du Juan, and Liu Zhiqiu, the family of three, just returned from Xinghua Ridge.

Liu Erlin put down the farming tools in his hand, washed his hands, came over and said, "Father, mother, look. You've been frowning every day since Nannan left. How distressed she will be if she gets to know of it. Hurry up and eat dinner. What if Nannan comes back while we're eating? Although Nannan is young, she is very sensible and can certainly take care of herself. There's no need for you to worry. Come and eat."

Liu Zhiqiu walked forward, pulled the old man up, and helped him towards the kitchen.