Chapter 192 - Are you afraid of me?

She would marry once she decided to. Has she ever asked him if he was willing to marry?!

Qian Wanjin angrily glared at the door, where a fiery red figure broke into his eyes and gradually approached.

The figure looked strong and delicate along with a beautiful appearance. The valiant profile of the woman who entered looked very bright with a touch of heroism between her eyebrows. She was completely inconsistent with the crudeness of a girl as strong as a bear in the hips and with a back supple as a tiger's that Qian Wanjin imagined at the beginning.

Rumor has it that the Shi family's Second Young Lady could beat people down the mountain and fight tigers up the mountain. At the beginning, the image of a female martial artist emerged in his mind.

Now that they met, he was shocked and a little stunned, but that did not stop him from resenting her at all.

There were so many famous bachelors in the capital, but why did she have to insist on marrying him?

Tsk, wasn't it because she was too capable in fighting and scared away all those weak, chicken-like pampered noble sons. No one wanted her, so she turned to him, right?

Of course, he wasn't bad either.

He was handsome, suave, and has splendid future prospects.

"Uncle Qian, Young Master Qian," the woman walked through the door and greeted the two with a smile.

Her voice was somewhat sandy and mute, calm without being affectedly bashful.

"Humph!" Qian Wanjin whipped his head around and gave her the back of his head as a response.

Qian Baihao stared daggers at him, got up, and smiled towards Shi Xianrou, "You're here, Xianrou. You must be here to see this boy, Wanjin, right? You guys have a good chat. I'll let the servants bring a pot of tea. I'll be out of your way."

"Uncle Qian is very polite. I'm indeed here to find Young Master Qian and ask Uncle Qian a presumptuous request in passing." The woman glanced at Qian Wanjin, unaffected by his attitude, her smile not changing at all. "I want to go for a stroll on the street with Young Master Qian. I wonder if that's feasible. Don't worry, Uncle Qian. I will send Young Master Qian back properly later."

Qian Wanjin was delighted at first deep inside. He could go out!

But then he was again angered. What did she mean? He was a dignified big man. Who needed her to send him home?

Why was she humiliating him?!

He turned around and snapped, "Who wants you to send me?!"

"So are you coming?" The woman smiled.

"Yes!" It would be foolish not to go! What a rare opportunity to go out. Once he was out the door, he would find a chance to get rid of this strange powerful woman and immediately escape!

Qian Baihao looked around between the two and nodded. "Since it's Xianrou's request, Wanjin, you can accompany Xianrou for a nice stroll."

"Uncle Qian, there is no need to send another person to follow us. Since I promised to send him back, I will definitely do it."

After taking a deep look at Shi Xianrou, Qian Baihao smiled and agreed, "Okay, I'll believe you. But this kid is very naughty, so you have to keep an eye on him."

Seeing the two figures disappearing out of the gate, Qian Baihao's smile never faded, and gleamns beneath his eyes frequently glinted.

This Shi family's lady could control his stupid son.

Once out of the Qian family gate, Qian Wanjin immediately jumped three feet away from Shi Xianrou, with the look of being defiled if she'd get any closer. "Stay away from me. Men and women should keep their distance!"

"Are you afraid of me?" The woman tilted her head slightly and smiled playfully.

"Bullshit! Who's afraid of you! I don't want to get too close to you and be treated as a couple! I tell you, I'm not not interested in you at all! If you are sensible, take the initiative to withdraw from the marriage yourself! Lest you end up disgracing yourself!"

He was telling her in advance that he wasn't going to marry her. If she didn't want to become the laughing stock of the capital, withdrawing on her own was the wisest choice.

Although he did not like her, he also didn't want to drag a good girl down for his own purposes.

He wouldn't have said such things to her if his protests hadn't been ineffective.

I'm not afraid to lose face."

"Anyway, I'm not going to like you. If you don't get it, don't regret it later!"

"Then who do you like?" Shi Xianrou raised her eyebrows slightly. "The little girl from the Liu family?"

Qian Wanjin almost jumped up, and his face instantly reddened. "Nonsense! Lucky Nannan is my sister! Don't involve her and ruin her reputation!"

The young man's anxious and fidgety appearance made the woman snicker, "I just casually asked. Why are you reacting explosively?"

"Who's reacting explosively? Can't I refute your nonsense? Don't come any closer! Get away from me!" Seeing the woman slowly approaching him again, Qian Wanjin twisted around and took strides away. His blush stayed for a long time without subsiding.

She was just talking nonsense!

How could he like Lucky Nannan?

No, he liked Lucky Nannan, the like from a brother to his younger sister. She uttered that as if he had a dirty mind.

Lucky Nannan loved Feng Qingbai…

Shi Xianrou followed the young man unhurriedly. She withdrew her playful smile, and her eyes darkened.

Perhaps it was fortunate that he was slow.

"You don't need to stay so far away from me specially. Even if you run another ten feet away, you can't escape if I want to catch you." Seeing the man walking faster and faster, the woman behind him spoke leisurely.

Qian Wanjin, "…" So, staying in the boudoir, embroidering and reciting poems, wasn't it for women to be refined?

Why did she have to master and train her martial arts?! Was she thinking of domestic violence after marriage?

"Where do you want to go?"

"Mind your own business!" He grunted. When he spotted an herb store on the street out of the corner of his eye, Qian Wanjin went in.

Lucky Nannan liked to collect precious medicinal herbs. He wanted to see if there were any good products in the store.

If there were, he would buy them and bring them to her.

The streets of the capital were lively and bustling, and streams of people shuttled to and fro.

However, no matter how Qian Wanjin plunged into the crowd, there was always a flaming red figure behind him that he couldn't get rid of.

On the contrary, it also caused pedestrians to frequently look at him, pointing and snickering from time to time.

As he was a scoundrel and lacked the manners towards women.

It was annoying him to death!

And so he wandered through pharmacies, clothing stores, antique porcelain shops, and bookstores, carrying large bags. It wasn't until Qian Wanjin was on the verge of death from exhaustion was he willing to stop.

He found a teahouse to sit down and rest.

It's been a long time since he had an enjoyable shopping spree.

It would have been better if no one was following him.

During his shopping spree, the woman followed him around without saying a word.

Now that they took a seat, she watched Qian Wanjin draining a cup of tea in one gulp and was kind enough to refill it for him.

Qian Wanjin felt a bit uncomfortable.

He did not ask her to serve him.

Wasn't she a fighter? Didn't she take after the Tiger General? Why was she performing this little daughter-in-law gesture?

"You seem to like the Liu family a lot? What kind of family are they?"

"Why are you asking?"

The woman smiled, "I'm just a little curious. I think that family must be very good. Otherwise, they wouldn't make you worry about them so much."

"Hm, that's right. I'm more comfortable in the Liu family than in my own home. I've been there for about ten years, and Grandpa and Grandma love me as if I were their own grandson." Speaking of the Liu family, Qian Wanjin's mood eased a little and he spoke without so much as a thorn in his side.

"Grandpa and Grandma? Besides them, who else is in the Liu family?"

The woman's clearly interested look pleased Qian Wanjin, plus she asked more gently. It was rare she didn't arouse his disgust. Thus, it opened Qian Wanjin's conversation box at once.