Chapter 193 - There’s a saying, boiling a frog in warm water

This afternoon, at a corner of the teahouse, the young man excitedly chattered about his various favorites in the Liu family.

The woman clasped her hands and propped up her jaw, listening with great interest with an undying smile hanging at the corners of her mouth.

The young man, who was babbling passionately, didn't notice that the woman's eyes never left him even for a moment.

Only when Qian Wanjin downed two whole pots of good tea did he slowly stop.

"If you want me to talk about the Liu Family and Xinghua Village, that would take three days and three nights. If you are interested, I will tell you more next time. But let me warn you in advance, do not have fantasies about me. Chatting is chatting. I will not like you, and will not marry you!"

The woman laughed and did not answer.

It made Qian Wanjin's heart hang a bit. He had no idea what that smile laugh meant. But there was this nagging feeling… that she was harboring bad intentions.

After giving it a thought, Qian Wanjin cautiously asked, "You seem to be 19 years old this year and yet still unmarried. You're considered a spinster. Seriously, is there no one willing to marry you, so my family wants to negotiate a marriage for me? Is that what brought you here?"

"What do you think?"

Again, her answer was more depressing to him than her not answering.

If he knew the exact answer, would he still need to ask her?

Seeing that the man was getting defensive again, the woman said unhurriedly, "Actually, you don't have to keep reminding me. I understand your sentiments. But why don't you think about it the other way around? Even if I take the initiative to withdraw from the marriage this time and we will no longer be related, will your family take it lying down? They'll still negotiate your marriage over and over again until you compromise. Instead of repeating that torture all the time, it would be better for us to keep our engagement. We can both be freed from the endless nagging and you may even get your freedom back early. What's wrong with that?"

"Of course it's not good. I want to be free, and that's after I marry you! Otherwise, my father won't let me go! I don't want to get married!"

"If you don't want to, then don't get married."

Qian Wanjin's eyes almost popped up. "What did you say?"

"I said, if you don't want to, then don't get married. I can help you solve this matter."

"Are you serious? You're not kidding me?"

"Why should I kid you?" The woman curled her lips and smiled. "Do you think I, a dignified general's daughter, will force a man to marry me? I also have to save my dignity. We just need to keep the marriage between us. You'll be relieved, and my father also needn't worry about my marriage till his hair turns white. It's mutually beneficial."

Qian Wanjin was about to go crazy with joy. If what she said was true, then he could be relieved!

But in the wake of his ecstasy, Qian Wanjin squeezed his fingers and squirmed, keeping up the farce. "You are really not young. If you keep your engagement with me, and I don't marry you, you'll really become an old spinster the day we call off our engagement."

"It doesn't matter. No one wants me anyway. Isn't that what you said?"

Qian Wanjin was embarrassed. He said in a fit of anger. Although Shi Xianrou wasn't his type, she wasn't bad-looking, plus she had a powerful background. Speaking of her brethrotal with the Qian family, it was his family that climbed high. It was impossible that none of the powerful bachelors in the capital fancy her.

It made him feel a little guilty.

"Ahem, since that's the case, then we have a deal. Of course, in the future, if you meet someone you like, I can break the engagement with you at any time as long as you say the word!"

"Okay!" The woman beamed every more radiantly, but Qian Wanjin failed to grasp the deep, dark glint in her beautiful eyes.

There was a saying in this world that he probably forgot.

It went, boiling a frog in warm water.

Qian Wanjing was hers.

Qian Wanjin was immersed in excitement and felt a sudden chill on his back for a moment, but he ignored it.

"On that account, why don't you help me plead with my father when you send me home? Say that our matter is settled, so that he can let me go. I still have plenty of good things to do and can't leave business unattended. I also have orders from Xinghua Winery here. If I don't go back in time and ship the goods on time, I'll have to pay a lot of damages!"


Imperial Palace, Cining Hall.

A middle-aged noblewoman was standing in front of the windowsill, holding a pair of golden shears in her hand and patiently trimming a bonsai.

A palace maid entered and informed her, "Your Highness, Miss Fu has arrived."

"Let her in."


Outside the palace door, a graceful figure slowly walked in. She had a slender figure, and her light green gown made her pure and delicate. She had smooth hair down her temples, willowy eyebrows, and almond eyes. She looked gentle and delicate.

"Fu Yuzheng greets Your Highness." The woman knelt.

"Get up." Without turning back, the noblewoman ordered faintly with no audible emotions. "Have you heard the news that came back from there?"

"I've already heard, Your Highness."

"The emperor is only ten years old. How come he is suddenly interested in the wine shop? I think it is the Regent's intention, and the Emperor can only obey."

"I dare not speculate."

"Xinghua Winery is a property under the Qian family in the capital." The lady paused. "My Liu family has suppressed the Qian family in second place over the years, and they've long been displeased deep inside. However, they aren't strong enough to turnover in the capital. If it weren't for the rare fruit wines they have on hand, the Qians would have long since perished. The Regent is suddenly interested in a small wine shop. Could it be that he intends to support the Qians and fight against my Liu family?"

"I've never heard the King mention a word of this, so I'm not sure of the details."

"Over the years, you've honed your tongue to say things without slipping through the cracks, so anyone can't pinpoint any flaw." The lady put down the shears in her hand, slowly turned around, and stared at the woman standing with her head low. The corners of her mouth bore a cold smile, yet her voice was soft and unhurried, "If he doesn't mention it, you ask. Do not forget whose minion you are. If the Liu family suffers a loss, I'm afraid you won't be able to sleep peacefully. You're able to stay safe in King Nanling's Mansion, so you must have your own means. Here in this palace, you don't need to be modest."

Fu Yuzheng's eyes darkened. "I don't dare."

"I'll be waiting for your news as soon as possible. The regent has stayed outside with the Emperor long enough. It's time for them to come back. The court can not remain unoccupied. Urge him."


Fu Yuzheng retreated with her head bowed. Far out of the hall door, the woman slowly turned around.

Her eyes turned cold, looking at the three characters of Cining Palace refracted by the sunlight in the distance.

After leaving the palace gate, her carriage journeyed to the entrance of King Nanling's mansion.

Although she was only a maid in the mansion, her status was different from that of ordinary maids.

Everyone was aware that she was the life-saving benefactor of King Nanling, so the King was grateful to her and treated her differently.

Only she knew that it was all a lie.

She was merely a pawn.

A pawn for both sides.

And she knew that in order to survive, she was willing to fight for survival in the cracks to achieve the obsession in her heart.

King Nanling's residence was located in Wutong Lane, the nearest imperial palace, and no one a hundred meters around dared to live next to the residence of King Nanling.

This low-key and luxurious mansion was the symbol of the highest status and power in the capital.

The owner, King Nanling, was an existence above the emperor.