The secret floor

He had thought that the entrance would be something like a secret elevator or maybe a ventilation vent, however, now that he stood here in front of the entrance, he couldn't help but be a little shocked. 

Who could have guessed that the entrance to the secret floor would actually be just a tube slide?

Liang Feng didn't know if he wanted to laugh or cry as he looked at the tube slide. 

He turned on his phone and the ticking timer almost gave him a heart attack. He immediately kept the phone back in his pocket and jumped inside the slide. 

Everyone had chosen another floor because this secret floor looked to be the most difficult. The other floors were much more convenient to search, however, it seemed that the best option was to choose this one because, in just a few seconds, Liang Feng reached the secret floor below. 

The floor wasn't exactly empty but it wasn't filled either.