The bickering duo

Liang Feng gulped as he looked around trying to find something heavy. 

When he couldn't find anything, he decided that the chair was also a good option so he picked up the chair and went towards one side of the wall before slamming the chair on the wall. 

At first, it looked to be truly fruitless, however, after a few hits, there was a dent on the wall and it was revealed that the wall was made out of wood and it wasn't exactly a secure wall. 

Liang Feng stepped back and took a deep breath in as he calmed himself down before using all his energy to hit the wall once again and this time, there was a hole that was made by the chair. 

Liang Feng gulped as he threw the chair aside and peeked through the hole. Just as he had expected, there was a staircase right behind this wall. A secret staircase hidden just like this secret surveillance room.