3: Humane

I dried off and put my clothing back on, shivering from the water. I didn't bother brushing my hair, it was going to look like I had bedhead anyway. I left the bathroom and went into my bedroom, letting myself fall onto the mattress. I sighed and got under the cover, curling up.

I must've fallen asleep, which I honestly didn't care happened or not, but I woke up in the darkness. I sat up sleepily and yawned. I scratched my chest and tried to get up, finding the side where I normally got off from, occupied by Marisa.

I smiled slightly and rubbed my sister's head. She always came here to sleep next to me if she had a nightmare. I didn't feel bothered by it. It was her form of being comforted.

I was the only one she fully trusted. I had helped her all the way up to this very moment and would continue.

I laid back down and sighed, using one of my hands as a pillow before turning to my side and dozing off again.


I woke up the next morning, Marisa still asleep in my bed. I didn't care. As long as she was comfortable and was getting good sleep. I carefully got out of bed and gave Marisa some more blanket before leaving the bedroom. I began making breakfast, not consisting of much. There wasn't much to begin with but I managed. I imagined the taste of toast in the morning with orange juice and other tasty foods. But again, all I could do now was imagine it anyway.

I shook my head and made coffee. I was glad we even had any, though it was bitter yet still gave me some energy. There was nothing I had to do today from as far as I knew, so I could stay home with Marisa.

I slowly drank the coffee, hating the taste. I eventually coughed from the bitterness. I set the cup down and waited for the "breakfast" to get done.

I wasn't the best at cooking...not the worst either. As long as I didn't burn anything down I was fine with whatever I cooked. It seemed to always be good to Marisa. Almost always. It sometimes burned.

I was surprised a small explosive wasn't made and that the food was edible. I wasn't actually taught how to actually cook so I had to teach myself with what we had at the moment.

At least 10 minutes later, Marisa came into the living room, waving.

"Back to not talking?" I asked.

She sat down and stretched as I handed her some food. She didn't mind if it was bad or not, as long as it was edible in the first place.

I sat down next to her and continued drinking my coffee in silence. It was hard to start conversation with her.

I finished the coffee quickly, struggling to keep the bitter liquid down as I sat the glass down. Marisa finished her food slowly but surely, not because it was bad...hopefully, but because she didn't eat that fast.

It was her way of being Humane.


AN: I'm sorry my chapters aren't that long. I keep hitting writer's block and I'm trying to keep up with my other stories on Wattpad. Whoops.

A Way To Win (on Wattpad. Has three books)