4: Preparation

I stepped outside for the first time today and noticed it wasn't as cold as the other day. Still freezing, but not as much. I leaned against the railing and let a breath out and saw it in front of me before it disappeared. The cold air burned my lungs still but I already had gotten used to it. I watched as more snow continued to fall and remembered the time with my family. Being out in the snow and coming back inside to warm up and take a nice bath. That was years ago. That was a lifetime ago it felt like.

"2031. 2024. 7 years since then..." I whispered to myself, seeing my breath in front of my eyes as I closed them.

I opened my eyes to the same white snow I had seen falling in the past.

"Is there even a way to survive?" I questioned no one except myself, acting like someone was right next to me that would answer me.

I smiled and looked at my right hand. It was pale from the cold. I pushed off the metal and stepped back inside, feeling comfortable from the immediate difference in temperature. I shivered before going back to the kitchen. Marisa was finishing up at the table and I smiled when I saw she ate everything.

"I'm going a few miles out today, if you want to come you can. I'm going to be clearing out a building or two so the base can be expanded to new locations."

"Oh...am...Can...May..." Marisa's face reddened as she tried to find the words to use.

"You can come."

Marisa smiled and ran to grab her warmer clothing. It was cute to see her try and talk. Sure, she wasn't used to it after being silent for a very long time. She could've learn more but she chose not to.

"Don't worry...I'm going to take care of her. Whatever I may have to do, I'll take care of her. I promise."

Marisa came out a few minutes later and I already had my things. I straightened out her hair and pulled out my gun.

"When I pull this out, stay behind me and follow when I give certain signals. If I don't notice something try to point it out. I'm serious. You don't have to say much, just do something to get my attention."

Marisa nodded as I pulled out some extra gloves and put on my own gloves.

"This is the apocalypse we're living in. Not what it used to be, where we could play tag and easily act like zombies and help the tagger," I said, going through a set of memories. I opened the door and took yet another breath of freezing air. We walked down the stairs, me slipping slightly because of ice affecting it. Marisa slightly giggled.

"L-let's go. Remember what I said."


Sorry the chapter isn't that long. Writer's block.