Ch2- The Past Part 1

Where did it all go wrong?.... How did it get like this?....

I remember where it all began...

It was a hot summer day. Cara, Max, and I decided to go cool off at the ice cream parlor. We ate ice cream, joked around, and talked about funny matching outfits to wear on school dances. We waved bye to the guy in the parlor the second we left the place the heat hit from outside hit us like a rock.

"Summer is almost over and it gets this hot." Cara said while fanning herself which is ironic because she is wearing a grey jacket. I was about to give her a sassy look when I realized she looks nice today with her straight hair that is a little past her shoulders, her golden brown hair that is glowing today from the sun, her hazel like eyes, and her almost C- cup boobs.

I frown. She has the audacity to think they're small when I have a large A maybe a small B but it doesn't look like it. I decided to give her you ungrateful lucky b*tch frown, I was about to lightly smack the top of her head when I heard Max talking.

"Are you guys excited about anything this school year? I mean we are seniors." He smirked knowing I was going to smack Cara.

"Having four classes!" Cara quickly replied.

I rolled my eyes and looked at Max who was looking at me with his brown eyes full of curiosity. "All my anime's, webtoons, and manhwas won't be on hiatus anymore so I'm excited about that!" I smiled and crossed my arms.

"You eat those up like their candy. What's so good about the manhwas/manhuas you read anyways?"

"When are you going to cut your long hair like you said you would this summer?" I quickly replied.

Max grabbed his long red hair that's nearly half of his biceps. " It's fine I like my long luscious hair! Jealous?" He flipped his hair.

"I can't believe you dyed your hair red." I looked at him dumbfounded.

He waves his hand frantically. "It's fine when it fades. It will turn dark brown or orange which will fade into a light-medium brown color. Which isn't too far from my hair color."

I looked at him more dumbfoundedly. "I feel like it doesn't work like- never mind." I put my hand on my forehead. "Aren't you supposed to be the smart one?"

Max chuckled. "Jealous?" He smirked.

"Of you? No. Of your hair? Yes!" I mumbled some words under my breath. "Lucky ass genetics."

I grabbed some of my hair. " I'm jealous because it took me forever to get my hair this length and naturally wavy again!" I groaned. "If my mom wasn't so content with my hair being curly as hers, it would've been fine! Just unhealthy."

Cara puts her hand on my shoulder. "Hey, at least you got it the way you want it to be!"

"Yeah you're right but it was like war with my hair. Cutting it, taking hair growing pills, then products and oils never again... hopefully." I sigh. Just then the ground we use to stand on slowly disappeared revealing many colors below us, we fell and screamed at the top of our lungs.


Various colors moved all around us and sparkled as much as we were scared I had to admit this was pretty. "What the hell?!" Cara yelled.

"There's no need to yell, we're right here you idiot!" Max yelled back.

I interrupted their yelling. "Stop yelling! Let's just hope we don't die ... wherever we are."

"So we are going to die?" Cara asked.

I looked at her. "B*tch you lucky I can't get to you or else I'll smack you!" I tried moving my hand and up and down as if I could reach her, she sticks her tongue out. I saw blue skies, white fluffy clouds, some grass moving in the wind and a body of water.

"We would only die if none of us can't swim..." I said pointing at the water.

"I can swim for sure!" Max said confidently and got in position as if he was getting ready for a dive.

"I think I can swim." Cara sounded unsure.

"Same." We left the vibrant color air and were falling from the sky at incredible speed. We hold our breaths and brace ourselves for impact. SPLASH! I opened my eyes to being under with my friends. Max looked glad to see me up and swam over to Cara to check on her after she opened her eyes, we swam up to the surface.

We gasped for air. I smelled the sweet scent of many different flowers, I wiped my eyes and saw maids looking at us in shock and some guards protecting two people who looked like a couple they had some fancy clothing on.

It's where I met the Bourgeois's...

Cara leans towards me and Max. "I think we died."

Max looked at us. "I think we are in medieval times."

"How so?"

"Because of the architecture of the manor." Max pointed to the manor. I couldn't even express how tall the manor stood. It shined so brightly it looked elegant and rich.

"How the f*ck we got here?" Cara said almost aggressively.

"We fell through the sky! You were there too!" Max replied sassily.

"Call me crazy but I think we fell into a manhwa worlds that is based in the medieval times." I looked at my friends.

Max sighed and put his hand on his forehead. "Where did you get that from?"

" All the ones I've read either people getting teleported from the 21st century to a time like this or they went back in time somehow by magic or something." I look at Max. " I think we are in the same situation." Max kind of annoyed to me being right.

The couple the guards were protecting walked towards us. "Your grace...are you sure?" One of the guards asked. "Are they...going to help them?" One maid said to another. The man was handsome, he stood tall next to the girl, he had sky blue eyes, and his blond hair shined like gold. He raised his hand to dismiss any comments, no maids nor guards said anything after that.

"Help the poor fellas out of the lake and get them cleaned." The girl next to him said.

"Y-yes Your Grace!" The maids quickly helped Cara and Max out of the lake while the rest got towels for us. I saw a hand near my face and I looked up to see the lady. She had beautiful fair-like skin, long curly light blue hair, which brought out her amber eyes that had a little green to them and shined. I grabbed her hand and other maids helped me up, our eyes met and she gave me a warm smile with her pink glossy lips.

At that time I have never felt safer. The Bourgeois was so kind to me and my friends...

" Tell the head maid to find rooms for our guest!" The man commanded the guards and they hurriedly made their way inside the manor.

The girl looked at me and my friends. "Are you guys hurt anywhere?" She had a worried look and we shook our heads. I turned to my left to see the other maids putting towels around Max and Cara. I felt a towel around me. I looked to my right and saw a maid who looked cute.

I smiled at her. "Thank you!" She looked shocked as if she had never heard those words.

She gave a quick bow. " You're welcome I'm just doing my job." She looked away and I saw a little blush across her cheek. I hope I didn't embarrass her.

"Please get inside we don't want you to catch a cold." The man said while holding the girl's hand and giving a caring smile. I looked around me I was amazed by the garden it had so many flowers in different colors and sizes, trees standing tall and dancing nicely in the wind I saw a fountain far away from where I was standing. Everything in the garden was done so beautifully I could see why Cara thought we died. It's like a dream! The maids led us inside the manor and the couple was following right behind us, the second we were inside I was lost for words everything was beautiful from the polished wooden floors to the walls that shined.

"Maybe we did die." I leaned and whispered to Cara. She nods her head rapidly agreeing with me.

We turned to face the couple. "We will wait for you in the dining room once you are done. I bet you guys are hungry!" The man said with a smile.

"Oh, where would that be?" Max replied.

The man points down the hall to our left. "It would be down there but the maids would show you where to go. Don't worry."

"Please take care of them well okay?" The girl next to him asked.

"Yes, we will, Your Grace. You have nothing to worry about." The maids behind us said with a bow.

"That's good to hear! I feel like our guest here will be staying with us for a long time!" She said with a light chuckle. How is it possible to laugh cutely!? She locks arms with the man.

"Please let us show you the way." The maids said to all of us. Cara waved bye to us and followed the maids. Max went with some maids and I think a butler. I followed the maids in front of me. They opened the door to a huge room and my jaw dropped. IS EVERYTHING HERE GORGEOUS?!

"We have prepared you a hot bath. Are you allergic to flowers?" A maid in front of me asked.

I shyly responded. "No, as far as I'm aware I'm not allergic to anything."

"That's good. Let us help you out of your wet clothes." I nod my head and comply. I was in a robe and one maid left the room with my wet clothes. I wonder if Max and Cara are getting the same treatment? Another maid led me to the bathroom. I don't know how a bathroom can look so polished and fancy but this one did, I heard the door closed behind me.

"Please get in before it gets cold, miss." The maid said while getting something.

"Okay!" I faced the bathtub. It was huge and filled with bubbles and flower petals. It smelled lovely like perfume and flowers. I took off my robe and hopped in the tub. It still had some heat to it but I didn't mind I was cold from the lake and this warmed me up.

"Ahhh!~" I quickly closed my mouth. I got too relaxed and made that noise unintentionally.

"Enjoying yourself miss?" The maid with a smile while carrying some products.

"Yes, I am! Thank you!" I couldn't contain my smile.

"I'm glad miss! You can be relaxed as much as you want. Don't mind me."

"O-okay I will." I laid back on the tub. I picked up one of the flower petals and smelled it. It's a rose petal! I felt something cold on top of my head. I looked up and it was the maid washing my hair. They actually do this! I thought it only happened in the ones I read. I picked up some of the bubbles and blew them from my hand. I was enjoying myself too much but right now I didn't care. I put my toes to the surface, wiggled them, and giggled. Ugh, you're so childish! But you don't care.

"Miss, I'm going to massage you."

I turned my head to the maid. "Is that a thing you do?"

"Yes, miss. I will be quick." I felt her hands on my shoulders moving back and forth.

"Ouch!" I almost shrieked in pain.

"I'm so sorry, miss! I think you might have knots!"

"What's knots?"

"They're muscular knots, they are hard and when you touch or massage them, they hurt. It usually happens because of stress."

"Oh? I stress too much..."

"You need to relax more! It's not good for the body. I'll be more gentle."

"Yeah, I didn't know it would actually affect me physically." She goes back massaging my shoulders and back. From time to time my back would make a crack noise. I finished washing and she finished washing my hair. I got out of the tub and dried myself off. A new maid came in with a warm robe, I put it on and the maid wrapped a small towel around my hair.

I left the bathroom completely relaxed. I have never felt like this before. I should thank her! She was so kind to me! I saw two maids standing in the huge room that I assumed was for me. They were so cute. Is everyone here this attractive or what! The maid on the left was a redhead her hair was braided into two and at the end was little red ribbons, she had her bangs separate on the sides, I noticed she had a few freckles around her cheekbones it was so adorable, she had a big smile with her light red lips, and her green eyes shined so brightly full of energy and life. The maid on the right looked so mature for some reason, maybe it was her blondish hair in a cute little bun wrapped around a small blue ribbon with little bangs above her pale blue eyes, and she held her hands in front of her, her bright pink lips held a small smile.

This is where I met my personal maids... They treated me so well and had my back 24/7...