Ch3- The Past Part 2

They gave a small curtsy. The maid on the right spoke. "Hello, I am Stella Taylor it is nice to meet you, miss."

The maid on the left greeted herself. "And I'm Cassia Wood. We have been assigned to be your personal maids during your stay in the Bourgeois's manor."

"Oh thank you!" I try to do a curtsy in my robe without accidentally showing too much.

The maid that helped me spoke. "Oh no miss you don't need to do that!" Oh, I thought it would be respectful to do...

The maid the helped me looked at Stella and Cassia. "I suggest you give her massages often, she has knots in her shoulders."

"Oh okay, we'll keep that in mind. Thank you for telling me!" Stella gave a smile.

"We will excuse ourselves now." The maid that helped me and the maid that gave me a warm robe did a small curtsy and made their way out the door. I managed to stop them before they left.

"Hey! I- um.." I nervously played with my fingers. "I wanted to thank you... for everything you've done for me."

"Miss you don't have to thank me. I'm glad we were able to help you." She curtsy again and closed the door.

"Have a seat, miss!" Stella pulled a chair from the vanity once again it's beautiful just like everything else. The vanity shined, it had a big mirror and it was wide. It had a light tint of purple and wood wrapped around it. Stella removed the towel and started drying my hair.

"Cassia please go get the dresses for the miss!"

"Okay! I'll get right on that!" Cassia quickly left the room and closed the door.

I looked at myself in the mirror. The natural lighting that came from the big widows helped me see my glowing brown skin that is now soft to the touch, my brown eyes that I got lost in, and my brown wet wavy soft hair. Just then the door opened and racks that hold many dresses came out of the door, some huge and some small, some shined blindly others not so much, and some that are extra fancy and others, not that fancy. I think I'm in one of those princess movies.

"Are all of those dresses for me?"

I heard Stella giggling a little. "No miss it's for you to try and see what you like."

" Oh and my name is Zola you don't have to call me miss."

"I can't call you by your first name."

My jaw dropped. They really can't call me by my first name! "Um, can you call me Miss Zola?"

"Yes of course! Me and Cassia will try our best to refer to you as miss Zola."

I hear Cassia panting. "Do... I ... need to ... get ...more?"

I turned to face Cassia. "Why did you run?"

"I...didn' I walked really..really fast... so we wouldn't waste any time."

Stella stopped drying my hair. "That should be enough just arrange them and see what dresses Miss Zola likes. Okay?"

Cassia regains her breath. "Whew! Yes, I'll get right on that! And Zola is a pretty name!" Cassia immediately froze after she said that,

"What's wrong are you okay?!"

Cassia dropped to the ground on her knees. "I-I'm so sorry miss please for me! I said your name without saying a title first! I have made a mistake!"

"W-what?! It's okay! I don't mind!"

Stella moved near me. "But we are maids miss, we can't call you by your first name it's something we can get in trouble for."

"Oh, I see..." I sighed. "It's alright Cassia it's fine we make mistakes so please raise your head." Cassia lifted her head and there were tears in her eyes. I felt bad for her. I have no idea what she thought I might do but it must've scared her to death.

I smiled at Cassia. "How about you show me some dresses."

Cassia's eyes lit up, she dried her tears and quickly got up. She showed me some dresses while Stella did my hair.

"I don't like those really puffy dresses." After I said that Cassia immediately moved the rack of dresses next to her away. I laughed. I saw a nice dress not too puffy and not really flowy. It looked knee length, the top half was white with green vines and the bottom half had outlines on flower petals in red.

I pointed to the rack on the back. "That one it's perfect!" Cassia looked at the dress I pointed to. She took the dress off the rack and brought it closer to me.

"It's perfect! It doesn't have too much puffiness to it and it's pretty!" I had a huge smile on my face.

"We have a winner!" Cassia said happily.

"Now we know what kind of dresses she likes!" Stella said with a smile.

"Great! I'll get any dress accessories that go with it!" Cassia practically bouncing.

"I'm done with your hair but I don't think I'll do any makeup." I looked at the mirror, my hair had two small braids and was up in a ponytail. I saw Stella with a big smile.

"I love it! And why won't you do any makeup?"

"Because your natural beauty is beautiful without anything." I blushed a little after hearing that. I don't get that a lot but it means a lot.

"I might put some light pink for a blush." Stella grabbed a small container and put the little brush on my cheek. I looked at myself in the mirror. Maybe she's right... I do look pretty. That felt odd to think about.

Stella put a flower hair clip on me, Cassia brought back any accessories. Stella and Cassia helped me put on my dress, accessories, and my shoes.

They looked at me in awe. "You look so lovely, Miss!" They said in unison. I looked in the body mirror and they were right once again.

"Oh, where would my friends be?" I turned to Stella and Cassia.

"They are probably with the Duke and Duchess in the dining room." Cassia replied

"Ah! So that's what their status is."

I heard Stella giggling. "What did you think their status were?"

"I thought it was a royal but I heard the guards say Your Grace then I didn't know what their status was."

"If this was the Royal palace you would know! It's huge and filled with so many people and the Emperor-" Stella stopped and realized she was rambling.

"Uh- let's take you to the dining room!" Stella practically pushed me out the door.

"Whoa! Slow down!"

I walked behind Stella and Cassia as they led the way to the dining room on the way I saw many maids and servants. I feel so out of place. I saw many windows on my way there and the view of outside was stunning. Once we got there I saw two big doors that I assumed were the entryway to the dining room. I saw a butler. He bowed quickly at me.

I heard a loud voice." Miss Zola is entering! " The big two doors in front of me opened. Do they always do this or is it a one time thing?

I'm gonna go blind at how pretty these rooms in the manor are! I saw Cara, Max, The Duke, and The Duchess. Oh my gosh! Cara and Max look so amazing wtf! Max had looked fancy for once. He had his hair in a low ponytail, a brown vest at least that what it looks like, behind his vest was a white button-up shirt that went to his elbows, and he had a tie on.

"Since when do you wear ties?"

"Since you were right about being magically teleported to another world.

"You're basically admitting I'm right." I winked at him and laughed.

"So we are forgetting about me?" Cara stands up to show off her outfit. She looked different mainly because the dress she's wearing has some puffiness to it. The dress was past knee-length, the colors of yellow and brown reminded me of a sunflower, and it seemed to be tight around her waist and above.

"You didn't seem the type to like puffy dresses. I thought you would wear pants." I put some of my fingers over my mouth and chuckled.

Cara stared at me blankly."I hate you."

"It's glad to see you guys are getting comfortable." I heard the duke talking and immediately hid my smile. " Please have a set! I bet you guys are starving." He held his hand out to the chairs. I walked over to the table it was long the Duke on one end and the Duchess on the other. Max was on the opposite side of the table while Cara and I were on the same side only one chair apart from each other. I saw Stella pulled out a chair for me and I sat down. She pushed my seat up to the table, I thanked her, and Cassia put a napkin on my lap.

"Oh! How rude of us! We didn't introduce ourselves!" The Duchess looked disappointed.

"Ah you're correct! Please forgive us for our rudeness."

The Duchess smiled brightly. "I'm Laelynn Bourgeois. Wife to the Duke, it's a pleasure to meet you." Laelynn fixed herself in her chair.

The Duke put his hand on his chest, and did a bow. "I'm Cedric Bourgeois. It's an honor to have you in our home." The servants in room stood as if they were watching a show. Me, Max, and Cara sat there in shock. I wasn't expecting that for an introduction!!

I look around. "I guess I'll go first." I do a little nod. "I'm Zola Grey.. Uh... I am thankful you let me and my friends in your home." I look behind me to see Stella and Cassia silently clapping for me.

Max attempted to do a bow in his seat. I'm Max Lee." He looked at us awkwardly.

Cara looked as if she didn't want to give a introduction. "I'm Cara Smith and I don't know what's happening."

I look at Duke Cedric. "Why did you help us?" He was about to speak when Laelynn cut him off.

"You know what they say! Good things fall from the sky." She gave a awkward smile.

Max looked at her confused. "We are people, not things. And that's not a saying. How would you know that we could hurt you."

She sighed defeatedly. "I saw you guys in a dream." We all looked at her confused and dumbfounded.

"My dream showed me all 3 of you and told me that you will change the world for the better." There was a long silence after she said that.